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Man arrested for Pakistani crescent on Indian flag

You already got the report from US judiciary? Think again..

Occupy Charlotte protesters jailed after burning U.S. flags

People get arrested in Pakistan as well for burning or disfiguring not only Pakistani flag but also US flag.There was this singular incident where a Pakistani man died after inhaling fumes of a burning American flag.Many were arrested.

from your article
"Police said the men claimed they were burning the flag in protest. Burning the flag is not illegal, however doing it outside of a fire pit, and within ten feet from flammable tents poses a problem."

It helps if you read the article before you use them as evidence, it will help you from making a fool of yourself. :enjoy:
from your article
"Police said the men claimed they were burning the flag in protest. Burning the flag is not illegal, however doing it outside of a fire pit, and within ten feet from flammable tents poses a problem."

It helps if you read the article before you use them as evidence, it will help you from making a fool of yourself. :enjoy:

Oh.. yes ofcourse..it is not a crime in US,not any more,now that the Flag Desecration Amendment in US has failed by one vote.But then again,our land is not ruled by Americans,in your case,that may not be true.
nothing, he can hoist any flag he wants.
If it bothers people maybe they can talk to him, but no one is going to throw him in jail.
And read the title "Man arrested..."

The best part is that it's not even a Pakistani flag, it's just a crescent moon which is a symbol for Muslims.
So all this guy did was say "I am Indian and India is home to Muslims"
of course since Asoka's Chakra is on the flag, India is only home to Dharmic religions. :rolleyes:

Sorry , my Bad!
But He was arrested for Distorting the National Flag. There was no violence ... nothing of that sort!!
Dont U think it is some kind of `relief`. Given any thing pro- Pak in India (and may be vice-versa in Pak) is considered anti- national ? I think the community in that town of Gujrat handled it pretty sanely!!
heres another link , a Christian Priest... this time just not Muslim Gentleman.
Mangalore Catholic priest arrested for alleged violation of flag code | Christian Persecution Update

and this link 2 Hindu men arrested with various IPC`s , 1 including dishonoring National flag

2 Air India men in cop net for insulting judges, flag - Times Of India

Another Hindu man arrested for Dishonoring National Flag , this time well known Artist Aseem Trivedi!!

Indian cartoonist arrested for sedition | Media | guardian.co.uk

This Link about an Hindu Indian Actress for wearing Indian Flag as a bikini

PHOTOS: Gehna Vashisht to be arrested for using Indian flag as bikini? - daily.bhaskar.com
there are a Lot more... If somebody wants a change in National Flag , they shouldAppeal in S.C. (I think ) not just do it themselves!!

..and the Irony is the first 2 pages of Google produced Links where in most of the arrests the Violator were Hindus themselves!!
Oh.. yes ofcourse..it is not a crime in US,not any more,now that the Flag Desecration Amendment in US has failed by one vote.But then again,our land is not ruled by Americans,in your case,that may not be true.

You lost this one, bow out with honor instead of further making a fool of yourself.
Sorry , my Bad!
But He was arrested for Distorting the National Flag. There was no violence ... nothing of that sort!!
Dont U think it is some kind of `relief`. Given any thing pro- Pak in India (and may be vice-versa in Pak) is considered anti- national ? I think the community in that town of Gujrat handled it pretty sanely!!
heres another link , a Christian Priest... this time just not Muslim Gentleman.
Mangalore Catholic priest arrested for alleged violation of flag code | Christian Persecution Update

and this link 2 Hindu men arrested with various IPC`s , 1 including dishonoring National flag

2 Air India men in cop net for insulting judges, flag - Times Of India

Another Hindu man arrested for Dishonoring National Flag , this time well known Artist Aseem Trivedi!!

Indian cartoonist arrested for sedition | Media | guardian.co.uk

This Link about an Hindu Indian Actress for wearing Indian Flag as a bikini

PHOTOS: Gehna Vashisht to be arrested for using Indian flag as bikini? - daily.bhaskar.com
there are a Lot more... If somebody wants a change in National Flag , they shouldAppeal in S.C. (I think ) not just do it themselves!!

..and the Irony is the first 2 pages of Google produced Links where in most of the arrests the Violator were Hindus themselves!!

here are some of the things people did with the Canadian flag




Warning NSFW

non of these people went to jail for it.
India is trying hard to present itself as a democracy but then does silly things like send people to jail for stuff like this or liking on facebook.
here are some of the things people did with the Canadian flag




Warning NSFW

non of these people went to jail for it.
India is trying hard to present itself as a democracy but then does silly things like send people to jail for stuff like this or liking on facebook.

Lets talk about the Birth country... U live in Canada ,Me in Ireland!!
Lets talk on the topic on hand!! Not what xyz does in their country. Their constitution gives them the right to use theor flag as they want.. ours , Sub- continents , DONT!!
non of these people went to jail for it.
India is trying hard to present itself as a democracy but then does silly things like send people to jail for stuff like this or liking on facebook.

India doesn't allow desecrating the quran for example, those countries see that as free speech. We have our laws & they have theirs. The Supreme Court supports the presence of the law, even if there are few cases of successful prosecutions and there it stands. We are not looking for certificates of our democratic credentials from anyone.
I've seen Times of India Merge and mesh Pakistani and Indian flags together for Aman ka tamasha stuff... Maybe he was doing the same.
I've seen Times of India Merge and mesh Pakistani and Indian flags together for Aman ka tamasha stuff... Maybe he was doing the same.

:) which is why there will never be a successful prosecution. He could claim exactly what you said & there will be no judge who would convict him on that.:lol:
:) which is why there will never be a successful prosecution. He could claim exactly what you said & there will be no judge who would convict him on that.:lol:

Are you jails THIS available that you are looking to send such people to jail?
Are you jails THIS available that you are looking to send such people to jail?

What does availability of jails have to do with carrying out an investigation? The cops do not have a unilateral right to dismiss a complaint regardless of the occupancy rate of prisons. If a complaint has been filed, the cops will pursue action and if a settlement isn't reached upon, the case moves to the courts. Simple.
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