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Mamata takes umbrage against BSF killings on Indo-Bangla border

Indian politician, Mamata Banerjee's message to the BSF terrorist organization is stop illegal abuse of civilians.

Former Indian federal minister Mamata Banerjee's message to Hindutva extremists and the BSF terrorist organization is to stop border terrorism and the murder of civilians.

This thread is about your fellow Indian, Mamata Banerjee and her comments on BSF terrorism. Her words have far more weight than an online anonymous Hindutva troll. Please tell her what you think of BSF terrorism and why you support it.

Mamata Banerjee represents West Bengal. West Bengal says no to BSF terrorism.

So what, why don't you stop your people from illegally trespassing into India, we Indians don't like your illegal trespassing.
Ok enough..can anyone inform me that BSF is testing the DRDO MSMC on these cattle smugglers??? I don't care about which nationality they belong to...when your are smuggling (drugs,cattle,valuable goods) or crossing the border illegally,you deserve to be shot..it can be a bangladeshi or even indian who crossed over there "illegally" and now crossing over... BGB can follow the same suite if they wish and we have no complaints
So what, why don't you stop your people from illegally trespassing into India, we Indians don't like your illegal trespassing.

Do you expect any sane replies from these shameless people. They want to come to india illegally and don't want india to stop them. Their behaviour can not be rationally explained.

I'm all for BSF shooting down every single one of these illegal pole vaulters. If these jokers can not be reasoned with, then a bullet will do the trick very effectively.
Do you expect any sane replies from these shameless people. They want to come to india illegally and don't want india to stop them. Their behaviour can not be rationally explained.

I'm all for BSF shooting down every single one of these illegal pole vaulters. If these jokers can not be reasoned with, then a bullet will do the trick very effectively.

Yes, and they live in delusion that like Sikkim India will merge their swamp into India. :cheesy:
I agree with you that BSF should not execute people. But these are international borders and they need to be protected, sometime with use of force. For example in pakistan border, lot of infiltrators come not as smugglers but as terrorists. In some instances they are caught but mostly they are killed.
Its very difficult for BSF to catch these people and shooting is a deterrent (not killing as such).

If BSF gets hold of some smuggler and executes him, that is definitely human right violation and they should be given strict punishment for that.
Same goes for illegal migrants.

There is a difference between somebody setting his dogs on me when I am in a public place and me being bitten by dog when I scale some wall and tried to enter somebody's house.

I agree with you........That is why Dhaka and Delhi agreed on using rubber bullets.......it would be a better solution to stop and capture people!
I agree with you that BSF should not execute people. But these are international borders and they need to be protected, sometime with use of force. For example in pakistan border, lot of infiltrators come not as smugglers but as terrorists. In some instances they are caught but mostly they are killed.
Its very difficult for BSF to catch these people and shooting is a deterrent (not killing as such).

If BSF gets hold of some smuggler and executes him, that is definitely human right violation and they should be given strict punishment for that.
Same goes for illegal migrants.

There is a difference between somebody setting his dogs on me when I am in a public place and me being bitten by dog when I scale some wall and tried to enter somebody's house.

Hinduguy the voice of reason and sanity in contrast to a sea of anti-Bangladeshi, Bangladesh-obsessed Indian trolls who need their daily dosage of Bangladesh-bashing on PDF to get through the day.

Mamata didi defending bangalis from the evil north.

If India were to ever break up and West Bengal were in grave danger, I don't think we'd go as far as to send soldiers to help them but short of that I'm sure we would do as much as we could to help our Bengali brothers in West Bengal and Tripura.

They helped us in 1971 and mobilized as a people to aid us.
Well we don't care about indian people .but our people whether smuggler or not must get proper justice. Shoot and kill is not the solution!

Your lungian leaders don't even drink a glass of water without New Delhi's permission. So, stop living in your la-la land and wake up and smell the coffee.

Hinduguy the voice of reason and sanity in contrast to a sea of anti-Bangladeshi, Bangladesh-obsessed Indian trolls who need their daily dosage of Bangladesh-bashing on PDF to get through the day.

Mate, most of the Indians on this forum start with a very positive views about Bangladesh but then Certified trolls like Munshi/Kobiraaz/Luffy 500/Al-Zakir and their likes of razaakars don't miss an opportunity to malign India. Just the other day Pak didn't release their players for Bangladeshi T20 and they see Indian propaganda in that too. Where did India come from?

Anything wronf happens in your country, Bangladeshis are very quick to blame everything on RAWmy league and their INDIAN friends.
Hinduguy the voice of reason and sanity in contrast to a sea of anti-Bangladeshi, Bangladesh-obsessed Indian trolls who need their daily dosage of Bangladesh-bashing on PDF to get through the day.

If India were to ever break up and West Bengal were in grave danger, I don't think we'd go as far as to send soldiers to help them but short of that I'm sure we would do as much as we could to help our Bengali brothers in West Bengal and Tripura.

They helped us in 1971 and mobilized as a people to aid us.
You cannot count that out, most sane people have some sort of soft corner for wb, even the ruling elites. BAL more so. You will also note lot of indians post in the bd section and most understand bangali, it from the soft corner. Same if pdf had a wb section we'd troll there.
WB being the 4th most populous state with a pop of 91 million does not have a single regiment. The northern elites will never allow this. Visit bharat rakshak forums if u want to know how indians feel about bangalis/wb.
Hinduguy the voice of reason and sanity in contrast to a sea of anti-Bangladeshi, Bangladesh-obsessed Indian trolls who need their daily dosage of Bangladesh-bashing on PDF to get through the day.

We Indians have nothing against Bangladeshis that legally come to India, we welcome them. But Bangladeshi smugglers/illegal migrants are a problem to us. Most of the Bangladeshis that die in the border are smugglers that fire first. You cant really blame BSF for killings, in most cases it happens due to altercation from both sides. There are rarely cases where BSF catches and then kills an infiltrator.

The treatment BSF gives to BD is very similar to the treatment BSF gives to any other infiltrator in border areas of Pak/China.
I cannot understand why this issue comes up time & again.

Instead of feeling sorry for what BSF does why dont ppl from BD focus on what BGB does not do ?

The fact that smugglers are able to cross almost at will strongly indicates that BGB does nothing to stop them.

We should work with BGB to see that these smuggling activities come to minimum. No one wants to kill people if it can be avoided with intervention. But in the middle of the night with poor visibility and cover of darkness what can one do?? You can only instruct the BSF to shoot in self defense but it is the responsibility of BGB and BD govt. to educate their people not to cross the border.

On a side note why don't they import cattle through legal means and make it available cheap for their country men. No smuggling means no killings. If these killing are happening for so long and there is no reaction from BD to reduce the crossing then one comes to conclusion that they don't value their country men lives.
We should work with BGB to see that these smuggling activities come to minimum. No one wants to kill people if it can be avoided with intervention. But in the middle of the night with poor visibility and cover of darkness what can one do?? You can only instruct the BSF to shoot in self defense but it is the responsibility of BGB and BD govt. to educate their people not to cross the border.

On a side note why don't they import cattle through legal means and make it available cheap for their country men. No smuggling means no killings. If these killing are happening for so long and there is no reaction from BD to reduce the crossing then one comes to conclusion that they don't value their country men lives.

Read post No 38.

How can you work ' closely' with an orgnisation that makes money thanks to what goes on along the border ?

How can this stop ? It wont because it cannot.
You guys "shoot on sight" even our border patrol doesn't fire on people trying to sneak across and we're dealing with much worse drug cartels/smugglers.
Bangladesh is no Shariah! Its democracy! Here i am talking as a Bangladesh hoisting Bangladeshi flag. Don't try to derail the thread!

Nationalism is haram bro, more so coming from a khalifate man. Don't support smugglers just because they happen to be of Bangladesh, a nation which is of no consequence beside Islamic treatment of smugglers.


You guys "shoot on sight" even our border patrol doesn't fire on people trying to sneak across and we're dealing with much worse drug cartels/smugglers.

No one shoot on sight, its a policy decision by Indian govt to have minimum casualties in India bd border. Bsf shoot only in self defense.
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