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Mamata takes umbrage against BSF killings on Indo-Bangla border

Felani was not supposed to be in India in the first place.

Why dont you guys stay within your country..we within our country so we all live happily together ?

I do not support illegal immigration.If Felani was not an Indian then she should have been deported not killed!
Saudi's do a lot of Un-Islamic stuff!Sati Daha was widely practiced in India so should I consider 'becoming a widow' is punishable by death in an inferno under Hinduism?

Sati has been abolished like 150 years ago. Welcome to 2013..:)

I do not support illegal immigration.If Felani was not an Indian then she should have been deported not killed!

And they would come back again..see you guys are leaving us no choice and forcing us do very unpleasant things. But as far as I am concerned it is the illegal immigrants who are to blamed for this whole fiasco, not the BSF.
Centre should go for an open market as proposed by BSF. It could minimize the illegal trading to some extent.
First of all BSF is a Para-military organization, and their job is to guard our troubled borders.Cracking down smuggling is one of their job.Only logical reason some one illegal crossing into to our side is to do something illegal,if he get killed,Its his/her fault.If some one want to come to India,then apply for a visa don't do paulvaulting.

There is international law for that.........you have to arrest and prosecute or deport them and not KILL them!

Sati has been abolished like 150 years ago. Welcome to 2013..:)

And they would come back again..see you guys are leaving us no choice and forcing us do very unpleasant things. But as far as I am concerned it is the illegal immigrants who are to blamed for this whole fiasco, not the BSF.

If they come back again you are supposed to deport them or jail them again!!Please stop justifying killing of unarmed civilians!

The Sati was abolished by the Brits if they had not invaded us Hindus would still be burning people alive!BTW Drug peddlers are also executed under the US constitution!It is not a human rights issue unless it is handled by proper authority!
There is international law for that.........you have to arrest and prosecute or deport them and not KILL them!

As I said,they are shooting for self defense.Often smugglers are armed with deadly weapons.You should know Both Indians and Bangladeshis are killed during shootings.
If they come back again you are supposed to deport them or jail them again!!Please stop justifying killing of unarmed civilians!

We cant jail them man..our facilities are already over crowded and lack facilities even for Indian inmates..nd also we cant afford playing hide-n-seek game with illegal immigrants.
We cant jail them man..our facilities are already over crowded and lack facilities even for Indian inmates..nd also we cant afford playing hide-n-seek game with illegal immigrants.

How does inability to deliver justice justify extrajudicial killing.I understand you guys have a problem but BSF can't just go around shooting people!

As I said,they are shooting for self defense.Often smugglers are armed with deadly weapons.You should know Both Indians and Bangladeshis are killed during shootings.

Show me the proof of a shootout between drug smugglers and BSF in Indo-Bangla border!And killing Indians does not justify killing Bangladeshis.
I cannot understand why this issue comes up time & again.

Instead of feeling sorry for what BSF does why dont ppl from BD focus on what BGB does not do ?

The fact that smugglers are able to cross almost at will strongly indicates that BGB does nothing to stop them.
How does inability to deliver justice justify extrajudicial killing.I understand you guys have a problem but BSF can't just go around shooting people!

Show me the proof of a shootout between drug smugglers and BSF in Indo-Bangla border!And killing Indians does not justify killing Bangladeshis.

Their was a human rights watch report on this killings some years back.According to them them, most of them were killed when they crossed into Indian territory for indulging in cattle raiding or other smuggling activities.This happens all across the world,Thousands of illegal migrants and drug smugglers have been killed in US-Mexico border in past few decades.
Their was a human rights watch report on this killings some years back.According to them them, most of them were killed when they crossed into Indian territory for indulging in cattle raiding or other smuggling activities.This happens all across the world,Thousands of illegal migrants and drug smugglers have been killed in US-Mexico border in past few decades.

Again how does that justify BSF killings??
Being from Bengal myself, I have many relatives near the border. The thing is, its not as if BSF simply shoots anyone it desires. What a load of bullshit. It is only when people cross the initial border markings and come over to the actual border/ evcen cross into India. Now, obviously these smugglers are not there "by accident". So they try to flee/ run/ even some shoot back. This is when BSF resorts to shooting.

Can any BD member answer my 2 questions?
1) How come these "innocent" people simply walk towards border and cross it, even after seeing so many check posts/ fence/ markings? And mostly, after being killed, they are found to be smugglers. There are cases of collateral damage. i am not denying that. But majority are smugglers/ criminals and you can't deny it.

2) What is BGB doing during all this? Can't they manage their own side and prevent people from coming too close to the border? If so, then I would say they are an incompetent bunch. Also, by killing these smugglers (50 % being Indians), I would say BSF is doing a favour to BD. Anyway, this is way too complicated than it is made to look by BD posters here.

Let me repeat. No one in the BSF are demons/ talibanies who simply go on a rampage to kill innocent. They are a professional force. Every firing is duly investigated and evry soldier is responsible for each shot fired from his hand held rifle.
Again how does that justify BSF killings??

Huh,good question??How does any kind of killing can be justified,For Eg take death penalty.Do you think its justified,This is a matter of great debate.Many think its not and should be banned globally.Some others like India,KSA or Pakistan disagrees.At the end of the day its all murder and people will find some justification for it.IMO,Only killing I can justify is done under self defense.I don't even support capital punishment.
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Huh,good question??How does any kind of killing can be justified,For Eg take death penalty.Do you think its justified,This is a matter of great debate.Many think its not and should be banned globally.Some others like India,KSA or Pakistan disagrees.At the end of the day its all murder and people will find some justification for it.IMO,Only killing I can justify is done under self defense.I don't even support capital punishment.

GREAT.......than you obviously think that BSF is doing the wrong thing right?
GREAT.......than you obviously think that BSF is doing the wrong thing right?

I don't think any of us know the circumstances under which these killings happens,All we know are some obscure press reports and some politically motivated allegations and counter allegations.But I am pretty sure BSF only authorizes deadly force under extreme circumstances.
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