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Malaysia More Inclined Towards Indian HAL Tejas Over Pakistani JF-17 Thunder – Reports

We'll if you trade your samosa with palm oil then its defiantly has edge over JFT, technological comparison is out of question here. If Tejas was so technologically advance then IAF would have inducted it long ago, Navy would have been operating it along with MIGs and you may not have to go for all new MK-2 design.
I tried to find sources which I ever find are some Pakistani made Youtube videos claiming Malaysia asking for evaluation........... COuldnt find an credible article.

It's in one of Mahatir's interviews he himself says I've asked if Pakistan can lend us 1-2 jets for evaluations. Not a news article so would be on YouTube.
I read that article. I said no "credible" sources. Hell it doesnt even mention unknown officials. Its like someone created an article on hearsay. Like some official from Malaysian govt or something.

Then you will need to find the video where either the Malaysian Prime Minister is being shown the JF-17 and is given a g-force jacket with a display model, or the one in which he said that Pakistan will give a bloody nose. It's in one of those where he says.

I read that article. I said no "credible" sources. Hell it doesnt even mention unknown officials. Its like someone created an article on hearsay. Like some official from Malaysian govt or something.

Tejas failed to delivered desire result to IAF due to lack of HAL productivity. This plane best time on production was between 1998 till 2008. Tejas lost its war before its produces and now it is very risky business because Tejas is not mature product and need atleast 5 to 7 years (Hal case may be 10 years) to mature vrs plane (JF17) already mature with combat proven. Please don't tell me that Tejas is mature platform and do some research on it before saying anything.
Bottomline: Good plane lost her war due to HAL idiotic planing and lack of professionalism.
February 2019 came

Jf17 was front and center defending Pakistans skies

JOB WELL DONE JF 17S:pakistan:

Where was tejas whilst india was being humiliated????
Tejas is new generation stealth , it can't be caught in radar ... Cause it's never in the Sky to begin with , so it's obvious Mahatir will chose Tejas for his country .
Hehehe.. Both Chinese (Pakistani) and Indian planes will most likely not get selected. Warriors from both sides can keep fighting on internet.

JF-17 Thunder and the Korean jet have the best chances. Like it or not. Pakistan has offered Malaysia a transfer of technology as well wherein Malaysian companies will be able to manufacture JF-17 spare parts and components.
JF-17 Thunder and the Korean jet have the best chances. Like it or not. Pakistan has offered Malaysia a transfer of technology as well wherein Malaysian companies will be able to manufacture JF-17 spare parts and components.

Frankly I dont care who wins. Number of Aircrafts is very low. And therefore ToT does not make much sense. But worse things have happened in Armament industry. Who knows ToT may therefore be the deal clincher...
All the best to Pakistan.....

Don't forget to barter in palmoil for jf-17
I read that article. I said no "credible" sources. Hell it doesnt even mention unknown officials. Its like someone created an article on hearsay. Like some official from Malaysian govt or something.

Malaysia More Inclined Towards Indian HAL Tejas Over Pakistani JF-17 Thunder – Reports
EurAsian Times
May 29, 2019

Speaking to Financial Express on condition of anonymity, a top official has said that “There are various dimensions to the export of the LCA Tejas to Malaysia. In fact, the whole LCA programme will receive the much-needed boost, and HAL will get international recognition for its design capability and validation for its product.”

you mean like this one :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
If malaysia want Cost effective multi role fighter then Malaysia will pick JF17. If india Offers TOT then malysia will think about tejas. India need to find alternative of Israel components , & U.S.A engine which is unacceptable for malysia.
Also since JF-17 Blk-2 production has stopped, Tejas now has to compete with upcoming JF-17 Blk-3 (August 19).
Also JF 17 blk 3 isnt the one being offered as its cost will be higher. :/
OTOH, besides Palm oil barter, India is also ready to take RMAF's older Mig 29s. Pak cant do that.
Tejas The Samosa will give similar results in Malaysian Air Force as Dhruvs gave in Ecuadorian Air Force

Following the crash of one of the Dhruvs in October 2009, Ecuador reportedly considered returning their six helicopters to HAL amid claims of being unfit for service;[84] EAF commander Genl. Rodrigo Bohorquez stated "If it is a major problem that can't be easily remedied, we would have to return [the Dhruv]." HAL assisted the crash investigation, which found the cause to be pilot error.[85] In February 2011, the EAF were reported to be satisfied with the Dhruv's performance and was considering further orders.[86] By October 2015, a total of four Ecuadorian Dhruvs had crashed reportedly due to mechanical equipment and Ecuador grounded the type.[87] In October 2015 Ecuador cancelled the contract and withdrew the surviving helicopters from service, non-delivery of parts and high accident rate were cited.[88] In 2016, the Ecuadorian Minister of Defence Ricardo Patiño announced that the remainder of the HAL Dhruv helicopters of the Ecuadorian Air Force, which are stored at the Guayaquil Air Base are for sale and that the Air Force is looking for potential buyers.

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