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Malaysia Malay anti China riot

Suharto also the one who assinated the 6 Generals besides brainwashing the innocents for the killings

i'm not quite sure, but it seems that USA is the one who corrupted Suharto into doing their biddings. Suharto was a good guy before as he fight against the Dutch alongside General Sudirman..

Man, what you said is only your assumption. We cannot say thing like that if there is no hard evidence on it.
you're late. here is the current Governor of Indonesia's capital city. he is Chinese-Indonesian

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he is INDEED mixed with the Natives. otherwise he won't be the Governor. also Indonesians doesn't make it a problem anymore like in the old days. they're moving on together now, both the Natives and the Chinese-Indonesian.

Which part of ahok mixed with the natives?
Which part of ahok mixed with the natives?

Hei man, relax a bit....he means Indonesian who has Chinese ethnic

Have you seen Indonesian winner at Asian Next Top Model 2015.........

Ayu Gani (Japanese, Chinese, and Javanese blood)


@Nihonjin1051 maybe interested to look this union as well...........:partay:
I already explained previously that we define Chinese differently especially in English language.
You are the one who don't get it.
Just like American born Japanese. Their nationality is American, but they are ethic Japanese. Japanese is the identity. We are not talking about nationality. If not why should people setup China towns (with lots of Chinese) all around the world.
Just take me as an example: 我是华人,不是中国人。See, in English language (as this is English language forum), 华人 and/or 中国人 = Chinese.

No, I disagree to your point. You guys can control the English language, when something refers to you closely.
"Just take me as an example: 我是华人,不是中国人。See, in English language (as this is English language forum), 华人 and/or 中国人 = Chinese". Change it into suitable definition when the misname easily bring misunderstanding. That's your own thing, you can't depend on others to do it.
In China, we changed some wrong name, defination, for example, Peking into Bejing, Chairman into President, the English language need to accept the proper ones.
Japan is almost a mono-ethnic nation, which has very small amount of Ryukyu, Ainu. Japanese could be both ethnic and nationality.
Hei man, relax a bit....he means Indonesian who has Chinese ethnic

Have you seen Indonesian winner at Asian Next Top Model 2015.........

Ayu Gani (Japanese, Chinese, and Javanese blood)


@Nihonjin1051 maybe interested to look this union as well...........:partay:
Her job is a teacher or programer ? The blackboard looks like the software project architecture to me ...
Her job is a teacher or programer ? The blackboard looks like the software project architecture to me ...

Nope, she is learning English language at university. She is more like Japanese in my opinion than Chinese or even Javanese.
Man, what you said is only your assumption. We cannot say thing like that if there is no hard evidence on it.

this is the evidence. a documentary from the ex-executioner from the mass communist purge. this isn't hard evidence (as it's made by murica) but at least you'll get the insight of what "Truly" happened back then. if evidence is what you want, ask the CIA to give a COMPLETE explanation about their involvement.

Which part of ahok mixed with the natives?

every chinese in indonesia is PART of the natives. if you don't know what i mean, it's simply my way to say "Assimilation".

you think it's better for Chinese to stay as Chinese than being Indonesians?
this is the evidence. a documentary from the ex-executioner from the mass communist purge. this isn't hard evidence (as it's made by murica) but at least you'll get the insight of what "Truly" happened back then. if evidence is what you want, ask the CIA to give a COMPLETE explanation about their involvement.

every chinese in indonesia is PART of the natives. if you don't know what i mean, it's simply my way to say "Assimilation".

you think it's better for Chinese to stay as Chinese than being Indonesians?

Being Indonesian is impossible before the Indonesian learn Thanksgiving.
thanksgiving for what exactly?

Helped to develop your nation in the far past; assist you guys to fight against colonial forces, get independence; helped to boom the countries economy rise these years; colorful your nation's culture; help to enhance diplomatic relations with China, east Asia nations, lots of things you guys need to thanksgiving. Most important, the govt and people has to apologize for the massacre in 1960's and 1998.
I already explained previously that we define Chinese differently especially in English language.
You are the one who don't get it.
Just like American born Japanese. Their nationality is American, but they are ethic Japanese. Japanese is the identity. We are not talking about nationality. If not why should people setup China towns (with lots of Chinese) all around the world.
Just take me as an example: 我是华人,不是中国人。See, in English language (as this is English language forum), 华人 and/or 中国人 = Chinese.

Technically, English language defined Chinese as Ethnic Chinese (华人) and China(ese) National as the Citizen of China (中国人)
Helped to develop your nation in the far past; assist you guys to fight against colonial forces, get independence; helped to boom the countries economy rise these years; colorful your nation's culture; help to enhance diplomatic relations with China, east Asia nations, lots of things you guys need to thanksgiving. Most important, the govt and people has to apologize for the massacre in 1960's and 1998.

You need to learn more buddy. Who is assisting native Indonesian in fighting against colonial force...? Getting independence...? Helping to develop the nation..? All people living in Indonesia of course have contribution on that, no need to thank on particular ethnic, instead foreign migration people needs to thank Indonesian native to accept them here. I dont see any Arab Indonesian see that way you think though.

Based on military history it is more Sumatran and Javanese troops who become backbone of our Army in fighting against Dutch (and also Britain in the early phase of our independence war), and we have military training from Japanese actually during WW 2. There are 30.000 trained troops from Sumatra and 40.000 trained troops from Java. The troops name is PETA, first established by Japanese military to help them against the allied force. PETA becomes our national army after Japanese surrendered.
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this is the evidence. a documentary from the ex-executioner from the mass communist purge. this isn't hard evidence (as it's made by murica) but at least you'll get the insight of what "Truly" happened back then. if evidence is what you want, ask the CIA to give a COMPLETE explanation about their involvement.

every chinese in indonesia is PART of the natives. if you don't know what i mean, it's simply my way to say "Assimilation".

you think it's better for Chinese to stay as Chinese than being Indonesians?

No you wrong, the natives is natives, the Chinese is Chinese....

Of course it's better we stay as Chinese , we have our culture and way of thinking..

While the Indonesian.... Meh...
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