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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

He should come to Pakistan we will surely give him Pakistani citizenship.
After murica, india is the second leading exporter of terrorism, disgusting.

It's a contest...each trying to see who gets #1. :D

Pakistan should give political asylum to Dr Zakir Naik

He should come to Pakistan we will surely give him Pakistani citizenship.

For some reason, he doesn't like Pakistan, I think it's because of the spineless Elites which is why he never thought of coming here.

But yea, opinions can change over time......if we extend a hand of friendship.
Invite him to Pakistan on special Passport

Peace Passport

He can help us awaken the 200 million dormant Muslims in India
Once he see how openly we eat cow and eat tikka kabab he will know difference of living in Pakistan and living in Oppressed nation like India

Dr Naik should be invited as Guest of Nation
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I wish he would just come to Pak.Those who are closest to Allah are given the hardest tests.

Pakistan should give political asylum to Dr Zakir Naik

He should come to Pakistan we will surely give him Pakistani citizenship.

Crazy Dr. Zakir Naik hates Pakistan and has stated that he opposed the creation of Pakistan. He said this before the Hindus went Hindutva crazy one him and tried to jail him. And then before he had to run away from India. During those days all he wanted to do was appease the hindus.

Ironically, now he must be envying pakistan. Allah now showed him why Pakistan is important and why it was created.

He used to try to show show how hinduism and islam are actually the same by quoting some Vedas that spoke about monotheism. He was trying to appease them.

Crazy Dr. Zakir Naik hates Pakistan and has stated that he opposed the creation of Pakistan. He said this before the Hindus went Hindutva crazy one him and tried to jail him. And then before he had to run away from India. During those days all he wanted to do was appease the hindus.

Ironically, now he must be envying pakistan. Allah showed him why Pakistan is important and why it was created.

He used to try to show show how hinduism and islam are actually the same by quoting some Vedas that spoke about monotheism. He was trying to appease them.

People make mistakes bro and I never saw him trying to "appease" anyone, let alone Indians...got sources?
People make mistakes bro and I never saw him trying to "appease" anyone, let alone Indians...got sources?

There is nothing similar between hinduism and islam. This idiot was an appeaser to the nth degree.
Now guess what....??? Eating Beef is going to be banned in arabs and many other Islamic countries.. And gow mooter export of india is going to be sky high in couple of years...
Now guess what....??? Eating Beef is going to be banned in arabs and many other Islamic countries.. And gow mooter export of india is going to be sky high in couple of years...
Gao Mootra may already be available in some of the grocery stores in those countries ... after it is the requirement of Indian diaspora living there.
Attack on Chinese, Indians is attack on all Malaysians, Syed Saddiq tells Zakir Naik
Published 18 hours ago on 14 August 2019

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 14 — Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman today joined the call to deport controversial televangelist Dr Zakir Naik, following the latter’s reported inflammatory remarks against the Chinese and Indian communities.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia Youth chief said by attacking the minority communities, the fugitive preacher has attacked the rest of the nation as well.

“Yes. An attack on our Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters is an attack against all Malaysians,” Syed Saddiq told reporters via his ministry’s official WhatsApp group for the media.

He was asked to comment if he agreed with calls by fellow ministers to deport the controversial televangelist, after the latter reportedly questioned the local Indian community’s loyalty, whom he claimed to be more supportive of Indian President Narendra Modi than they are of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Those who called for Dr Zakir’s deportation include Communication and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh, Human Resource Minister M. Kulasegaran and Water, Land and Natural Resources Minister A. Xavier Jayakumar.

Malaysiakini reported Dr Zakir as having told the ethnic Chinese here to leave the country first, if he had to leave, labelling both the community and himself as “guests”.

Syed Saddiq slammed Dr Zakir for referring to the country’s non-Malay citizens as mere “guests”.

“It’s ridiculous to even think that my fellow Malaysians are my tetamu. They are my family for God’s sake. Enough is enough,” the Muar MP added, using the Malay reference for guest.

He later tweeted the same sentiment: “The strength of Malaysia is in the unity of its people. Enough of ridiculing our unity and loyalty.

“I know many Chinese and Indians who would die defending our beloved country,” he posted.

In May, the televangelist conceded that he is willing to face justice back in India, but only if he is not arrested there until he is tried in court and convicted.

Dr Zakir has been evading Indian authorities since 2016, when files were opened against him for allegedly making hate speeches and laundering money after five militants launched an attack on a bakery in Dhaka, Bangladesh that ended with 29 dead.

Patriot: Zakir Naik Should Shut Up

The National Patriots Association (Patriot) has told Dr Zakir Naik to shut up in a scathing attack against the controversial preacher.

He should stop instigating Malaysians, says Patriot.

“Zakir spoke and questioned the loyalty of Malaysians of Indian origin, trying to curry favour with our prime minister,” said Patriot president Brig-Jen (Rtd) Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji.

In a speech in Kota Baru recently, Zakir was reported to have compared the Hindus in Malaysia to the Muslims in India, saying that the Hindus here enjoyed more than 100% rights in Malaysia compared to Muslims in India.

He also alleged that the Hindus here were more loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi than to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Any sensitive issue on the Uighur Muslims is best left to our Foreign Ministry. Patriot would like to see Zakir shut up for now, ” said Arshad.

“Patriot has no issue if Zakir sticks to his Islamic evangelism work, but do not compare religions. Malaysians have learnt that comparing religions is a taboo, ” he added

Arshad pointed out that Zakir was invited into the country in 2013 and awarded permanent resident status by the previous government.

“The regime then used Zakir as a tool for diversion tactics. He was a convenient distraction from the 1MDB scandal that had surfaced, ” said Arshad.

He said that after calls for his deportation, Zakir has stopped comparing religions and encroached into politics and international relations.

“What he uttered about the Hindus in Malaysia and the accusations about China did not reflect on him as a scholar. A scholar is one who is very careful with words and looks at issues objectively, ” said Arshad.

“Especially at a time when our relations with China is improving. Furthermore, trade and infrastructure investment are also at stake,” he added.

He added that Zakir’s remarks questioning the loyalty of Malaysian Hindus showed that Zakir is “ignorant, dishonest, and has an ulterior motive and a hidden agenda”.

Arshad said that Malaysians of Indian origin are loyal to the country.

“They have contributed tremendously along with other ethnic groups by serving in the security forces, defending our King and country. Several officers and men were awarded gallantry medals fighting our nation’s enemies, ” he added.

Patriot’s statement was echoed by DAP lawmaker RSN Rayer, who appealed to Dr Mahathir to not let Zakir destroy the country.

“I think Dr Zakir Naik crossed the line when he recently questioned the loyalty of Malaysian Indians or Malaysian Hindus in his speech, mischievously suggesting they were more supportive and loyal to Narendra Modi than to you as our prime minister,” the Jelutong MP said in a separate statement today.

Rayer asked Dr Mahathir to intervene in the matter of Zakir by deporting him to curb the erosion of public confidence in the Pakatan Harapan government.

Rais Yatim joins calls for Zakir Naik to be sent back to India

PETALING JAYA: Veteran politician Tan Sri Rais Yatim has called for controversial preacher Zakir Naik to be sent back to India.

"Before Zakir Naik lived here, we lived in harmony. Now even the Hindus are being disturbed by his comments that belittle them. Zakir is playing the role of an instigator. It is best if he is sent back to India, " the former minister said on his Twitter account on Wednesday (Aug 14).

Rais, who is also a Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia member, said the country's bilateral relationship with India had also soured because of Zakir, adding that there is more important work to be done.

From the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim
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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik


Malaysia's cabinet has discussed the permanent residency of Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, with four ministers demanding his expulsion for allegedly making racially sensitive remarks in the multi-ethnic nation.

Naik, who has lived in Malaysia for about three years, has come under fire for his recent comments that Hindus in the Southeast Asian country had "100 times more rights" than the Muslim minority in India, and that they sometimes believed in the Indian government more than the Malaysian one.

Race and religion are sensitive issues in Malaysia, where Muslims make up about 60 percent of its 32 million people. The rest are mostly ethnic Chinese and Indians, most of whom are Hindus.

"We have expressed our position, which is that action must be taken and that Zakir Naik should no longer be allowed to remain in Malaysia," Gobind Singh Deo, minister of communications and multimedia, said in a statement.

"The prime minister has taken note of our concerns. We leave it to him to consider the position and to decide soonest possible what will be done to deal with the problem," he added.

Malaysia's Minister of Human Resources M Kulasegaran said Naik's comments could have been aimed at creating a fissure in the multiracial nation so he could win the favour of Muslims.

He said Naik did not deserve the status of a permanent resident.
Naik, who has repeatedly rejected the charges against him in India, denied the allegations made by Kulasegaran and others in Malaysia.
"My praise of the Malaysian government for its Islamic and fair treatment of Hindu minorities is being twisted and misquoted to suit political gains and create communal rifts," he said in a statement to reporters on Wednesday.



It seems from what I have read here, that almost no one here is understanding the issue with Zakir Naik and how it is making things difficult for Dr. Mahatir in Malaysia.

Malaysia was in no hurry to deport him anywhere and out of all places to India, but he was requested to not say things that would be considered hurtful to any of the races or religions in Malaysia. Tamil Hindus from day one had been vocal against him, apparently for his comparative religious talks. I personally am not a fan of this guy or pay much attention to what he has to say about anything, but this man does have a huge following in Malaysia, in particular North East coast of Malaysia.

Having said that, I have to agree to part of his statement about predominantly Hindu politicians of Tamil origins being overly zealous in praising and supporting Mr. Modi, they are also playing active role in creating dissent in the ruling coalition headed by Dr. Mahatir. Communal and race based politics is alive and well in Malaysia, where out of 32 million population 65 to 70% of are Malay and muslims followed by Chinese (about 23%) and Tamils (about 8%) rest are foreigners.

From a political aspect Dr. Mahatir wont be in favour of deporting Zakir, as he is fully aware that PAS and UMNO will exploit this issue to the max to show to Malays that how their status and that of Islam is under threat under this ruling coalition. Islam and Malay identity is inseparable, and Malays will punish PKR and other predominantly Malay parties currently in the government. With the most recent controversies sex video scandal and introduction of Khat to all malaysian education curriculum had already opened up fault lines in Malaysian politics and society, deportation of Zakir will put tremendous pressure on the government, these politicians are fully aware of this and believes in clipping Dr. Mahatirs wings. I am not sure where Mr. "I want to be PM" Anwar is standing on any of these issues, as always he is missing in action when he is needed the most. It seems he only cares about becoming next PM of Malaysia and any situation that increases pressure on Dr. Mahatir suits him best.

There are some from with in Dr. Mahatirs party who had also joined this circus of deporting Zakir, but I still think Dr. Mahatir wont be bowing to any such pressure as he is clear to what this can lead to. I truly hope Dr. Mahatir can steer this rudderless ship of current political alliance ruling Malaysia, but day by day it seems the politicians in the coalition really dont know what they are doing. They can forget about ever getting back to power in Malaysia if they continue on current path.

May be it will be better if Zakir stop butting his head in Malaysian affairs and understand the complexities his hosts are facing and shouldnt increase them if he can just shut up about it.

Its a very complicated situation in Malaysia.
He used to try to show show how hinduism and islam are actually the same by quoting some Vedas that spoke about monotheism. He was trying to appease them.
He wasn't trying to appease them because they were burning when he did that....

He was just trying to survive as a Muslim in India. ..plus a man whose msg is peace would do that....Great Ahmed Deedat did same with Islam and Christianity .....but then realised Christians only wanna hear hate so he gave it to them from their books

There is nothing similar between hinduism and islam. This idiot was an appeaser to the nth degree.
Do you deny that Allah sent thousands of messengers before Muhammad to every nation (as stated in the Quran)?

Before Zakir Naik lived here, we lived in harmony.
That's not true ...harmony will be put on trial now Indians are showing true colour...not talking about those who managed to mix well but those who live in their isolated communities
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