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Malaysia attacks armed Filipino clan in Sabah


Apr 28, 2011
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Malaysian soldiers launched an attack on Tuesday against an armed clan in the Philippines, part of a continued effort to end a three-week long standoff in Sabah after violence in recent days that already killed at least 27 people, a Malaysian government official said.

The operation to take over an area occupied by about 180 Filipinos, dozens of them armed, began early Tuesday, a spokesman for Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak said.

The government sent seven army battalions to the area on Monday to reinforce police, Al Jazeera's Florence Looi reported, adding that an "all-out assault" could follow.

A firefight first broke out on Saturday, when the Malaysian police tried to force the group to surrender, initially killing at least 10 people. The armed group launched a counter-attack killing at six Malaysian police, but also losing an additional seven of its members, raising concerns the violence was spreading.

"After the first attack, I have asserted that the intruders must surrender and if they refuse the authorities of this country will take action," Najib said in a statement.

The ongoing violence has already displaced many native Filipinos living in Sabah. There are an estimated 800,000 Filipinos living there.

On Sunday evening, about 300 Filipinos have arrived in Zamboanga in southern Philippines after being "deported" from Sabah, Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reported.

"A crackdown on Filipinos are expected to intensify in the coming weeks," Alindogan said.

Earlier, Philippine president Benigno Aquino had called on members of the Sabah clan to surrender, saying negotiations can only proceed if they lay down their arms.

Centuries-old territorial claim

Members of a Muslim royal clan, who call themselves the Royal Sulu Army and hail from the southern Philippines, landed in a coastal village in Sabah on February 9 to claim the territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s.

They are also demanding an increased payment from Malaysia for their claim as the rightful owners of Sabah.

The Malaysian government continues to pay the Kiram clan of Sulu a supposed annual rent of $1,500 for the use of more than 73,000 square kilometres of land in Sabah.

Malaysia has refused their demands and, along with the Philippine government, has urged the group to return home.

The violence has sparked a political crisis ahead of elections for both the Philippine and Malaysian governments and raised concerns of instability in resource-rich Sabah state.

The crisis also comes a crucial stage of peace negotiations arranged by Malaysia between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest Muslim rebel group in the southern Philippines.

The group has ignored appeals from Aquino to leave Sabah or face prosecution at home on charges of triggering armed conflict.
Malaysia attacks armed Filipino clan in Sabah - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English
The Malaysians are doing a good thing
Really false flager? away this the fault of our muslim brothers for not coordinating this and using weapons to claim sabah

What's funny is that you mistaken me for a Chinese. You must be Vietnamese then.
they should go on an liberate the moros as well...............

One problem there man the moros started this not the Philippine government they just could not wait for the peaceful way of doing things through international law we only claim sabah because they ask as too now they put matters in their own hands without consulting us so they got into this mess on their own. My uncle in the Philippine Army once told me the Moros are a proud and brave people but they are dumb when it comes to talking person to person and they love a good fight even among themselves but they are loyal this man fought rebel moros and led moro filipino solders in battle and this man is like stone cold man barely laughs or show emotions but when it comes to comrades or foes he emotions of respect shows when he talks about the moros. So they are brave but they need to use their brain more and i think some of the moros in mindanao who did not like the peace deal are behind this! This is hard to pull off that there is no way the could have done this without money and support.
One problem there man the moros started this not the Philippine government they just could not wait for the peaceful way of doing things through international law we only claim sabah because they ask as too now they put matters in their own hands without consulting us so they got into this mess on their own. My uncle in the Philippine Army once told me the Moros are a proud and brave people but they are dumb when it comes to talking person to person and they love a good fight even among themselves but they are loyal this man fought rebel moros and led moro filipino solders in battle and this man is like stone cold man barely laughs or show emotions but when it comes to comrades or foes he emotions of respect shows when he talks about the moros. So they are brave but they need to use their brain more and i think some of the moros in mindanao who did not like the peace deal are behind this! This is hard to pull off that there is no way the could have done this without money and support.

it as illegally ocucpied by spain and added to their pacific possessions....the "phillipines" has no right to it....
One problem there man the moros started this not the Philippine government

Talking about hypocrite, didn't you also say that China attacked your pity country when all you did was referring to a Chinese pirate that wanted to invade one of the cities. See how pathetic you really are? You twisted fact and now that Pinoys started killing innocents on Sabah it's suddenly it has nothing to do with the Philippines.
Talking about hypocrite, didn't you also say that China attacked your pity country when all you did was referring to a Chinese pirate that wanted to invade one of the cities. See how pathetic you really are? You twisted fact and now that Pinoys started killing innocents on Sabah it's suddenly it has nothing to do with the Philippines.

Hahahahaha oh please this people acted on their own why are you people dragging my country on this and please china as killed more people than anyone starting from your country's founding so please your stupid twist on this issue is as stupid as your claims.
Hahahahaha oh please this people acted on their own why are you people dragging my country on this and please china as killed more people than anyone starting from your country's founding so please your stupid twist on this issue is as stupid as your claims.

Yeah and you are a extremely poor country which dare to kill your neighbors and invade the others.
Long live Malaysia.
Free Moro.

Go away you murderers.
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