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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

why is it from government, we have no authorized our millions of rupees of tax money to be wasted like this

A girl who has become a global symbol and is globally known, what do you want to do? Leave her treatment expenses for her lower middle class parents?

And how many things do you authorize that the government does?

Another question please, how old are you? Concentrate on completing your matric first.
A girl who has become a global symbol and is globally known, what do you want to do? Leave her treatment expenses for her lower middle class parents?

And how many things do you authorize that the government does?

Another question please, how old are you? Concentrate on completing your matric first.

and where was the symbol before this incident, if she was that important army would have spent a lot less to keep her safe in the barracks, those wasted money is just a show piece which could be better used for poor girls and education and building schools of poor girls victims of north waziristan drone attacks

i dont see why she has gone to UK when she was already recovering in pakistan and all that money is not spent for her emergency condition but just for her child care

jis ke jitni auqaat hai us peh utna he spent kerna chahye, arfa karim's daddy was some big guy in the army and even she couldnt get to abroad for her situation, she got treated in army hospital and she even died there, compare that to this poster girl?

its like zardari going abroad on our money money for vacation
A get well soon message from Hope not Hate Campaign.
Get well soon Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is on her way to the UK for emergency medical attention. This brave 14-year-old from Pakistan is fighting for her life after being shot in the head by the Taliban for daring to campaign for girls to be educated.

The shooting has shocked Pakistan and tens of thousands have taken to the streets to condemn the shooting and support her calls for greater rights for girls and women.

The attempted assassination of Malala highlights the worldwide struggle between HOPE and hate. From the persecution and harassment of minorities in the UK to the genocidal killing fields of East Africa; from Governments trying to outlaw homosexuality in several countries to the religious extremists who are trying to impose their worldview on believers and non-believers alike – there is just too much hate in this world.

Malala should be a symbol of our resistance to hatred. That is why we want to let her know that we all want her to recover. We will deliver one copy of the Get Well book to the hospital and another to the Pakistan High Commission.

This week has been designated Hate Crimes Awareness week and HOPE not hate has created a special website to look at hate crime. Each day this week we will put up a number of articles by organisations helping victims and trying to reduce hatred in our society. There will be a daily discussion point and people will be invited to give us their thoughts. Today we ask why victims of hate crime appear so reluctant to report the incident to the police.

You can visit our website here: Hate Crimes Awareness Week 15/10 - 19/10


Malala is an extraordinary brave young woman from the Swat District in Pakistan. She was born on July 12th 1997 and at the age of 11 began a blog for BBC Urdu about life under the Taliban in the Swat district, with a focus on the right of girls to be educated. A translation of her blog can be found at BBC NEWS | South Asia | Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl (v).

Malala has continued to be a vocal advocate, of education for all, in Pakistan and was the runner up of the International Children's Peace Prize last year. Her contribution was recognised within Pakistan in December 2011 when she was awarded the National Youth Peace Prize. Malala is an inspiration for people across the world. On October 9th 2012 the Taliban attempted to assassinate her as she travelled home after an exam on the school bus. A national day of prayer has been held for Malala across Pakistan.

HOPE not hate | Get well soon Malala Yousafzai
Latest Update

#Malala is going to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham; has world's largest single-floor critical care unit.
and where was the symbol before this incident, if she was that important army would have spent a lot less to keep her safe in the barracks, those wasted money is just a show piece which could be better used for poor girls and education and building schools of poor girls victims of north waziristan drone attacks

First think about the money wasted on useless VIP flights, lavish expenses and shopping etc etc before accounting the money spent for the medical care of a internationally renowned girl.
and where was the symbol before this incident, if she was that important army would have spent a lot less to keep her safe in the barracks, those wasted money is just a show piece which could be better used for poor girls and education and building schools of poor girls victims of north waziristan drone attacks

i dont see why she has gone to UK when she was already recovering in pakistan and all that money is not spent for her emergency condition but just for her child care

jis ke jitni auqaat hai us peh utna he spent kerna chahye, arfa karim's daddy was some big guy in the army and even she couldnt get to abroad for her situation, she got treated in army hospital and she even died there, compare that to this poster girl?

its like zardari going abroad on our money money for vacation

People like you make me sick.

I'm not even going to try to patronize you with a nice, organized tirade.

First of all, Malala campaigned for Education during the Taliban's rule in the Swat Valley, and even after -- when her identity was revealed and death threats were made to a kid of 12-13 years. Can you, in your heart of a conspirator Zaid-Hamid lunatic, imagine that? Are the age of 12-13 an organization with thousands of fanatics, suicide bombers and a atrocious track record threatening you, for speaking out for your right to education?

Malala highlighted something very important and the way she did that is even more inspiring. Pakistan, as a nation, was created with equal opportunity in mind for both genders and all people -- that is the view that most Pakistanis have, that is the view that people in the Armed Forces fight for. Malala lived in a place where this was crushed and suppressed, yet she fought for it - she fought for the ideals of Pakistan.

Now, can you imagine, when a child, barely a teenager, fights for something greater than it? Something that has effects reaching far beyond her locality, family life and social conditioning? She took a stand against an organization that has bombed and killed thousands of Pakistanis.. We respect soldiers in the Armed Forces for being on the frontlines, but those men and women are trained, they're adults. This was a mere child that took a stand, for she firmly believed in the values on which Pakistan stood upon.

So, when the Taliban planned her murder -- it wasn't a "one off", an impulsive decision - it was cold, calculated and evil; then all Pakistanis should recognize that it is not only an attack on an innocent child but an attack on the nation itself.

Tell me, how many children can you name in the world that have fought for something right in the face of the barrel of a gun and continued? What makes me sick is people like yourself and the "religious parties" in Pakistan tout female muslims from history - like Aisha - as an example of empowered women, but then you come out with a tirade of excuses and "but's" when you have your own Aisha.

Would you not want Malala to have the best chances of survival? Would you not want any child, regardless of how they came across such an injury, to have the best chances of survival?
Both our countries got independence 7 decades ago where are we both today
Ruled by a class which are morally corrupt, Forget being Hindu or Muslim, We have even forgotten what it is to Be humans, I Think God has left Sub Continent a long time back
First think about the money wasted on useless VIP flights, lavish expenses and shopping etc etc before accounting the money spent for the medical care of a internationally renowned girl.

You're banging your head against the wall, the guy you're arguing with is absolutely clueless.
People like you make me sick.

I'm not even going to try to patronize you with a nice, organized tirade.

First of all, Malala campaigned for Education during the Taliban's rule in the Swat Valley, and even after -- when her identity was revealed and death threats were made to a kid of 12-13 years. Can you, in your heart of a conspirator Zaid-Hamid lunatic, imagine that? Are the age of 12-13 an organization with thousands of fanatics, suicide bombers and a atrocious track record threatening you, for speaking out for your right to education?

Malala highlighted something very important and the way she did that is even more inspiring. Pakistan, as a nation, was created with equal opportunity in mind for both genders and all people -- that is the view that most Pakistanis have, that is the view that people in the Armed Forces fight for. Malala lived in a place where this was crushed and suppressed, yet she fought for it - she fought for the ideals of Pakistan.

Now, can you imagine, when a child, barely a teenager, fights for something greater than it? Something that has effects reaching far beyond her locality, family life and social conditioning? She took a stand against an organization that has bombed and killed thousands of Pakistanis.. We respect soldiers in the Armed Forces for being on the frontlines, but those men and women are trained, they're adults. This was a mere child that took a stand, for she firmly believed in the values on which Pakistan stood upon.

So, when the Taliban planned her murder -- it wasn't a "one off", an impulsive decision - it was cold, calculated and evil; then all Pakistanis should recognize that it is not only an attack on an innocent child but an attack on the nation itself.

Tell me, how many children can you name in the world that have fought for something right in the face of the barrel of a gun and continued? What makes me sick is people like yourself and the "religious parties" in Pakistan tout female muslims from history - like Aisha - as an example of empowered women, but then you come out with a tirade of excuses and "but's" when you have your own Aisha.

Would you not want Malala to have the best chances of survival? Would you not want any child, regardless of how they came across such an injury, to have the best chances of survival?

the propaganda against education for the girls is not the work of taliban you idiot, its a pashtun cultural thing to keep their ladies in closet and not let them roam free..

just go and do some reality check on the education of pashtun girls before and after the talibans and hope you dont see the decline rate of girls education from that period in KPK, the conditions of women in KPK has remained the same since independence

and about the brave girl who was against taliban for the girls education then what about the safety of poor girls who are dying in north waziristan?? did she take part in campaign against drone attacks?? NO!!
No child should have to go through this. Anywhere in the world. :angry:

May Ahura Mazda protect her and help her recover completely and speedily.
Malala sent to Britain for treatment: ISPR | DAWN.COM

These brain surgeries are extremely tough to manage and operate medically. I hope it is not too late for the girl. A US congresswoman was shot similarly and initially I thought they would send her to the US asap. Time is of essence in these cases and I hope that the politics of trying to get her healed domestically was not the case. Very few countries have the wherewithal of medical expertise to help in such cases with a full recovery ( well- almost full).

Hope to she has a successful recovery...
You're banging your head against the wall, the guy you're arguing with is absolutely clueless.

I'm afraid so.

Makes me wonder how many more people like this we have in Pakistan?:undecided:. Sad state of affairs it seems.
Bahi bhai ki pagal ladaya ma, Hum dono na Mulko ko Di Haramianko Haath
65 years later sad to see the land of sufis and saints reduced to this level of criminality

Screw India - Pak we all are Humans first I hope good men in Pakistan win their country back

Dont know about men but women will surely do so.

May God give health to Malala
let us just go and check the rate of education of girls anywhere in pakistan starting from the sindh province to balochistan to the villages of punjab

i dont think its a taliban conspiracy against the education of young girls in other parts of country as well

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