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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

Good, may almighty be with her.
I heard ISPR she will survive and hopefully if she survives it will be a miracle because very very very very few people survive if the bullets hit you where it hit Malala
A pressure & new terrorist tactics by US & her allies throughout Pakistan but mostly in northern areas of Pakistan which is to force Pakistan to start an operation in NWA.

PPP opened the gates to US by signing blind & unknown deals & it is because of that now every Pakistani is paying the price with their lives, so that US can get their wish which is Operation in NWA & push Pakistan into more problems. SO whatever is happening to Pakistan was & is part of a greater plan by US & her allies.

For me the way I think the only way to save Pakistan is for Pak Army to take over because Pakistan is in a very bad shape thanks to these corrupt politicians, you all know the rest don’t want to start all this over again.
A pressure & new terrorist tactics by US & her allies throughout Pakistan but mostly in northern areas of Pakistan which is to force Pakistan to start an operation in NWA.

PPP opened the gates to US by signing blind & unknown deals & it is because of that now every Pakistani is paying the price with their lives, so that US can get their wish which is Operation in NWA & push Pakistan into more problems. SO whatever is happening to Pakistan was & is part of a greater plan by US & her allies.

For me the way I think the only way to save Pakistan is for Pak Army to take over because Pakistan is in a very bad shape thanks to these corrupt politicians, you all know the rest don’t want to start all this over again.
If Pakistan Army starts operation in North Wazristan now it will be complete disaster for them and also Malala because those who are saying Malala was attacked to pave the way for North Wazristan operation their opinion will get cemented and Malala and will become more vulnerable and more girls like her will never get any kind of support and also Pakistan Army will face disastrous consequences
Stalin said, A single death is a tragedy, a million is just a statistics.

That's one of the reason. We have become so much conditioned and used to of constant killings of women and children in numbers, every now and then that we don't even protest it anymore (at large scale).

But Malala is a different case, something entirely different from stale topics (for society) of bomb blasts and drone attacks.

Kindly note that this is an impulsive, high impact incident due to its uniqueness and the coverage it is getting was bound to happen.

Society is a weird organism. It gets agitated first but as time passes by and things like drone strikes keep repeating, it comes indifferent towards such crimes. This society needs high magnitude of emotions associated events like Malala incident to wake them up and make them look at the ills within it.

You are quoting a person who itself an example of barbarism and you are talking about Malala and other victims?

Malala isn't different case but some anti state organizations made it different using weak human emotions, random sympathy and off course political scoring ambitions. You are living in weird society as part of it who easily could come under magic of media and mass directional views. You feel better and easy to move with flow but not stand and analyze what actually is going on. Sense of evaluation at hit time/peak emotions isn't provided to all in society.

There are everyday our people dying because they are striving for peace in troubled area, why not we should highlight them and their bravery? Why not we should highlight those brave females who are serving as teachers in troubled areas? Why this Hippocratic society didn't pray country wise when Swat and south Waziristan was under terrorists gun point? You even don't know who many innocent lives have gone because of terrorist's barbarism.

Equality should be maintained in any social and state issues.
There is no doubt that there are hundreds of Malala who have suffered thru TTP terrorism or US drone attacks or thru Dark Age tribal customs such as 'vanni'. However there is only one Malala who stood up for her right to be educated and thus became an icon of female educationalists. She refused to buckle under Taliban and their supporter’s pressure. I feel pity for the narrow minded bigots such as JI Amir, Imran Khan and Hamid Gul who have declined to condemn Taliban outright.

Sad fact is that many in our society have been brain washed to the extent that they have lost capacity for introspection. As long as this mind-set persists, nothing is going to change.

Denial, confusion and obfuscation | DAWN.COM

How many people you know who stands for their rights to be educated and who many victims you know who suffered by jirga decision not to get rights to be educated? Come on man wake up.
A planned attack and planned media campaign other wise you have non of concern what is going on with candidates striving rights to be educated in Pakistan.
If Pakistan Army starts operation in North Wazristan now it will be complete disaster for them and also Malala because those who are saying Malala was attacked to pave the way for North Wazristan operation their opinion will get cemented and Malala and will become more vulnerable and more girls like her will never get any kind of support and also Pakistan Army will face disastrous consequences

So you are saying

1) Pakistan army will lose in NW?
2) They are not prepared for the necessary sacrifice while performing the most basic duty of any army - exerting sovereignty over its own land? Aren't the Pashtun FC and Pashtun Lashkars and Pashtun tribes like Turis and Pashtun Malalas doing the necessary sacrifice in the hundreds in the cause of Pakistan? Whats so special about PA, except that they are better armed and equipped?

This is twilight zone.
So you are saying

1) Pakistan army will lose in NW?
2) They are not prepared for the necessary sacrifice while performing the most basic duty of any army - exerting sovereignty over its own land? Aren't the Pashtun FC and Pashtun Lashkars and Pashtun tribes like Turis and Pashtun Malalas doing the necessary sacrifice in the hundreds in the cause of Pakistan? Whats so special about PA, except that they are better armed and equipped?

This is twilight zone.
Sir Pakistan Army have not won a war they just have pushed the militants back the moment the leave those areas which they will have to because we a have enemy known as India so we can't have our major portion of Army placed their and as their is no civilian leadership and security forces of government to take care Taliban will be back in no time Taliban in NW have got support of local people you are asking Army to fight not few thousand people but around 100000 fully armed men
When Malala could have got same the treatment in UAE , why to sent her to UK ? don't understand a bit. Some one wanted to make it a western thing?
When Malala could have got same the treatment in UAE , why to sent her to UK ? don't understand a bit. Some one wanted make it a western thing?
Government can't take risk their is lot of stake here and UK have the best so they sent her their UAE great still many of their own sheikhs go outside UAE for treatment
Government can't take risk their is lot of stake here and UK have the best so they sent her their UAE great still many of their own sheikhs go outside UAE for treatment

last time Zardari went to UAE for treatment not UK
I think its just convenient to have her in UK. You need some top neuro surgeon to take care of her and these top docs cannot be stationed in Pak or Dubai for a prolonged perioed.

UK seems better in all regards.

UAE has good facilities but, its widely accepted that they still bring in a lot of docs from outside over here who spend some months/years with local docs and then go back as a form of training.

Eventually UAE standards would come up, but this is a pressing case.
I just thinking this sweet girl is use as a tool to instigate a military operation in north wegeristan . American sponsored so called proxy Taliban might be behind this barbaric attack .
To be Very Honest , i am actually a little Sick , of Media diverting all its attention toward one issue & Forgetting all others , There are so many irregularities , so many things unexplained , but no one is questing that , everyone is focused on the issue that Malala got shot by Taliban , who came from Waziristan.

I Fell sorry for the Girl that she Got Attacked & I am happy she Survived , But do i care more about her health ( as Taliban shot her )more then the Two Students Shot who were with her( And no coverage in media about them) or the Health of Kids Killed/Injured in US drone Strike , No I Dont .

And there are many things not possible , those who are familiar with Guns , & Piercing power of Ak47 will already be questioning them.
To be Very Honest , i am actually a little Sick , of Media diverting all its attention toward one issue & Forgetting all others , There are so many irregularities , so many things unexplained , but no one is questing that , everyone is focused on the issue that Malala got shot by Taliban , who came from Waziristan.

I Fell sorry for the Girl that she Got Attacked & I am happy she Survived , But do i care more about her health ( as Taliban shot her )more then the Two Students Shot who were with her( And no coverage in media about them) or the Health of Kids Killed/Injured in US drone Strike , No I Dont .

And there are many things not possible , those who are familiar with Guns , & Piercing power of Ak47 will already be questioning them.

No matter how objective you try to be, there are always gradients of importance associated with different individuals and entities..

Or why else would Pakistan have stopped the NATO supplies for so many months on death of just 24 soldiers when American drones kill dozen of Pakistani citizens every week ...

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