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Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award



New Recruit

Jan 22, 2014
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United States

The Anne Frank Trust UK said Malala was an inspirational figure

Pakistani teenage activist Malala Yousafzai is to receive an award for moral courage, it has been announced.

The 16-year-old, who was shot by the Taliban in 2012, will be honoured with the Anne Frank Award at a ceremony in London on Thursday.

Malala, who campaigns for girls' access to education, is studying for her A-levels and cannot attend the event.

Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, a UN adviser on education, will accept the award on her behalf.

It will be presented by the actress Naomie Harris, who recently starred as Winnie Mandela in the film "Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom".

Co-founder and executive director of the Anne Frank Trust UK, Gillian Walnes said: "Malala is one of the most remarkable people we have encountered, both as a teenager and an educator, and is as inspirational a figure as Anne Frank."

Malala was seriously injured when she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in north-western Pakistan.

She was targeted because of her campaign for girls' education.

The schoolgirl was treated in a Pakistani hospital before being transferred to the UK for surgery and rehabilitation at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

She has since written a memoir about her experiences and was last year considered a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize.

An event in the Pakistani city of Peshawar to launch the book was on Tuesday cancelled because of security concerns.
Pakistanis on PDF dont support her.
Love this little girl. May she inspire hundreds and thousands of girls in the remotest corners of the world. :)

Her story should be taught to the places in India where the sex ratio is seriously skewed. Should do a world of good. Boys get plenty of superheroes. Girls get none. This should change. :tup:
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I respect you dear.

I was about to hit the negative rating button but I did not. Out of respect for you

Please remove / edit terrible references that you probably will not use given your own family's girls.

Thank you

first of all , nobody is stopping you to give me a negative rating(as if i care) , second i dont consider them to be my family girls , because bitches like them and pimps like thier dads are nothing but a black spot on Pakistan ... for me she is nothing but malala cartoonzai or drama queen like meera and veena ...
to malala supporters out there... ever heard of nabila ??

Malala and Nabila: worlds apart - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The problem with enlightened moderates is that they see one side of the coin (which suits them).... I do not say what happened with malala was right, I condemn it say 60 units of condemnation(out of 100), but at the same time I condemn the killing of civilians, destruction of homes and schools and everything by the champions of human rights, the collation of the willing (to do anything) by 99 units of condemnation.

The problem with enlightened moderates is that they do not condemn the killings and brutalities of the other side. Yes Taliban are wrong. Al qaeeda killed 2900 people on 9/11. USA killed/caused 1 million deaths in Iraq and afghanistan(300 times more than alqaeeda)

Ever heard of children dying in iraq because of lack of lack of medicines owing to sanctions by the western world?? ever heard what madeline albright said about those deaths??

I do not see condemnation of western atrocities by malala supporters!!!

Please have a balanced view of the world, both the parties are doing wrong things, one is doing hundreds of times more yet has the propaganda machine working in its favor and the other side is doing far less but getting lot more hatred...

Think about it!
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