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Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

to malala supporters out there... ever heard of nabila ??

Malala and Nabila: worlds apart - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The problem with enlightened moderates is that they see one side of the coin (which suits them).... I do not say what happened with malala was right, I condemn it say 60 units of condemnation(out of 100), but at the same time I condemn the killing of civilians, destruction of homes and schools and everything by the champions of human rights, the collation of the willing (to do anything) by 99 units of condemnation.

The problem with enlightened moderates is that they do not condemn the killings and brutalities of the other side. Yes Taliban are wrong. Al qaeeda killed 2900 people on 9/11. USA killed/caused 1 million deaths in Iraq and afghanistan(300 times more than alqaeeda)

Ever heard of children dying in iraq because of lack of lack of medicines owing to sanctions by the western world?? ever heard what madeline albright said about those deaths??

I do not see condemnation of western atrocities by malala supporters!!!

Please have a balanced view of the world, both the parties are doing wrong things, one is doing hundreds of times more yet has the propaganda machine working in its favor and the other side is doing far less but getting lot more hatred...

Think about it!

Malala now is a symbol for all the girls struggling under Islamist terror.

Please no need to nitpick

Aljazeera the Aljanaza should worry about Saudi girls, Syrian girls, iraqi girls who are in much worse predicament.

Thank you
@FaujHistorian who makes you PDF think tank ?? you have such cheap mentality dont you think ? if i have different opinion about malala so you give negative rating hahahahaha you seems a kid , how old are you kid ?? if some one comment of IK PTI members start giving negative rating hahah i can see that how this forum is a international one !!!
@FaujHistorian who makes you PDF think tank ?? you have such cheap mentality dont you think ? if i have different opinion about malala so you give negative rating hahahahaha you seems a kid , how old are you kid ?? if some one comment of IK PTI members start giving negative rating hahah i can see that how this forum is a international one !!!

you are entitled to your opinion

But do not compare her to cheap whore of women.

she has done nothing but struggle for her education (while standing up to Islamist barbarian and their stone age version of Islam)

hope you understand now.
Then take up her cause instead of dissing Malala
Hope you understand.

I am not dissing malala, I am just saying one should be a supporter of a cause. Not for a face. If you are supporting the cause education, condemn taliban as well as USA. And since USA has caused greater damage, condemn USA more if your cause is female education.

Hope you understand as well
I am not dissing malala, I am just saying one should be a supporter of a cause. Not for a face. If you are supporting the cause education, condemn taliban as well as USA. And since USA has caused greater damage, condemn USA more if your cause is female education.

Hope you understand as well

now you are losing it

Discuss Malala in this thread.

And open a new thread to discuss others.

Thank you
I dont know if she is good or bad, I just know she has maligned Puktunwali by writing all negative things in her book, she has also attacked the army, the Pakistani people and the country, she in her book has done nothing but portray her own country as the very thing the west believes it to be, in short zaung partug ye okhwa ya vo....:hitwall:
well thats your opinion , if you cant respect other opinion than you should go to small forum and leave PDF , or at least stop acting like a 5 years old kid , i dont know how to rate peoples :D or else may be i would give you negative rating too, but i am sure you are only a kid .. i am still confused who made you PDF think tank hahahahahahha
and yes , even if you give me 100000 negative rating to me , they ( veena , meera and malala ) will remain bitches or whores sluts :D
you can express your disapproval without using these words.. you are just making yourself look cheap...
you can legitimately accuse her father of using her to gain money and fame (others have said similar without being abusive).
Is any agency/fund planning to give courage award to people who were maimed by the US drones and gunships? Isn't the age of 11 too early for a human child to write anonymous blogs for the BBC?
I dont know if she is good or bad, I just know she has maligned Puktunwali by writing all negative things in her book, she has also attacked the army, the Pakistani people and the country, she in her book has done nothing but portray her own country as the very thing the west believes it to be, in short zaung partug ye okhwa ya vo....:hitwall:

My respectful opinion bro!

Pakhtoonwali was trampled by the coward who shot little girl.

Never was imaginable that a Pakhtoon would ever use his tongue or hand to disrespect a woman in the street.

But it happened

And happened a zillion times in the villages, bazars, and in khooni chowk

Where pakhtoonwali's beautiful concept was dragged in mud by none other than Pashtu speaking talib-iches

So I hear you

and hear your pain as being a respectable and patriotic Pakhtoon

unfortunately it was not malala but others who did the heinous crimes and violate Pakhtoonwali

peace to you

Is any agency/fund planning to give courage award to people who were maimed by the US drones and gunships? Isn't the age of 11 too early for a human child to write anonymous blogs for the BBC?

Start your own.

Why throw dirt on others for not doing what you should be doing
My respectful opinion bro!

Pakhtoonwali was trampled by the coward who shot little girl.

Never was imaginable that a Pakhtoon would ever use his tongue or hand to disrespect a woman in the street.

But it happened

And happened a zillion times in the villages, bazars, and in khooni chowk

Where pakhtoonwali's beautiful concept was dragged in mud by none other than Pashtu speaking talib-iches

So I hear you

and hear your pain as being a respectable and patriotic Pakhtoon

unfortunately it was not malala but others who did the heinous crimes and violate Pakhtoonwali

peace to you

Start your own.

Why throw dirt on others for not doing what you should be doing

Admittedly the concept of Pukhtunwali has been and is being trampled, unfortunately some of the less understanding Pashtuns are beings deceived by false hope of religious grandeur, (Islam is their major weakness as well as strength), whatever she has written in her book is her own experience and opinion and I do agree with some of her points but she has failed to write any, or has written very few positives for Pukhtunwali, Pakistan as well as its military....Peace
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