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Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

I'd like to ask which "secular" thought has destroyed Pakistan?

define secularism
Equality, peace, respect, freedom. Separation of church and state.


But the Islamists say their rabid stone age philosophy USED to offer the same thing.

Total untruth off course.
Equality, peace, respect, freedom. Separation of church and state.

Are you saying that Islam is not religion of peace , respect, etc, hence the need for secularism?

I asked you to define what secularism. Not make up a definition that suits your agenda.

Where does it say that secularism is peace, respect, freedom, etc ?

Secularism | Define Secularism at Dictionary.com


But the Islamists say their rabid stone age philosophy USED to offer the same thing.

Total untruth off course.

reported ... for insulting Islam
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:jester: Who is she ?
Are you saying that Islam is not religion of peace ,

Show us which Muslim country in the Middle East has provided peace using Islamism?

Do not confuse between theory and practice .

Islamist say peace but practice death and destruction in the name of Islam off course
This thread should be made sticky and should be included in curriculum of Pakistani students .

It perfectly shows why Pakistan is in it's current state .
Let me see. Are there any awards left to be given to Malala? I think only Oscar and Nobel are left.

This hypocrisy rubs the wrong way when we see so much suffering for Malalas left in the same circumstances to fend for themselves.

Other than her being a poster girl for the West, whose selfish policies created demons from extremism, what can Malala exactly do for girls her age in Pakistan?

Quit being jelous about her.

Tell us what YOU can do for the girls in Pakistan.

It is time we quit this petty blabbering.

Do something positive for us. Throwing stones on us while staying 1000s of miles is not helping

This thread should be made sticky and should be included in curriculum of Pakistani students .

It perfectly shows why Pakistan is in it's current state .

Good suggestion. but it will make Islamists' life miserable seeing malala name over and over again.
A religion is ALWAYS judged by its followers. ALWAYS

My brother, please broaden your vision. If religion is judged by its followers, then how many samples are needed for labeling a religion.


1) Dec 2012, six hindus raped a girl. are hindus rapists?
2) 1990-date, christian majority nations waged war and killed millions in our region. Are christian murderers?
3) During partition, hindus, sikhs and muslims all were involved in criminal social behaviour. So all these religions support rapes and mass murders?

Religion should not be judged by its followers. If you are judging by its followers, then the question comes which followers you deem suitable for representation and which i deem suitable for representation, and this difference of opinion will never end!

Wana find about religion , study it dont watch FOX,Al jazeera, Press TV or India Today and make your opinions!
My brother, please broaden your vision. If religion is judged by its followers, then how many samples are needed for labeling a religion.


1) Dec 2012, six hindus raped a girl. are hindus rapists?
2) 1990-date, christian majority nations waged war and killed millions in our region. Are christian murderers?
3) During partition, hindus, sikhs and muslims all were involved in criminal social behaviour. So all these religions support rapes and mass murders?

Religion should not be judged by its followers. If you are judging by its followers, then the question comes which followers you deem suitable for representation and which i deem suitable for representation, and this difference of opinion will never end!

Wana find about religion , study it dont watch FOX,Al jazeera, Press TV or India Today and make your opinions!


this is how those religions are judged too.

And so is Islam

This is why Islamists must think 1000 times before taking out a violent procession or doing something $tupid like attacking girls schools and girl students/teachers

if Hindus did in a temle, with lord rama's picture in the background then it would be associated with Hinduism,.

When Islamists abuse Allah and Rasul name by placing their name and banners in the back and butchring people in the front, they bring the whole Islam down,.

I hope you see the difference now
this is how those religions are judged too.

that was the reason I used the word "should" in my previous post. If you are judging Islam by taliban, or xyz is judging hinduism by rapists , then you are doing it wrong and should not do it.

Religion "should" not be judged by its followers and if someone is judging it then there lies the difference of opinion, i may chose my muslims for representation and you may choose yours. And trust me decent, god fearing, and humane muslims are above 99%! and same goes for other religions as well.

One must remember that edhi also a Pakistani, also a muslim is a son of the soil and people like him are in abundance in Pakistan. Using your argument, I can narrow mindedly say that, Islam is full of philanthropists?
that was the reason I used the word "should" in my previous post. If you are judging Islam by taliban, or xyz is judging hinduism by rapists , then you are doing it wrong and should not do it.

Religion "should" not be judged by its followers and if someone is judging it then there lies the difference of opinion, i may chose my muslims for representation and you may choose yours. And trust me decent, god fearing, and humane muslims are above 99%! and same goes for other religions as well.

One must remember that edhi also a Pakistani, also a muslim is a son of the soil and people like him are in abundance in Pakistan. Using your argument, I can narrow mindedly say that, Islam is full of philanthropists?

Look if you live in a Mohalla, and you want the good name of your granpa to survive, then you must behave nicely and so should your brothers

However if your grandpa was Hujjaj but your generation becomes goondas (god forbid), then you by your actions will malign your granpa's name

Hope you get it now.
By all means point out people who abuse Islam. But in trying to do that, don't abuse Islam yourself.
Like I said before Islam has got nothing to do with the killing of innocents.

Who is trying to give bad name to Islam. Not me

And what Farooq are you talking? I never mentioned anything about Farooq?

What point in my post does get you to this conclusion.
What the hell are you talking about?
You should relax and check out the posters first.
Look if you live in a Mohalla, and you want the good name of your granpa to survive, then you must behave nicely and so should your brothers

However if your grandpa was Hujjaj but your generation becomes goondas (god forbid), then you by your actions will malign your granpa's name

Hope you get it now.

Grandpa came into the world, did good deeds , taught his sons to treat others well, did his best and perished away. a generation later someone from his family gets involved in a robbery. Now do the actions of the criminal affect the good deeds of his grandpa?

NO... his grandpa was a good man and this fact will remain till eternity regardless of the actions of his following generations or certain parts of his generations. If someone judges him otherwise, he is at fault and should not bad mouth the grandpa, if he does he is definitely a fool to blame some nobleman in the grave.

PS:- also read about the first fitna of Islam and do you think it affects the name of Holy Prophet(SAW)
Show us which Muslim country in the Middle East has provided peace using Islamism?

Do not confuse between theory and practice .

Islamist say peace but practice death and destruction in the name of Islam off course

why are you asking me a question on top my question ? first respond to my question
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