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Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

Is it important that he is a muslim?
Shouldnt him being a Pakistani be enough?
Islam comes first, before everything else

but many of the liberal goons get a severe allergic reaction when they hear this or anything even remotely favoring or praising Islam
those who don't hold the same views as you parasites who have destroyed Pakistan to bits and pieces are considered "retards"? How enlightening! :)


Yeah us big bad liberals blow people up, terrorise in the name of religion, crush minority rights. Ohh be careful our thoughts will destroy Pakistan. Whooptee fucking doo.

Grow up man. Seriously.
Islam comes first, before everything else

but many of the liberal goons get a severe allergic reaction when they hear this or anything even remotely favoring or praising Islam
Do you mean all religions in Pakistan come first or just muslims and the rest can go to hell?
Do you mean all religions in Pakistan come first or just muslims and the rest can go to hell?
Study about the creation of Pakistan, the ideology and the two nation theory.
You will understand things better.
Study about the creation of Pakistan, the ideology and the two nation theory.
You will understand things better.
I think you misunderstood,it has nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan.
If Jinnah would have lived for a couple of more years,they would be as far as we(Turkiye) are.
Do you always maintain a double standard like this. . . as per your own convenience??

First of all you are using abusive language and then saying i'm just giving my opinion.. . . and you expect others to respect your opinion.

And if @FaujHistorian or @Alpha1 gave you a negative rating for that badmouthing . . .then thats their opinion about you. . .stop crying about it. .:argh:

who is crying ?? i am just saying if they do not have any reasonable argument to prove that malala and his father is not what i said , so they start giving negative rating ... probably its easiest way to get away with it , i am actually looking for to be top negative rating person on PDF but my opinion remain same for her :)

Is it important that he is a muslim?
Shouldnt him being a Pakistani be enough?

if a person is not even loyal to the duties towards his God , how can you say that he will be a loyal **** :azn::azn:
i am very clear in my opinions , i am not american boot licker ...what she wrote in her book and how westerners are using her to give negative image of pakistan is not good for my country ,same as westerners do with india when a rape case in india get media attention westerners make it more highlighted and try to give a wrong image of india. .. same they are doing with malala , and her dad is doing nothing but selling her daughter like pimp .. i have no other words .... to describe her
The rape case is highlighted in Indian media and only after that it came to western media. BTW there is no single western media type, each have their own editorial standard, a tabloid will give different color than BBC or NY times.

Like I said, even if what you said is true (wrt pakistan) why call a girl of 16 year prostitute?
The rape case is highlighted in Indian media and only after that it came to western media. BTW there is no single western media type, each have their own editorial standard, a tabloid will give different color than BBC or NY times.

Like I said, even if what you said is true (wrt pakistan) why call a girl of 16 year prostitute?

because she is giving bad image of PAk and islam ..... because of her peoples call us anti education . same as after 9/11 all muslims have to suffer and labeled as Islamist terrorist or radical Islamist
I think you misunderstood,it has nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan.
If Jinnah would have lived for a couple of more years,they would be as far as we(Turkiye) are.
Not really.
The creation of Turkey was based on secularism, Kamal Pasha broke with Caliphate and created a secular republic.
For Pakistan it was the opposite, the founders of Pakistan wanted a homeland for the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent, that dream became Pakistan.
No wonder it's official name is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Islamic is there for a reason.
Also the constitution of Pakistan states Islam as the state religion.
The following line is an example
"Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;"
who is crying ?? i am just saying if they do not have any reasonable argument to prove that malala and his father is not what i said , so they start giving negative rating ... probably its easiest way to get away with it , i am actually looking for to be top negative rating person on PDF but my opinion remain same for her :)

What is there to argue about ??

You were using foul language which is against the forum rules. . . you were asked to not to use it again. . . but you did and got a negative rating. . . . . As simple as that :)
Like I said, even if what you said is true (wrt pakistan) why call a girl of 16 year prostitute?

What he means is that she is being exploited by people who have an agenda, and she is a willingly letting herself be used for that in order to gain certain favors.
He doesn't mean it in sexual way.


a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

verb (used with object), pros·ti·tut·ed, pros·ti·tut·ing.

to sell or offer (oneself) as a prostitute.
to put to any base or unworthy use: to prostitute one's talents.
Islam comes first, before everything else

but many of the liberal goons get a severe allergic reaction when they hear this or anything even remotely favoring or praising Islam

If your Islam means being MOST truthful, MOST honest, MOST tolerant and MOST humble

By golly bring it to the fore,

otherwise please spare us from the Sharia mumbo jumbo stone age fully debunked philosophy.

Thank you

What he means is that she is being exploited by people who have an agenda, and she is a willingly letting herself be used for that in order to gain certain favors.
He doesn't mean it in sexual way.


a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

verb (used with object), pros·ti·tut·ed, pros·ti·tut·ing.

to sell or offer (oneself) as a prostitute.
to put to any base or unworthy use: to prostitute one's talents.

Based on this definition most of the Islamists are prostitutes.

Easting Saudi or Irani petro dollars and peddling suicide bombings, kidnappings, bombing girls school, and killing our civilians and soliders.

Then that dead turn Ghazi little and the burqa posh turd ghazi little+1 are the biggest prostitutes of the World and not just Pakistan.
Not really.
The creation of Turkey was based on secularism, Kamal Pasha broke with Caliphate and created a secular republic.
For Pakistan it was the opposite, the founders of Pakistan wanted a homeland for the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent, that dream became Pakistan.
No wonder it's official name is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Islamic is there for a reason.
Also the constitution of Pakistan states Islam as the state religion.
The following line is an example
"Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;"
You shouldnt have quoted this part,not very smart,when you wanted to give islam a bad name.
That islam is very different from the one Farooq is talking about.
In Farooqs islam there is no demorcracy,freedom equality and social justice.
See,when i said you misunderstood,i was right.
You only see what he(Farooq) calls islam(which is not the real islam).
Jinnah accepted all(jew,christian,hindu etc) people of Pakistan as equal.
From this i can only conclude that you see muslims as enemies of world peace.
I think you misunderstood,it has nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan.
If Jinnah would have lived for a couple of more years,they would be as far as we(Turkiye) are.

Every Islamist Mullah of some weight more than popcorn
was agaisnt the very creation of Pakistan.

They all declared Jinnah the founder as a kafir (nausbillah)

And now

the same turd Mullahs come here on the forum and proclaim, it is mine mine mine mine mine

damn Islamo fascists.
Based on this definition most of the Islamists are prostitutes.

Easting Saudi or Irani petro dollars and peddling suicide bombings, kidnappings, bombing girls school, and killing our civilians and soliders.

If somebody is killing people for money. I would consider them worse than prostitutes.

I just wish you wouldn't use the word Islamist. Killing people for money has got nothing to do with Islam.
So please don't bad-mouth the state religion of Pakistan and most of it's citizens.
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