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Malala Yousafzai has done nothing to get Nobel Peace Prize, says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

really ? well i don't see any revolutionary changes in SWAT ? and what happen to those girls still studying in FATA despite the threats while she is now a British and Canadian Citizen :lol:
another girl was injured in the same attack and i see no one praise or talk about her .. as i say wait a little and next people to get Nobel prize for peace will be Modi and khomeni
Well , that little girl was cashed by NGO s for personal gain. She can come back, if Pak religious parties stop opposing her arrival.
I wont disagree with the truth even if it comes from an indian, malala is just a propoganda tool who had done nothing more than normal children i swat suffered, this is a world where eidhi doenst get a peace price but malala gets one lol, nobel peace prize is like chars these days, every tom dick n harry gets one...
On October 24, 2012 a Predator drone flying over North Waziristan came upon eight-year-old Nabila Rehman, her siblings, and their grandmother as they worked in a field beside their village home. Her grandmother, Momina Bibi, was teaching the children how to pick okra as the family prepared for the coming Eid holiday. However on this day the terrible event would occur that would forever alter the course of this family's life. In the sky the children suddenly heard the distinctive buzzing sound emitted by the CIA-operated drones - a familiar sound to those in the rural Pakistani villages which are stalked by them 24 hours a day - followed by two loud clicks. The unmanned aircraft released its deadly payload onto the Rehman family, and in an instant the lives of these children were transformed into a nightmare of pain, confusion and terror. Seven children were wounded, and Nabila's grandmother was killed before her eyes, an act for which no apology, explanation or justification has ever been given.
Recently Nabila, her schoolteacher father, and her 12-year-old brother travelled to Washington DC to tell their story and to seek answers about the events of that day. However, despite overcoming incredible obstacles in order to travel from their remote village to the United States, Nabila and her family were roundly ignored. At the congressional hearing where they gave testimony, only five out of 430 representatives showed up. In the words of Nabila's father to those who did attend: "My daughter does not have the face of a terrorist and neither did my mother. It just doesn't make sense to me, why this happened… as a teacher, I wanted to educate Americans and let them know my children have been injured."

The translator broke down while recounting their story, but the government made it a point to snub this family and ignore the tragedy it had caused to them. Nabila, a slight girl of nine with striking hazel eyes, asked a simple question in her testimony: "What did my grandmother do wrong?"
There was no one to answer this question, and few who cared to even listen. Symbolic of the utter contempt in which the government holds the people it claims to be liberating, while the Rehmans recounted their plight, Barack Obama was spending the same time meeting with the CEO of weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

Now don't get me wrong. Hasn't Malala done the same thing? Speak out against those attacking her? Be a symbol of hope to many? Yet the West fawned over her, gave her the limelight while Nabila became one of the thousands of kids to lose loved ones.
As described by the Washington Post's Max Fisher:

Western fawning over Malala has become less about her efforts to improve conditions for girls in Pakistan, or certainly about the struggles of millions of girls in Pakistan, and more about our own desire to make ourselves feel warm and fuzzy with a celebrity and an easy message. It's a way of letting ourselves off the hook, convincing ourselves that it's simple matter of good guys vs bad guys, that we're on the right side and that everything is okay.


credit quora
Mr Idhi (Social work with orphanage , health services for poor)
Mr Imran Khan (Social work on health )
Ms Malala Yousifzai (Awareness on girl's education)

All worthy for nobel award for humanitarian / social work

Thank you :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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Token girl saved by the white man from the savages in her country .

Happened many times before will happen again
All those fawning over Malala need to ask themselves if they know the name of the other girls shot that day (thought not)

If the white man says shit doesn't smell the slaves will agree and even eat it to show the white man there right .

Well , that little girl was cashed by NGO s for personal gain. She can come back, if Pak religious parties stop opposing her arrival.

no one care for malala , she did nothing except writing few letters to BBC , the mullah in Pakistan are crazy their opinion don't matter .. but malala is just a child , she is been used and raised as puppet to take hold of Pakistan PM or Presidentship
for once i agree with him, She did nothing to deserve Nobel, but the credibility of Nobel Price can be seen when it was given to Obama :lol: who's next ? Modi and Khomeni ?:rofl:

When they could not decide whom to give Nobel Peace Prize couple of years ago, they gave it to European Union. Now get that!!
Has Malala ever talked of girls and women killed by drone strikes?
Not siding with anyone- but the Sri has an odd definition of humility when he says he rejected the prize because he likes doing work but mentions it anyway becuase #boasting
Not siding with anyone- but the Sri has an odd definition of humility when he says he rejected the prize because he likes doing work but mentions it anyway becuase #boasting

He is lying. No body offered him one too. He is jealous because he didn't got the prize. Anyway he is not worth of the prize.
Nobel Peace Prize has always been a controversial award, depending on who receives it. I mean Barack Obama received one simply for winning an election. I think people should treat this award with the grain of salt it deserves.
Hindutva & taliban = on the same side of the equation of hate.
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Malala Yousafzai has done nothing to get Nobel Peace Prize, says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Malala, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
DNA WEB TEAM | Mon, 2 May 2016-08:05pm , DNA webdesk
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says he was against the Taliban attack survivor from getting the award.

In a shocking incident, spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of Art of Living and the World Cultural Festival controversy has said that Nobel Malala Yousafzai did not deserve the prestigious award.

The spiritual guru also said that he would never accept the Nobel Peace Prize.

"That girl (Malala) has done nothing to get the Nobel prize," said the Sri Sri.

He was quoted by the Deccan Chronicle saying, “I was in the past offered the Nobel Peace Prize, but I had rejected it as I only believe in working and not in being honoured for my work. We should always honour only to those who deserve it and I am totally against honouring Malala Yousafzai with the prize and it is of no use,” he said.


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar vs Malala: This Nobel Peace Prize debate is as petty as it sounds
The leader was on a visit to drought-hit areas in Maharashtra. He was at Latur while speaking about the Nobel Peace Prize.

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize award. She, who was working on girls' right to go to school, was targeted in an assassination attempt by the Taliban in Swat who opposed education of girls.
Maybe she want that prize for suuny leone :lol:
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