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Malala poll

Is Malala is going to get brainwashed and sent to PAK to "save it"

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Apr 25, 2012
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United States
ok i don't know if I'm the only one but how many people think Malala is going to come back to pakistan when she older to "save" pakistan?

am i the only one thinking that Malala the poor girl is going to get brainwashed in Uk and and sent back later on to "save us pakistanis" and "save her country"
@qamar1990 actually your question is confusing ... You should ask only 1 question either Malala is going to brainwash or has been sent to save Pakistan ... But you asked 2 questions into 1 ..............
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question is confusing ... change it ...
Don't think too many conspiracy theories... She is going to return after couple of years.

She won't be brainwashed by anybody but definitely will have a change of thought after living in the western society for so long. But her change of thought doesn't have to be incorrect but due to cultural differences of both countries, no idea how she is going to cop with it or how will the people interpret her differently.
If anyone's doing the brainwashing its the Taliban that teach people to hate all over Pakistan hate America hate the west etc, So what if she comes back with Western ideals do you guys see western society as so poisonous that it would destabilize your conservative-theocratic based government?
well i do feel that she gonna return after couple of years & will rule Pakistan,,,,
The last part doesn't make sense...... who said that the government EVER was "conservative-theocratic"? :blink:

Mullahs don't even enjoy 5% support in government, never have. That's precisely why they have their minions blowing bombs around as they can't do it the right way, through the "ballot box"

If anyone's doing the brainwashing its the Taliban that teach people to hate all over Pakistan hate America hate the west etc, So what if she comes back with Western ideals do you guys see western society as so poisonous that it would destabilize your conservative-theocratic based government?
@qamar1990, mate I feel as if you have this inherent dislike of all-that-is-west. Why are you in the US anyways? You better leave that place and re-migrate back to some place that caters to your taste, i.e. some Arab state, as the US is not going to become the Islamic Emirates, at least not in your life time. The reason why I say it is: If you end up doing something stupid, for no reason whatsoever, rest of Pakistan will get blamed. The headlines will read:

"A Pakistani immigrant was involved in..........."


"An American of Pakistani origin was involved in..........."

And worst part, we had nothing to do with the way you were brought up. In all probability all your hatred will have roots in your brah's of Middle Eastern origin, with whom you grew up.....

Now this I can't stand. My country being blamed for future crimes of a citizen we had nothing to do with.
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@qamar1990, mate I feel as if you have this inherent dislike of all-that-is-west. Why are you in the US anyways? You better leave that place and re-migrate back to some place that caters to your taste, i.e. some Arab state, as the US is not going to become the Islamic Emirates, at least not in your life time. The reason why I say it is: If you end up doing something stupid, for no reason whatsoever, rest of Pakistan will get blamed. The headlines will read:

"A Pakistani immigrant was involved in..........."


"An American of Pakistani origin was involved in..........."

And worst part, we had nothing to do with the way you were brought up. In all probability all your hatred will have roots in your brah's of Middle Eastern origin, with whom you grew up.....

Now this I can't stand. My country being blamed for future crimes of a citizen we had nothing to do with.

Jumping the gun, no? He may be a hater, and as I have observed before during our unfortunate exchanges a neophyte with insufficient knowledge on the matters he attempts to dabble in. But he ain't no terrorist Hype. Don't put the young man down.:)

Otherwise there are quite a few fundoos all around and we might as well tip toe around them all on the off chance that one of them may blow a gasket and then go on to blow up innocent folks.:sick:
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Wrong Question! it must be like! What u think Malala story is fake or illusionistic or it was true incident and everything happened was natural.??
@qamar1990, mate I feel as if you have this inherent dislike of all-that-is-west. Why are you in the US anyways? You better leave that place and re-migrate back to some place that caters to your taste, i.e. some Arab state, as the US is not going to become the Islamic Emirates, at least not in your life time. The reason why I say it is: If you end up doing something stupid, for no reason whatsoever, rest of Pakistan will get blamed. The headlines will read:

"A Pakistani immigrant was involved in..........."


"An American of Pakistani origin was involved in..........."

And worst part, we had nothing to do with the way you were brought up. In all probability all your hatred will have roots in your brah's of Middle Eastern origin, with whom you grew up.....

Now this I can't stand. My country being blamed for future crimes of a citizen we had nothing to do with.

first of all, mind your business no need for your opinion, i have no hatred for the west, i live in the west for a reason because of the freedom i have, i love america and i'm proud to be a pakistani american, but that doesn't mean im going to ignore the meddling that the west does in my mother country. idk about you but in america we have the freedom to talk crap about anything we want when ever we want.
what i asked was a legitimate question.

either answer or get the f out of my face and go do one understood?

Wrong Question! it must be like! What u think Malala story is fake or illusionistic or it was true incident and everything happened was natural.??

im going to edit my post, but what i wanted to to ask was if anybody else was getting suspicious of the fact that she got a visa to uk when 99.999 percent of kids who got injured wont get it, even the kids injured by drone strikes.

so what i was wondering is that do you believe there is a reason behind her getting the visa?
what im thinking is that she is going to get brainwashed in england and when she gets older she will come to pakistan and go into politics ect.
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If anyone's doing the brainwashing its the Taliban that teach people to hate all over Pakistan hate America hate the west etc, So what if she comes back with Western ideals do you guys see western society as so poisonous that it would destabilize your conservative-theocratic based government?

dont be a fool , we get brainwashed here in america everyday in our schools, just like communists brainwash their kids.

when i went to school the teachers use to tell us how cuba and russia brainwash all the kids in their school, so i started thinking that aren't our teachers doing the same to us, by telling us communism is bad and capitalism is the best.

but the brain washing im talking about is turning her into like salman rushdie type of person.
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