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Making the case for the Iranian BOMB!

There is no need of atomic weapons in any Muslim country if Pakistan have them. Even no country in middle east can handle nuclear weapons. Having nukes mean too much responsibility. These ME lunatics are already killing thousands of each other without nukes. Guess how many they will kill with nukes.
There is no need of atomic weapons in any Muslim country if Pakistan have them. Even no country in middle east can handle nuclear weapons. Having nukes mean too much responsibility. These ME lunatics are already killing thousands of each other without nukes. Guess how many they will kill with nukes.

Turks are very much eligible to have them, but they signed NPT like all others.
Folks, A short bit of history first, if you permit me, we elected a democratic government in 1953 but operation Ajax courtesy of the CIA, because of poor vision and planning of some idiot in washington the Iranian people's hopes were thwarted and this changed the trajectory of Iran's future for the next 50 years. Then came the blowback, the revolution and the hostage crisis, a time of chaos which lend itself to Saddam's invasion. The west put an arms embargo against Iran so it could not arm and defend itself proficiently, which prolonged the war and increased the causalities. After that the U.S. fell out of love with Saddam and invaded, this gave rise to a failed state next door to us and disenfranchised the sunni population enough to start slaughtering their Muslim countrymen. This chaos and poor planning resulted (with Saudi money's help) in the creation of ISIS. Now, with the help of Kushner (make no mistake, he is the reason we have so many Iran haters in this admin), we have an administration that's so hostile to Iran that there is no diplomatic activity whatsoever, only aggression. The idea of aggression or anti Iran policy or stance is not surprising, it is the breaking of the norms, scorch the earth mentality that this foreign policy leadership has shown us. They are not interested in talks or compromise, nothing short of complete defeat and capitulation will be accepted. So with this sobering retrospection and tally of who is who on the world stage....I have come to a realization that the only way we can secure Iran and hopefully the middle east is to push for the bomb at utmost haste. We must do this even if it destroys our economy, because as they have shown us our livelihood, security, agreements and international treaties are things that they can break and annihilate without any fear of a blowback. This new dangerous politics must be proven false. Again, I suggest, we do all of this covertly without the need to announce or advertise. Our future depends on it......Trump, Pompeo and Bolton have shown us the future. Let's not disappoint this sorry band of American Exceptionalism.
I agree with most of the things you said. In this jungle we live in, first you need to have very long and sharp teeth and claws and after you made sure everybody knows you have them, then you can sit down and talk in a civilized manner with those who oppose you.

However, you also need to understand, this is not 50s or 60s anymore. World opinion and conscious opposes use or even owning mass destruction weapons. Even if Iran decides to build the bomb (which I have reasons to believe they already have either built it themselves or bought it from then Russia after collapse of soviet union) they should not announce it. Instead, they should show they have enough conventional capacity to inflict a very large pain on anyone who decides to attack them. After that, they need to build a strong economy. That is the most powerful weapon in todays world.
There is no need to waste our money on something (bomb), in the fear of something (war against Iran) which Americans can't afford.

Under ordinary circumstances I would probably agree,for instance if you currently had a regime in the us like obamas which was reasonably competent politically and was not prone to doing too many unpredictable and/or self destructive things,that was at least willing to consider the possibility of actual negotiations rather than simply dictating terms.
Sadly tho what you currently have in the us is a regime that is the virtual complete opposite of all these things and indeed seems to take pride in that.To make matters worse there are many nations who will simply go along with the current chumpist regime and its policies,no matter what the costs to themselves politically or economically,out of fear or intimidation or blackmail.


Ultimately fascists have no respect or regard for anyone or anything other than power.Trying to deal with them on the basis of logic simply doesnt work.
Under ordinary circumstances I would probably agree,for instance if you currently had a regime in the us like obamas which was reasonably competent politically and was not prone to doing too many unpredictable and/or self destructive things,that was at least willing to consider the possibility of actual negotiations rather than simply dictating terms.
Sadly tho what you currently have in the us is a regime that is the virtual complete opposite of all these things and indeed seems to take pride in that.To make matters worse there are many nations who will simply go along with the current chumpist regime and its policies,no matter what the costs to themselves politically or economically,out of fear or intimidation or blackmail.


Ultimately fascists have no respect or regard for anyone or anything other than power.Trying to deal with them on the basis of logic simply doesnt work.
Good point, the Neocons are really an extension of the Zionist regime influence in the USA, the bomb will even out the playing field with Israel and S.A. who will also get or buy the bomb soon anyway, they will talk and threaten but they will never attack if we have the bomb. This cannot be seen as an escalation this is just bringing our defence to the par level.
Under ordinary circumstances I would probably agree,for instance if you currently had a regime in the us like obamas which was reasonably competent politically and was not prone to doing too many unpredictable and/or self destructive things,that was at least willing to consider the possibility of actual negotiations rather than simply dictating terms.
Sadly tho what you currently have in the us is a regime that is the virtual complete opposite of all these things and indeed seems to take pride in that.To make matters worse there are many nations who will simply go along with the current chumpist regime and its policies,no matter what the costs to themselves politically or economically,out of fear or intimidation or blackmail.


Ultimately fascists have no respect or regard for anyone or anything other than power.Trying to deal with them on the basis of logic simply doesnt work.
He really said that?
Under ordinary circumstances I would probably agree,for instance if you currently had a regime in the us like obamas which was reasonably competent politically and was not prone to doing too many unpredictable and/or self destructive things,that was at least willing to consider the possibility of actual negotiations rather than simply dictating terms.
Sadly tho what you currently have in the us is a regime that is the virtual complete opposite of all these things and indeed seems to take pride in that.To make matters worse there are many nations who will simply go along with the current chumpist regime and its policies,no matter what the costs to themselves politically or economically,out of fear or intimidation or blackmail.


Ultimately fascists have no respect or regard for anyone or anything other than power.Trying to deal with them on the basis of logic simply doesnt work.
So let me say it again, there is no difference between Republican (Trump) and Democrat (Obama), except that Obama has killed several hundreds of thousands more, was threatening Iran with military and nukes on weekly basis and set the most sever sanctions against Iran.

Trump is like an exhausted blunt Obama whose frustration doesn't let him to play smart anymore!

Everything that Trump is doing today is a mere continuation of Obama's policies, yet he hasn't been able to even get close to that Butcher Obama. simply You have been affected by Trump's acts.

what I understand from general Suleimani's comment is that Trump is a gambler with no card left, now all he can do is bluffing.

and about that clown John Bolton, this is his application in U.S policies, understand his role:

count the cards!
He really said that?
Yes,rather an odd thing for an ambassador to the un to say,isnt it?

You can read his quotes on this website:https://www.azquotes.com/author/1613-John_Bolton
Theres plenty more there,tho my favorites are:
Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique. It's something you use when it's to your advantage, and something that you don't use when it's not to your advantage.

Diplomacy is not an end in itself if it does not advance U.S. interests.

This one had to be the funniest tho`
I'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities

Or this one
I am not a professional politician. [really john?,really?....wow!,who`d of thought it,eh?]

The guys actually repetitive as fvck,its basically just the same boring tired old sh!t over and over again,but then its not like fascists were ever known for being original or having much of an imagination anyway,thats why they`re fascists.
Its tempting just to look at this guy superficially and think what a clown or what a joke,but fascist warmongers are no joke,and clown or not hes dangerous.

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