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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

Because you have to go to places that's miles away and you can't get to places without it. This is a dumb topic to begin with, you can't take vehicles out of the city to make the city beautiful. That's why I said we need more cities to decongest major cities. Treating the symptom will not work, neither going nuclear.
You realize that India has a fairly low level of urbanization which is only going to increase as industrialization occurs? As India urbanizes, people will start moving to making a living in cities
My son is having an asthma attack. *Me getting my cycle ready to see a doc*

God help people with common sense and intelligence.*

For arguments sake let's say we take out 300 million cars and replace with cycle and bus. Welcome to North Korea (in the 7th largest country) maybe in a few years you will start glorifying Kim Jong Uns model of governance.

I can't imagine a situation where cars are banned and I have to take my bicycle to go buy grocery. Maybe it would have been better if we all replace it with Bullock carts or horse carts. We all ride horses. Save environment.

The only valid point is creating more cities. Especially moving the cities away from NCR to further East towards Orissa. Coastal cities are good.
Do you realize most Indians already don't use a car to get groceries..... India has a low vehicle ownership rate only 50 motor vehicles per 1000 people.
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You realize that India has a fairly low level of urbanization which is only going to increase as industrialization occurs? As India urbanizes, people will start moving to making a living in cities

Do you realize most Indians already don't use a car to get groceries..... India has a low vehicle ownership rate only 50 motor vehicles per 1000 people.
Well duh did you read back?
Yes.... Exactly that... it will be feasible at that time i.e developed economy/heavily industrialized country/high per capita income.

It's feasible in Toronto/NA/EU doesn't mean it will be feasible in India/South Asia. There is hell of a difference between population, govt expenditure per capita and priorities between two regions.

For now......
1-Electric vehicles
2-Less coal
3-More hydral/solar/nuclear
4-More trees/less concrete

This doesn't make much sense honestly. South Asia already has a way lower car ownership rate than NA and EU. South Asia also has a much higher population density if govt expenditure is an issue than look at how much it costs to build a dedicated cycling lane versus one lane of a highway, You can build cycling paths in every city in Pakistan for the cost of one highway and get way more use by the general public. Paris is building an entire cycle expressway in its city for $290 million by 2026

Well duh did you read back?
Why make multiple smaller cities? Why not make a larger metro area like China's great bay area which has a 100 million people already. Most people in Tokyo can choose to use a car or public transit/bike to work and Tokyo is one of the biggest cities on earth in both size and population.
Bangladesh has the highest population density on earth its not physically possible to do build american style suburbs the market doesn't support it.

Mixing your post with the below post because it is relevant.

Why make multiple smaller cities? Why not make a larger metro area like China's great bay area which has a 100 million people already. Most people in Tokyo can choose to use a car or public transit/bike to work and Tokyo is one of the biggest cities on earth in both size and population.

Please read post# 43.

Do you realize most Indians already don't use a car to get groceries..... India has a low vehicle ownership rate only 50 motor vehicles per 1000 people.

Bhai, there are at least 300 million cars in India ( according to Google ) which is probably two hundred million eight hundred thousand cars too many. :D Add to those the probably 600 or 700 million two-wheelers.
Mixing your post with the below post because it is relevant.

Please read post# 43.

Bhai, there are at least 300 million cars in India ( according to Google ) which is probably two hundred million eight hundred thousand cars too many. :D Add to those the probably 600 or 700 million two-wheelers.
You realize the the number of cars per 1000 people is still fairly low especially compared to other countries Indian govt officials have said this as well.

The whole point of American cities existing is to never replicate them they are complete failures and fail to achieve anything of note. No one want to visit the suburbs of an area, they want to visit the areas like Times Square and Paris where they can walk around. The goal should not be to repeat the mistakes of American urban planning (which India is doing). At the end of the day auto infrastructure is much more expensive than cyling and rail but manages to carry less people. Katy Freeway in Texas is the worlds largest yet carries on a daily basis less than half of NYC metro's ridership. You praise American style suburbs despite the fact they could never be a reality in India because of population density Japanese suburbs are dense enough but India does not have enough land to house everyone in single family homes. Not to mention compare The Great Bay Area of China with LA metro area and Tokyo metro area, they are all similar sizes yet The Great Bay Area with 84 million people is more pleasant to live in than the LA metro area.
You realize the the number of cars per 1000 people is still fairly low especially compared to other countries Indian govt officials have said this as well.

Regardless of the per 1000 figure I again state that there are about 300 million cars in India which is not far from the American human population. Isn't that wrong ? The per 1000 number is being stated by that Hindutvadi Indian official in his comparison with other countries because he wants India to have hundreds of millions of more cars. That is his idea of urbanization His statement is quite in keeping with his wrong political and socio-economic thinking.

You praise American style suburbs despite the fact they could never be a reality in India because of population density

There is enough land in India. What India needs is more townships to resettle a large part of the population of the current overburdened cities and also bring city life to the current rural population. When Modi campaigned for his prime ministerial post in 2014 one of the things he promised ( and failed to deliver ) is the 100 Smart Cities project which hasn't come about now seven years later. And what is the definition of "smart" anyway ?

Please read post# 43 on how I put out my idea of how a new progressive township should be like.

The whole point of American cities existing is to never replicate them they are complete failures and fail to achieve anything of note. No one want to visit the suburbs of an area, they want to visit the areas like Times Square and Paris where they can walk around. The goal should not be to repeat the mistakes of American urban planning (which India is doing).

Sure, there can be a more aesthetic and harmonious version of Times Square and the Parisian sights and which I present in post# 43 but my point about the suburbs of America is that they should have been included within the cities and not at periphery where the city and the suburb have to be accessed by personal car. The personal car is obsolete, disharmonious and unscientific thinking which the misguided Henry Ford I think brought to realization. The personal car and the personal two-wheeler in the topic of my OP here.
I am suspecting OP is actually a far right provocateur or oil shill. Why else would he try to discredit the left with ideas like calling for suburbs without cars?

Beware of the fake hardcore.
I am suspecting OP is actually a far right provocateur or oil shill.
Why else would he try to discredit the left with ideas like calling for suburbs without cars?

LOL. I am calling for entire humanity to be rid of personal cars and two-wheelers. Perhaps you know that the three biggest polluters in the world are India, China and USA, and a major part of this pollution comes from personal transport vehicles directly, secondarily and tertiarily. In India itself there are about 300 million cars and perhaps 500 to 800 million two-wheelers. Also, these personal vehicles are a very avoidable cause of crime, accidents, chaos and disharmony. Ban them and replace them with more buses and taxis. If anything, one of the side effects of the ban will be greatly reduced consumption and production of oil. So how is my idea discrediting the Left and shilling for Big Oil ?
I have often made this topic in posts so I thought why not create a thread for this for discussion and readership.

Privately-owned personal transport vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) are I believe the biggest form of pollution in the world, directly through their usage and secondarily through their production. This is multiplied by the many manufacturers producing multiple models per year. The hundreds of millions of middle class people in the world, especially in relatively newly "liberalized" and Capitalist India and China, are exhorted through media campaigns and word-of-mouth to buy the latest vehicle model. To purchase these vehicles the middle class and others indulge in a lifestyle that is polluting and not in harmony with Nature and idealized society. Even the supposedly Nature-friendly electric vehicles like Tesla are no good. So these vehicles not only lead to pollution but also to needless accidents, crime ( including "anti-social behavior" ), chaos and general disharmony. Ask me, who comes from India where all these factors are in extreme.

The simple solution for intra-city travel would be therefore to ban all privately-owned personal transports and replace them with 40-passenger buses and six-passenger taxis ( with sufficient luggage space ) that have been more in number and efficiency. Though privately-owned service vehicles ( food and grocery delivery vans, construction trucks etc ) can be owned. This idea itself is a fine idea and it has precedent too. The planned city called NEOM in Saudia will have no private cars and the planned district of Shezhen city in China called Net City will also have no private cars.

So what could be the form of the intra-city buses and taxis ? There is a good new development in vehicles called Cyclorotors which are aircraft that in modern form have electric motors attached to four hubs at the sides and the hubs have movable blades and when the hubs are spun the blades I think create a force that lift the aircraft and move it forward. The below vid was made known to me credit @Hamartia Antidote. It is a test vehicle from the Austrian company CycloTech and of course I think in full form the hubs will be enclosed with a mesh for safety :

Such a vehicle could not only be used for buses and taxis but also for police vehicles, ambulances and food and groceries delivery vehicles. The fuel for these vehicles can remain petrol which can power the electric motors until the time that new longlife battery technologies like the NDB or research into how the electric eel produces up to 860 volts with a power to stun or even kill crocodiles, do not come about. At 05:21 mins in the below vid there is a visualization of a Russian project called CycloCar which can carry six people or 600 kgs of cargo and has a range of 500 kms with a top speed of 250 kmph :

I think ground vehicles for most things are passe and the future is of the Cyclorotor. And there's no point holding two-yearly climate change conferences if the biggest source of pollution - privately-owned personal transport - is not banned.


@fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Indos @ps3linux others.

Why ban? Just replace fossil fuel vehicles with EVs.
Why ban? Just replace fossil fuel vehicles with EVs.

How will replacing billions of petroleum fuel vehicles with billions of EVs remove pollution and the associated problems of accidents, crime, chaos and disharmony ? We will be just replacing one big problem with another big problem. Please read my post just above yours. So we should reduce and simplify.
the associated problems of accidents, crime, chaos and disharmony ?

Will you ban bath rooms to prevent accidents ?

Will you ban kitchen knifes to prevent violent crimes?

Will you ban Social Media to prevent Chaos?

Will you ban TV channels to prevent disharmony?
Will you ban bath rooms to prevent accidents ?

Will you ban kitchen knifes to prevent violent crimes?

Will you ban Social Media to prevent Chaos?

Will you ban TV channels to prevent disharmony?

How far will you extend the examples ? I am talking of a progressive solution. :) The recently concluded COP 26 climate change conference was a whitewash with the government representatives especially of India and China making no serious proposal. India essentially said that other countries should let India "develop itself" and then India will think about making a climate change redressal effort in 2070 I think. :lol:

Greta too mocked this conference and rightly so.

What I propose is a serious idea for all the different parameters I mentioned. And yes, social media like Facebook and Instagram should be banned too. It is ridiculous that some typical middle class software engineer or MBA in Bangalore, who makes wrong political and socio-economic choices, has the freedom to post his holiday pics or pics of his son's first birthday or of his wedding where instead these things should have been personal and never out for humanity to see. This is other than the direct misuse of FB and Insta for spreading, as you mentioned, chaos and disharmony. They should be banned too.
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