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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

In non-Communist America does everyone pilot buses, trains and planes or is it the few trained people ?

LOL. Everyone here has the freedom to travel by whatever means they choose. Imagine that! :D

(not to mention what happens when the velociraptorrotor pilots go on strike? )
LOL. Everyone here has the freedom to travel by whatever means they choose. Imagine that! :D

Am I speaking of stopping anyone from using buses and taxis to anywhere they want, provided the American government performs its duty of providing transport service ? In fact I am also speaking of making bus travel free like I think is present in North Korea.

(not to mention what happens when the velociraptorrotor pilots go on strike? )

1. Why would they go on strike if the government is just with them ?

2. Don't current pilots and other staff of buses, trains and airlines not go on strike ?
Am I speaking of stopping anyone from using buses and taxis to anywhere they want, provided the American government performs its duty of providing transport service ? In fact I am also speaking of making bus travel free like I think is present in North Korea.

1. Why would they go on strike if the government is just with them ?

2. Don't current pilots and other staff of buses, trains and airlines not go on strike ?

What if there are no buses (or raptorotors or whatever) at the time I want to travel from my door to wherever I am going directly? And even if there is a strike, I have want access to my own conveyance to give me the liberty of traveling where I want when I want. Such freedoms are cherished here, you know.
What if there are no buses (or raptorotors or whatever)

It is Cyclorotor. Watch the vids in the OP again.

What if there are no buses (or raptorotors or whatever) at the time I want to travel from my door to wherever I am going directly?

Then call for a Uber type Cyclorotor taxi. Didn't I speak of such a taxi right in the OP ?

And even if there is a strike, I have want access to my own conveyance to give me the liberty of traveling where I want when I want. Such freedoms are cherished here, you know.

I have been saying that it is the government that should provide bus and taxi service and ideally for free in case of the buses. If there is a strike then you should urge your liberty-providing government to look in the concerns of the pilots. Surely, you cherish the freedoms and rights of your fellow American Cyclorotor pilots. And I said this in post# 39 :
So it is proper for an American to demand the right to commute wherever he wants but he doesn't want to demand with the government to provide him with the basic human rights to free housing, free basic food, free healthcare, free education etc ? :)
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I have been saying that it is the government that should provide bus and taxi service and ideally for free in case of the buses. If there is a strike then you should urge your liberty-providing government to look in the concerns of the pilots. Surely, you cherish the freedoms and rights of your fellow American Cyclorotor pilots. And I said this in post# 39 :

Has it occurred to you that a nation with a deeply ingrained work ethic and sense of responsibility for one's own well-being may not want to rely to government handouts and free rotorooters? Surely, that is true freedom.
I have often made this topic in posts so I thought why not create a thread for this for discussion and readership.

Privately-owned personal transport vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) are I believe the biggest form of pollution in the world, directly through their usage and secondarily through their production. This is multiplied by the many manufacturers producing multiple models per year. The hundreds of millions of middle class people in the world, especially in relatively newly "liberalized" and Capitalist India and China, are exhorted through media campaigns and word-of-mouth to buy the latest vehicle model. To purchase these vehicles the middle class and others indulge in a lifestyle that is polluting and not in harmony with Nature and idealized society. Even the supposedly Nature-friendly electric vehicles like Tesla are no good. So these vehicles not only lead to pollution but also to needless accidents, crime ( including "anti-social behavior" ), chaos and general disharmony. Ask me, who comes from India where all these factors are in extreme.

The simple solution for intra-city travel would be therefore to ban all privately-owned personal transports and replace them with 40-passenger buses and six-passenger taxis ( with sufficient luggage space ) that have been more in number and efficiency. Though privately-owned service vehicles ( food and grocery delivery vans, construction trucks etc ) can be owned. This idea itself is a fine idea and it has precedent too. The planned city called NEOM in Saudia will have no private cars and the planned district of Shezhen city in China called Net City will also have no private cars.

So what could be the form of the intra-city buses and taxis ? There is a good new development in vehicles called Cyclorotors which are aircraft that in modern form have electric motors attached to four hubs at the sides and the hubs have movable blades and when the hubs are spun the blades I think create a force that lift the aircraft and move it forward. The below vid was made known to me credit @Hamartia Antidote. It is a test vehicle from the Austrian company CycloTech and of course I think in full form the hubs will be enclosed with a mesh for safety :

Such a vehicle could not only be used for buses and taxis but also for police vehicles, ambulances and food and groceries delivery vehicles. The fuel for these vehicles can remain petrol which can power the electric motors until the time that new longlife battery technologies like the NDB or research into how the electric eel produces up to 860 volts with a power to stun or even kill crocodiles, do not come about. At 05:21 mins in the below vid there is a visualization of a Russian project called CycloCar which can carry six people or 600 kgs of cargo and has a range of 500 kms with a top speed of 250 kmph :

I think ground vehicles for most things are passe and the future is of the Cyclorotor. And there's no point holding two-yearly climate change conferences if the biggest source of pollution - privately-owned personal transport - is not banned.


@fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Indos @ps3linux others.
start with global elite.
**** u i need extreme freedom, i will drive my car i have paid for, with my hard earned pennies.
i dont need communist leaders telling me how to live. i dont own or my voice was not heard about how to run a factory more efficiently and cleanly, that pollutes i did not make a billion on the backs of others so why we the lil ppl sacrifice our freedom for you. **** u elite you are cause of all earths misery you should sacrifice for better earth.

thank you :triniti:
Cars have utility in a country like India where the temperatures run into the extremes.
Then there is the social aspect (for me, it is important in my dating life.)
They provide last mile connectivity, which also helps with security.
Public transport is alright when all you need is to move from point a to b. If you need a good experience, you would need your own vehicle(a car or motorcycle).
The one way forward towards reducing congestion is to make public transport taxpayer funded/free. So anyone who values money more than comfort would take public transport.
There are many other use cases of a private vehicle. For eg, exploring a new place. Or going somewhere unprofitable for public transport, off roading, etc..
Has it occurred to you that a nation with a deeply ingrained work ethic and sense of responsibility for one's own well-being

You mean utter selfishness and a dog-eat-dog environment ? :)

Has it occurred to you that a nation with a deeply ingrained work ethic and sense of responsibility for one's own well-being may not want to rely to government handouts

What is this "government handouts" I often hear on the forum from anti-Communists ?

So you will not demand free housing, free healthcare, free basic food, free electricity, free education etc from the government because they will be "government handouts" but you will happily tolerate - in America - government-maintained socio-economic and political wrongs, tragedies and injustices in your society ? You will not protest the 934 billion dollars as the American government military budget just for 2020-21 for your invasions-oriented military when that money should have been instead spent on arranging a welfare-society system with the aforementioned free items ?

Has it occurred to you that a nation with a deeply ingrained work ethic and sense of responsibility for one's own well-being may not want to rely to government handouts and free rotorooters? Surely, that is true freedom.

Is this true freedom ?


Or this ?
A New Jersey woman who worked four jobs, who sometimes “wouldn’t sleep for five days,” according to a co-worker, died Monday while napping between shifts in her car on the side of the road.

Maria Fernandes died in her 2001 Kia Sportage after inhaling carbon monoxide and fumes from an overturned gas container she kept in the car, according to the New York Daily News.

The 32-year-old Newark woman pulled into a WAWA convenience store lot in Elizabeth, New Jersey for a nap early Monday. She left the car running. The carbon monoxide and gasoline fumes were the likely cause of death, authorities said.

Fernandes was found dead in the car around eight hours later when EMTs responded to a 911 call of a woman found in a vehicle with closed windows and doors. Emergency workers sensed a strong chemical odor upon entering the vehicle, authorities said.

"This sounds like someone who tried desperately to work and make ends meet, and met with a tragic accident," Elizabeth police Lt. Daniel Saulnier said, according to NJ.com.

An autopsy this week failed to determine the exact cause of death. Police are awaiting results of toxicology tests, Saulnier said, adding that no foul play is suspected.

Fernandes emigrated to the United States from Portugal. She was beloved by co-workers at the Penn Station Dunkin’ Donuts in Manhattan, who called her a model employee.

“She used to work like three shifts every day,” Parth Patel told NJ.com. “Sometimes she wouldn’t sleep for five days.”
Fernandes also logged shifts at the chain store’s Linden and Harrison, New Jersey locations, co-workers said.

“She was a very sweet person. A hardworking person,” said Ravina Ramjit. “She was always joking around with everybody.”
Co-workers said Fernandes often sang Michael Jackson songs at work, mimicking his dance moves on the job. She had planned to take a break from her jobs this Friday to celebrate Jackson’s birthday at a Central Park memorial, according to NJ.com.

Police have attempted to contact Fernandes's sister in Portugal, Saulnier said. Police are also seeking a brother who works as a trucker out-of-state, he said.

About 7.5 million Americans are working more than one job, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those jobs often leave people short on income compared to full-time work, said Carl Van Horn, director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

"These are folks who would like to work full-time but they can't find the jobs," Van Horn said. "They wind up in these circumstances in which they are exhausted. More commonly it creates just an enormous amount of stress.”

Following the recession that began in 2008, many Americans were shuffled into part-time employment, working two or three such jobs to make ends meet.

"The average person who lost their job took a 10 percent pay cut (after returning to the workforce)," Van Horn said.

Workers in the United States are earning an average of 23 percent less than earnings from jobs that were lost during the economic recession that began in 2008, according to a recent report, as wealth inequality in the US has shot to record highs, according to variousindicators. Many long-term unemployed are considering abandoning their job search following years of stagnant economic growth.

Or this ?
On November 5, the Senate of Wisconsin didn’t confirm the nomination of Brad Pfaff as agriculture secretary. It led to a political fisticuff between Democrat and Republican senators. The latter voted against him as he criticised the federal government for not releasing funds for mental health and suicide prevention services for farmers.

Wisconsin has recorded a 50 per cent dip in farm income in the six years since 2011. In 2017, it reported a record 915 suicides, mostly among the farming community.

This news from the United States has Indian hues — agrarian crisis, farmers’ suicides and political debates over them. But it is also surprising, given the political fallout.

Just imagine an agriculture minister of an Indian state being thrown out for asking more for farmers. Before that though we Indians would ask in disbelief: Do American farmers commit suicide out of distress?
  • It is a time of deepening distress for American farmers:
  • Chuck Grassley and Jon Tester, the US Senate’s only farmer members, recently introduced the Seeding Rural Resilience Act. The law aims at tackling the country’s rising rate of farmer suicide due to dipping income.
  • US-based non-profit Farm Aid reported that its farmer hotline recorded 109 per cent increase in distress calls last year.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that suicide rate among farming communities is 1.5 times higher than the national average.
  • Like in India in recent years, the US doesn’t have reliable data on farmers’ suicide.
An American farmer’s unfortunate path to suicide has all Indian features. Since 2013, farmers in the US have suffered a near 49 per cent dip in net income from farming due to crash in commodity prices. In fact, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that more than half of US farmers currently have a negative farm income.

Increasingly, farmers are quitting farms and compensating income more from non-farm sources, just like in India. Those who are left in farming are increasingly becoming vulnerable due to increasing inputs cost.

Farm production costs increased by 4.4 per cent in 2017-18. Add to it, decreasing loan disbursal by banks: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation estimated a 17.5 per cent dip in top banks’ lending to farmers between December 2015 and March 2019.

What has added to a brewing crisis is the ongoing US-China trade war. In a tit-for-tat, both countries have imposed tariffs on produce that include agricultural commodity.

Farmers from US exported a lot to China, a market that has shrunk for them in the last one-and-a-half years: from Chinese imports worth $20-26 billion a year (until 2017) to only $9.2 billion in 2018.

In 2018 and 19 the US government has pumped $28 billion in cash support to farmers helping them tide over the crisis. But the problem is more structural.

The money was like India's PM-Kisan cash support scheme, that can offer farmers only a small reprieve. It can’t help make terms of the trade supportive for farmers.

US agriculture has been systematically corporatised to such an extent that a few corporations control up to 80 per cent of the business. And those sustaining mostly on external markets. Once that is disturbed, they collapse. In fact, farm companies have increasingly declared bankruptcy in the last one-and-a-half years.

This leaves the individual farmers feeling orphaned, from their traditional livelihood and also from the government that they need the most now.

start with global elite.

The global elite are a problem yes but the biggest problem is the ( probably ) four billion middle class or aspiring middle class who are totally consumerist, buying the latest cell phone on loan, buy cars and two-wheelers the same way, and so on, engage in "education" and employment that is somewhere connected to maintaining Capitalism, political wrongs, crime, disharmony and pollution in their local societies and the world. For example some MBA type working in South Asia for a Western "business analysis" company or the back office of a finance company from Wall Street. The middle class is the main problem. In India the main stay of the organized anti-human and anti-harmony rightwingers is the few hundred million middle class. The global middle class is the main problem.

Why ?

Cars have utility in a country like India where the temperatures run into the extremes.

What is the problem is outfitting cyclorotor-based buses and taxis with ACs ?

Then there is the social aspect (for me, it is important in my dating life.)

I have already said that for the times when you want to go on a long drive with your beloved, or other such similar situations, you can hire a taxi with a female driver for more psychological comfort.

They provide last mile connectivity, which also helps with security.

The cyclorotor taxi, which will be used for a few occasions, will leave you to your door similar to how Uber, Ola, Careem etc now work.

The one way forward towards reducing congestion is to make public transport taxpayer funded/free. So anyone who values money more than comfort would take public transport.

Yes, intra-city buses should be free. I have said this.

There are many other use cases of a private vehicle. For eg, exploring a new place. Or going somewhere unprofitable for public transport, off roading, etc..

1. A cyclorotor is an elegant form of aircraft which can hover and also land on any reasonably small flat land, so it's an off-road vehicle already.

2. For exploration you can either train to pilot a cyclorotor which will anyway have computer control ( hence safe ) or you can hire a company piloted service for say three days. This cyclorotor can be large like a van with sleeping, kitchen and toilet facilities.
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So you will not demand free housing, free healthcare, free basic food, free electricity, free education etc from the government because they will be "government handouts" but you will happily tolerate - in America - government-maintained socio-economic and political wrongs, tragedies and injustices in your society ?

Bottom line - and my last response here - is that we, the people, determine how to best shape our society according to our laws and traditions. The freedom to move without depending on anyone else is part of this society, and we will continue to exercise it as we see fit. The rest of our society is surely far from perfect, but it is still better than anyone else's overall. Let somebody doing it better than else show us how to do it better. You want to ban all cars? Please do it in India, or wherever you are, first to show the world. :D
Bottom line - and my last response here - is that we, the people, determine how to best shape our society according to our laws and traditions. The freedom to move without depending on anyone else is part of this society, and we will continue to exercise it as we see fit. The rest of our society is surely far from perfect, but it is still better than anyone else's overall. Let somebody doing it better than else show us how to do it better. You want to ban all cars? Please do it in India, or wherever you are, first to show the world. :D

1. Bottom line to you here - as a Pakistani member said to you a few days ago, you a relatively recent immigrant are being more American than the Americans themselves.

2. About "better society than anyone else's overall", please tell that to the homeless and hungry in America and to those who have to do multiple jobs to survive.

3. ATM in India the political and socio-economic systems are not really wisdom-filled so it will take a different route to change the society. But that shouldn't mean that the ideas in the OP, a sensible one, should not be accepted anywhere else until the time it has been applied in India and works for 15 years.
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Pinochet was right about you people. And I might be using the word "people" very loosely!
Brother i am being mean here. I am crazy about these machines. This is my only hobby left.

Riding specially biking is way much fun and helps u to keep a good active social life.

This is my next one (it doesn't fit in the car and 2 wheeler category so this stupid suggested ban in this thread doesn't apply to it) .. because I'm lazy and comfort seeker when riding - should make a comfy tourer. Or Yamaha Super Tennere if 2 wheeler ..

You don't need a ban, just a limit. All the problems you say are because of too many cars not because cars exist at all.

You can do this by increasing registration costs, strict license requirements and having parking spaces cost almost as much as a car.
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