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Majority of Pakistanis say they would fight for their country if there were another war

Take care? They were able to snatch all of South Asia away from the local rulers.
One can definitely say they were here to say instead of coming through like the Mongolians and killing everything in their path.

You’re only here because Muslims weren’t as murderous as the others. Had it been the Mongolians or Spaniards, all of you would be Christians or dead.

Really ungrateful and vile you Ganges south Asians are.

Weren't we talking about 'you' / 'Pakistan' threatening 'taking care' of India? Did I miss something?
I have no idea how suddenly we started talking about the historical invasion, which BTW, started from the areas that are now in Pakistan!

Moreover, not ALL Chinese are dead after Mongol invasion.
Thank you for confirming that it was the Muslims that made South Asia an economic superpower.

Lol. 😆

Please do look up which country was among the top 2 economy from 1 Century AD to 7 Century AD. Islam was nowhere to be found back then.

Please do come back with your findings, I'm eagerly looking forward to it.

Don’t care.
I’m happy my ancestors were civilized and reverted to Islam.
Call it Stockholm Syndrome cuz your pajeet brains won’t be able to comprehend the reality.
I'm glad you found your peace. Stockholm Syndrome, nonetheless.
Weren't we talking about 'you' / 'Pakistan' threatening 'taking care' of India? Did I miss something?
I have no idea how suddenly we started talking about the historical invasion, which BTW, started from the areas that are now in Pakistan!

I was talking about invasions from the west into South Asia proper.

Historically speaking, societies basking in riches were able to be easily overthrown by poorer, hungrier societies and armies.

Please do look up which country was among the top 2 economy from 1 Century AD to 7 Century AD. Islam was nowhere to be found back then.

This was me being humorous on my part. Of course south Asia’s economic output has always been in the top 3 across the millennias. Why do you think those invasions always sought invasion of South Asia. Now let me ask you this, where did most of the economic output take place in historical South Asia?
I was talking about invasions from the west into South Asia proper.

Historically speaking, societies basking in riches were able to be easily overthrown by poorer, hungrier societies and armies.

While you have a point, I’m not sure if this is relevant anymore (poor armies vs rich).

It’s like me saying India (or Bangladesh for example) will invade China (or US / Russia) today and be successful. I’m sure this sounds stupid to you too.

This was me being humorous on my part. Of course south Asia’s economic output has always been in the top 3 across the millennias. Why do you think those invasions always sought invasion of South Asia.


Now let me ask you this, where did most of the economic output take place in historical South Asia?
Honestly I don’t know but it doesn’t matter as long as it’s India , Indian subcontinent, or South Asia.
well obviously
since the Lumber 1 is busy in other things except its job
Glad you understand.
Victory comes from Allah.

Allah says in the Quran:
“How many small groups have overcome large groups by the will of Allah. Allah is with those who remain patient.”
- Quran 2:249

In Sha Allah Muslims will be victorious in the end

Like I asked before, you fulfilling all your wife's rights? Because THAT'S part of being a good Muslim and comes before your dreams of being 'victorious'

For example, it is not necessary upon the wife to cook for or serve her parents in-law. Now, many people believe that, it is the duty of the wife to look after not only the household affairs but all the family members including the nephew, niece, etc…If she is negligent in any way, she is rebuked.

Like I asked before, you fulfilling all your wife's rights? Because THAT'S part of being a good Muslim and comes before your dreams of being 'victorious'

For example, it is not necessary upon the wife to cook for or serve her parents in-law. Now, many people believe that, it is the duty of the wife to look after not only the household affairs but all the family members including the nephew, niece, etc…If she is negligent in any way, she is rebuked.

well that's one way of chipping his shell of Islamism
Prove it.

Direct live transmission from 🕋 Mecca

Saudi salafis blah blah blah too strict don’t let us do anything blah blah

YouTube is haraam lol

You wonder why YouTube is allowed to be watch in mosques ? As long as no vulgar **** or music .

Sometimes you need to use your brain

Dumb clown idiot & a fool all rolled in one lol stating YouTube is haraam what next TV is haraam .

Donkeys shouldn’t discuss things they know not of , stick to leering at half naked girls this doesn’t concern YOUR KIND .

You are not of us and we are not of you .

You know where that sayings from ?

Direct live transmission from 🕋 Mecca

Saudi salafis blah blah blah too strict don’t let us do anything blah blah

YouTube is haraam lol

You wonder why YouTube is allowed to be watch in mosques ? As long as no vulgar **** or music .

Sometimes you need to use your brain

Dumb clown idiot & a fool all rolled in one lol stating YouTube is haraam what next TV is haraam .

Donkeys shouldn’t discuss things they know not of , stick to leering at half naked girls this doesn’t concern YOUR KIND .

You are not of us and we are not of you .

You know where that sayings from ?
Just because a Muslim 'does it' doesn't make it Halal.
Secondly, please read before just blabbering away.

And lastly, i am certainly Not one of YOU.
Just because a Muslim 'does it' doesn't make it Halal.
Secondly, please read before just blabbering away.

And lastly, i am certainly Not one of YOU.

Man get the **** out with your rubbish about my religion
Your kind bring this forum down you uneducated baboon
You belong in a zoo with all your brainwashed religion zombies so we can all pay to feed you bananas and throw trash on you
Just to highlight how low life your thinking is

Go back to your brain washed uneducated upbringing and stop pollute this forum with your imbecile inbred jungle bunny uncivilised village bumpkin school of thought .

You definitely are not like US you’d get beatings in the mosque the schools in all way of life spouting the rubbish you do .

Dumb **** .

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