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Majority of IEDs are traced to Pakistan


Nov 1, 2010
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WASHINGTON – Pakistan is the source of explosives in the vast majority of makeshift bombs insurgents in Afghanistan planted this summer to attack U.S. troops, according to U.S. military commanders.

From June through August, U.S. troops detected or were hit by 5,088 improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the most for any three-month period since the war began in 2001.

Those bombs killed 63 troops and wounded 1,234, Defense Department records show.

More than 80% of the IEDs are homemade explosives using calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer produced in Pakistan, said Navy Capt. Douglas Borrebach, deputy director for resources and requirements at the Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization.

The military is working with the State Department, other U.S. agencies and Pakistan's government to prevent fertilizer from reaching the insurgents' bomb factories.

Two weeks ago, Adm. Michael Mullen, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Haqqani terror network linked to attacks in Afghanistan had ties to Pakistan's spy agency.

A Senate bill includes funds to train border guards and customs officials in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It also supports agricultural extension programs that encourage Pakistani farmers to use alternative fertilizers.

Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa., met with top civilian and military leaders in Pakistan in August to urge them to stop the flow of bomb-making materials into Afghanistan. They promised to help, but did not reveal a sense of urgency, Casey told USA TODAY after the trip.

Choking off the source of fertilizer is critical, Borrebach said. "How do we work with Pakistan to be able to reduce the amount of calcium ammonium nitrate coming across the border?" he said. "That's the key to this."

The Taliban and other insurgent groups operate out of a border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, over which the Pakistani government has little control.

Beefing up local security forces in Afghanistan, he said, shows more promise in defeating the IED problem. He pointed to areas of Kandahar province where homegrown security forces, assisted by the U.S. troops, had made life better for local citizens. They, in turn, rejected insurgents, sided with the security forces and pointed out bomb caches. The IED problems subsided, he said.
After 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan, Western forces and their Afghan allies are finding no simple answer to a seemingly straightforward question: Who, exactly, is the enemy?

The Taliban movement, the Haqqani network and splinter groups make contradictory statements and shift alliances, while neighboring Pakistan is accused of having a hand in it all

In Afghanistan, the West and allies fight a murky foe - latimes.com
Karzai Lashes Out At Pakistan
(Financial Times)...Matthew Green

Riding a wave of Afghan anger against Pakistan, President Hamid Karzai has taken a tougher stance against Islamabad in an attempt to bring insurgents to the negotiating table.
Many things(almost everything) from pakistan goes to Afghanistan. It include chemicals as well. So if taliban buy it from afghan market not our fault. Its like saying that taliban eat pakistani imported potatos. So should we stop supplying potatos as well or it will count aiding terrorist.
Cheney Says Obama Owes Bush An Apology After Awlaki Killing
(Washington Post)...Joby Warrick

Former vice president Dick Cheney on Sunday called last week’s CIA drone strike against al-Qaeda operative Anwar Awlaki a validation of the George W. Bush administration’s terrorist-fighting strategy, and said that President Obama should apologize for his past criticism of those policies.
Americans have caught the Bharati flu and blame Pakistan for jusst about everything. Stop selling Fertilizer PAKISTAN!! :cry:
and you should stop using Pakistan defence forum too kid :lol:

that is not very nice. I am here to make peace

---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

Americans have caught the Bharati flu and blame Pakistan for jusst about everything. Stop selling Fertilizer PAKISTAN!! :cry:

what flu is this. You are to blame. Accept it like a men
Milkmen in Pakistan are mixing too much water in the milk. Government of Pakistan should take action against them, otherwise White House reserves the right to take strict action against them.

Spokesmen White House

The Americans have no business in Afghanistan. They were calling the Afghans "freedom fighters" when they were fighting a foreign invador(Soviets). Now when the Afghans fight another foreign invador(USA), they are called "terrorists".

They even changed the Rambo III ending in the post-911 era. The ending used to say: "This film is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan". This was then edited to read "people of Afghanistan" post 911, to suit updated propaganda requirements.
Majority of IED's.. == Majority of fertilizer..
So lets stop giving the Afghan's any more fertilizer.. which will have them go hungry.. and the IED problem will stop.
All of the problems in the world are caused by Pakistan. A nation of 180 million is responsible for the problems of 7 billion people all over the world. If Pakistan did not exist, there would not be one single problem in the world, so Pakistan should be nuked back to the Stone Ages. There: I said it.
good job done by pakistan .keep it up we should never let them rest single day

aap ko kya hua Imran Bhai.. ?? Or is you account again hacked by your younger brother.. If yes, then , beta, aise nahin karte.. Apni Id alag banao :)

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