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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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sir I promote Quran and sunnah because they both have to be followed and without sunnah you can't follow Quran sir and you are promoting religious corruption by denying sunnah and hadees this is exactly what kharjis did and kharjis are destined for hell

Who collected Sunnah? Imam Bukhari , when?
I could do lol on this but I digress.

--- Do you expect people to be this dumb that they don't know how to

1. shower,

2. brush their teeth, or

3. shave, or

4. use toilet

unless some beardo Mullah tells you how?

--- Who are your debating with Sir, someone living in tents of 10,00000 BC?

--- Even Romans knew how to bath, and shave, and clean themselves long before someone collected "Sunnah"

Perhaps we should blame mad house madrassahs for this decline in common sense.

Yes Siree. Please blame madrassahs for the low IQ.


Its a pity, if you being a Muslim dont know the difference between just taking shower and having a Ghussal.
Its a pity, if you being a Muslim dont know the difference between just washing your Face and doing Wazoo.

Please, can you tell me the Faraiz in Ghussal? Wajibs and Mustahibaat?
When the Ghussal become Wajib?

Ring any bells??
Its a pity, if you being a Muslim dont know the difference between just taking shower and having a Ghussal.
Its a pity, if you being a Muslim dont know the difference between just washing your Face and doing Wazoo.

Please, can you tell me the Faraiz in Ghussal? Wajibs and Mustahibaat?
When the Ghussal become Wajib?

Ring any bells??

Your questions remind me of the recent "joker questions" that returning officers were asking from the prospective candidates.

Are you a baa-sath---Tray-saath (62-63) joker amendments of our beloved constitution. :lol:

Beduins perhaps needed these step-by-step directions from a mad-house Mullah.

Civilized people have been really really really reallly cleaning themselves good, 1000s of years before Mohammad pbuh.

So please do now push your standard any lower.

You want to shave, brush teeth, take shower with Wajibs and Mustahibaat. Fine.

But please please please do not ask these questions in public.

The world already thinks Madrassah students are low IQ.

Please do not reinforce the already bad image.

Thank you.
Your questions remind me of the recent "joker questions" that returning officers were asking from the prospective candidates.

Are you a baa-sath---Tray-saath (62-63) joker amendments of our beloved constitution. :lol:

Beduins perhaps needed these step-by-step directions from a mad-house Mullah.

Civilized people have been really really really reallly cleaning themselves good, 1000s of years before Mohammad pbuh.

So please do now push your standard any lower.

You want to shave, brush teeth, take shower with Wajibs and Mustahibaat. Fine.

But please please please do not ask these questions in public.

The world already thinks Madrassah students are low IQ.

Please do not reinforce the already bad image.

Thank you.

You have never answered any of my query. Every time just come up with new allegations. Its ok. Brand me with whatever word you like, i dont mind. Some are very basic things. Our duty being a muslim is to learn knowledge of Islam and pass in on to our children as well. Anyhow, May Allah bless you with true path and if i am wrong He may guide me on right way.

You have never answered any of my query. ....


C'mon Dear poster. I promise I'd explain to you how to take a good shower

If you accept on this forum that you don't know how, or your parents didn't teach you how. OK?

Who collected Sunnah? Imam Bukhari , when?

Mr sunnah was their from day one some sahabas also used to right hadees than hazrat Muhammad saw banned it for sometime than allowed it but all sahabas used to Leland and remember hadees orally and many written hadees collection by sahabas were also their most famous were the collection of abdullah bin amr bin as that had one thousands hadees than was collection of hazrat Umar ra which had orders about zakat and charity than of hazrat Usman ra that too carried orders f zakat mostly and than their was collection of hazrat Ali and than of hazrat Abu hurraira ra than their was collection of hazrat anas ra that hadees on obligation and and sunnahs and diyat and others and also some by samra bin jandab and saad bin abada and ff abdullah bin masood and all other sahaba used to orally transfer hadees to people and next generation and all sahabas had the best memories than hadees came in written form in time off tabeen handsome sahabas were alive by that time and those were mutt a by imam malik and Jamia sufian suri and jamia imam ozari and Jamaica in jareej mean while all other hadees were being orally transfered sir and by people of best memories to people with best memories and by start of second hijrah masnad imam Ahmed bin hanbal this collection has 40000 hadees by all sahabas and this contaill all the collection of sahabas and also collection masnad shafi came and than came sahih bukhari all collected hadees of bukhari are in masnad e Ahmed bin hanbal and after bukhari came sahih Muslim and other collection

hello Mr for your information Quran no where says it is a complete book

hello Mr for your information Quran no where says it is a complete book

Allah swt says "Today I have completed your deen".

Munafiqeen say "No it isn't complete, the book is incomplete. hahahaa".

And you Mr. Zarvan sadly are becoming the mouthpiece of wrong type. Sadly!
Allah swt says "Today I have completed your deen".

Munafiqeen say "No it isn't complete, the book is incomplete. hahahaa".

And you Mr. Zarvan sadly are becoming the mouthpiece of wrong type. Sadly!
yes seen is complete but not told about Quran seen includes sun ah and sayings off prophet Mr and the way you were using the meaning of complete that is clearly proven wrong here and you .... are becoming mouth piece of kharhjis they used to deny hadees
... kharhjis they used to deny hadees

Kharjis denied Quran first.

Another name for Munafiqeen.

Please do not spread the message and anarchy on the behest of Munafiqeen and Kharjies and TTP. They all are and they all were anti-state and anarchists.

thank you
Kharjis denied Quran first.

Another name for Munafiqeen.

Please do not spread the message and anarchy on the behest of Munafiqeen and Kharjies and TTP. They all are and they all were anti-state and anarchists.

thank you
never denied Quran they used to say Quran s enough for us and sahabas confronted them and spread both Quran and sun ah stop lying mr
never denied Quran they used to say Quran s enough for us and sahabas confronted them and spread both Quran and sun ah stop lying mr

Sunna you follow is based on Imam Bukhari (collected in 1050 AD).

Some 4 centuries after Kharajis appeared.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Sadly.

However by definition, modern day Lal Masjid, TTP, and the likes are behaving like Kharijis.

If I am not mistaken you are one of the staunch supporters of Lal masjid goons the Kharajis.
hello Mr for your information Quran no where says it is a complete book

"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is the hearer, the omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from the path of God. That is because they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (6:114-116)

There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end. (6:38)

"These are God's verses; we recite them for you truthfully. In which "Hadith", beside God and His verses, do they believe in? Woe to every sinful fabricator. He hears God's verses, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them; promise him painful retribution. When he learns anything from our verses, he takes it in vain; these have deserved humiliating retribution. Awaiting them is hell; neither their earnings, nor the idols they had set up beside God can help them; they have deserved terrible retribution. This is the guidance, and those who do not believe the verses of their Lord will suffer debasement, and painful retribution." (45:6-11)

Allah has revealed the most beautiful "Hadith" in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide (39:23)

Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful "Hadith" in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide. (31:67)

Sunna you follow is based on Imam Bukhari (collected in 1050 AD).

Some 4 centuries after Kharajis appeared.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Sadly.

However by definition, modern day Lal Masjid, TTP, and the likes are behaving like Kharijis.

If I am not mistaken you are one of the staunch supporters of Lal masjid goons the Kharajis.

Let me tell you reply of my above post will be i am Qadiani or Kharji (if lucky than Jew) and my next attack will be on Quran :omghaha:
"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is the hearer, the omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from the path of God. That is because they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (6:114-116)

There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end. (6:38)

"These are God's verses; we recite them for you truthfully. In which "Hadith", beside God and His verses, do they believe in? Woe to every sinful fabricator. He hears God's verses, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them; promise him painful retribution. When he learns anything from our verses, he takes it in vain; these have deserved humiliating retribution. Awaiting them is hell; neither their earnings, nor the idols they had set up beside God can help them; they have deserved terrible retribution. This is the guidance, and those who do not believe the verses of their Lord will suffer debasement, and painful retribution." (45:6-11)

Allah has revealed the most beautiful "Hadith" in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide (39:23)

Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful "Hadith" in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide. (31:67)

Let me tell you reply of my above post will be i am Qadiani or Kharji (if lucky than Jew) and my next attack will be on Quran :omghaha:

Thank you thank you.

He made the foolish and satanic statement about Quran not being complete, and I have been meaning to post the same verses.

I am glad you posted them quickly.

Yes. He will come back with all sorts of Munafiqeen methods.

Many of Jih@dis have their hearts now like stone, and their eyes and ears are sealed shut.

There is no way they will follow Quran.

there is no way.

They will continue follow be-ghairat Mullahs, and they will continue spreading misinformation about our beautiful religion of Islam.

Thank you thank you.

He made the foolish and satanic statement about Quran not being complete, and I have been meaning to post the same verses.

I am glad you posted them quickly.

Yes. He will come back with all sorts of Munafiqeen methods.

Many of Jih@dis have their hearts now like stone, and their eyes and ears are sealed shut.

There is no way they will follow Quran.

there is no way.

They will continue follow be-ghairat Mullahs, and they will continue spreading misinformation about our beautiful religion of Islam.


again you prove yourself liar and kharji Mr the other hadees which Allah asks they believe in is related to music and other stuff which was used by kafirs to run away from Quran and sunnah and @LoveIcon please first know the background and why what was revealed and you even posted wrong meaning of ayats shame on you Mr
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Sunna you follow is based on Imam Bukhari (collected in 1050 AD).

Some 4 centuries after Kharajis appeared.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Sadly.

However by definition, modern day Lal Masjid, TTP, and the likes are behaving like Kharijis.

If I am not mistaken you are one of the staunch supporters of Lal masjid goons the Kharajis.
you are a liar and I have given you detail on collection of hadees collection of bukhari came much later and those who deny hadees even they when full filling orders off Quran follow hadees but deny it
Quran & Sunnah : Significance of Hadith in Islam
Importance of Sunnah & Hadiths
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