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Major who tied man to jeep as 'human shield' awarded



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LIVE! Major who tied man to jeep as 'human shield' awarded
May 22, 2017

20:21 Major who tied man to jeep as 'human shield' awarded:

An Army Major, who had tied a Kashmiri man to a jeep in Kashmir, has been awarded by Army Chief General Bipin Rawat for his 'sustained efforts' in counter-insurgency operations.

The Army Chief's 'Commendation Card' for Major Leetul Gogoi comes even as a Court of Inquiry into the tying of the Kashmiri man to the jeep's bonnet purportedly as a shield against stone-pelters was going on.

"Major Gogoi has been awarded Chief of Army Staff's Commendation Card for sustained efforts in counter-insurgency operations," Army spokesperson Aman Anand said.

Gogoi was awarded during Gen Rawat's recent visit to Jammu and Kashmir.
Indian Army awards officer who used Kashmiri as human shield

Web Desk
The Indian Army on Monday awarded a commendation card to Major Nitin Gogoi, who had tied a 26-year-old Kashmiri man to a jeep as human shield, reported Asian News International agency.

Major Gogoi,officer who tied protester to Jeep as human shield in J&K awarded by COAS for sustained efforts in counter insurgency operations

A video released in April showed a young shawl weaver Farooq Ahmed Dar strapped to a patrolling Indian Army jeep as a human shield against stone-throwing protesters.

"When they were driving me around, they were saying, 'We will shoot (you),' and were throwing stones at my head," Dar spoke of the ordeal. "I was told not to talk. In one of the villages, an elderly man begged for my release but they didn't listen to him."

Rights groups have long accused Indian forces of using systematic abuse and unjustified arrests in Held Kashmir. The Indian government has acknowledged the problem exists, but denies it is part of a wide strategy to intimidate residents.

Many rights group have conducted decades of research and estimate that at least 200,000 people have been tortured during Kashmir's decades-long conflict fueled by anti-India sentiment among a mostly Muslim population and a deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops.
Nodoubt , it was extreme bravery of Indian soldier .... he deserve more Indian national awards.
Indian Army awards officer who used Kashmiri as human shield

Web Desk
The Indian Army on Monday awarded a commendation card to Major Nitin Gogoi, who had tied a 26-year-old Kashmiri man to a jeep as human shield, reported Asian News International agency.

Major Gogoi,officer who tied protester to Jeep as human shield in J&K awarded by COAS for sustained efforts in counter insurgency operations

A video released in April showed a young shawl weaver Farooq Ahmed Dar strapped to a patrolling Indian Army jeep as a human shield against stone-throwing protesters.

"When they were driving me around, they were saying, 'We will shoot (you),' and were throwing stones at my head," Dar spoke of the ordeal. "I was told not to talk. In one of the villages, an elderly man begged for my release but they didn't listen to him."

Rights groups have long accused Indian forces of using systematic abuse and unjustified arrests in Held Kashmir. The Indian government has acknowledged the problem exists, but denies it is part of a wide strategy to intimidate residents.

Many rights group have conducted decades of research and estimate that at least 200,000 people have been tortured during Kashmir's decades-long conflict fueled by anti-India sentiment among a mostly Muslim population and a deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops.
Indians reward cowards who murder innocents. No surprise here.
Top Kashmiri militant vows to fight for an Islamic state
An policeman throws a tear gas shell at Kashmiri protesters demonstrating against Indian rule in Srinagar, Kashmir on May 19, 2017 AP

The pronouncements, issued in audio statements posted on social media in the past weeks

A serious rift has emerged within the decades-old insurgency against Indian rule in Kashmir, with a top militant commander vowing to establish an Islamic system in the disputed Himalayan region and repudiating the goal of an independent nation, the Guardian reports.

Zakir Musa, the commander of Kashmir’s largest anti-India militia, has explicitly distanced himself from the 70-year-old independence movement in the valley as well as from elements who wish to merge with Pakistan, declaring his fight is “exclusively for Islam, so that Sharia law is established here”.

The pronouncements, issued in audio statements posted on social media in the past weeks, signal a growing ideological divide between Kashmir’s old guard of separatist leaders, their traditional sponsor Pakistan, and a new, social-media savvy generation of rebels heavily influenced by radical Islam.

Musa, 22, has emerged in the past year as the leading face of the ongoing militancy in the Indian-controlled section of the former princedom that was divided between India and Pakistan in 1947 and is still claimed by both.

He succeeded another militant, Burhan Wani, as the commander of the militant group Hizbul Mujahideen. Wani’s death last July in a clash with Indian soldiers triggered weeks of protests that paralysed the valley.

Protests – including some led for the first time by young women – have broken out again in past weeks and by-elections in April saw record low turnouts, pointing to deep disillusionment among Kashmiris and raising fears of another bloody summer ahead.

Musa is part of a new generation of anti-India fighters whose numbers are small – roughly 210, according to police estimates – but who enjoy strong support among the public, and whose exploits and opinions are widely shared on social media.

In a video statement circulated online in March, the bearded, softly-spoken Musa appealed to protesters such as the Pulwama students “not to fall for nationalism”. “I see that many people in Kashmir are engaged in a war of nationalism, which is forbidden in Islam,” he said.

No one would support the things that have taken place. But the award seems to be deliberate more or less and seems govt is sending a message across to the instigators.
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