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Major proportion of Arjun tanks in service not operational

Don't be so confident about ur access to arjun. Savan 15 is a little more than a few boxes and a thermal image . Overall a nice system with sufficient cooling.
On pt-91, its a combo of three component .
+ fcs- ballistic computer

+ range finder n thermal imager

+ Power supply+ cooling solution

Which part is added/ miised in arjun?
I am sorry but there is no such thing as sufficient cooling,it varies with operational environment,operation of such delicate electronic pieces in high temperatures(the temperature inside is even more) is a challenging task especially when you dont know how the black boxes work or whats inside(for the user they are just boxes but with instructions on how to handle them) and for this the existing cooling system failed and it had to be tweaked by the manufacturer itself as sagem does not disclose any technical details to the customer on such products.
I am sorry but there is no such thing as sufficient cooling,it varies with operational environment,operation of such delicate electronic pieces in high temperatures(the temperature inside is even more) is a challenging task especially when you dont know how the black boxes work or whats inside(for the user they are just boxes but with instructions on how to handle them) and for this the existing cooling system failed and it had to be tweaked by the manufacturer itself as sagem does not disclose any technical details to the customer on such products.

It should have been understood when I mentioned cooling it was under the context of that desert, or simple, desert if that would suffice. Here, the yardstick of efficiency of cooling is judged through handling 45-50°© in summer time and keeping the FCS safe from accessive heat.
It should have been understood when I mentioned cooling it was under the context of that desert, or simple, desert if that would suffice. Here, the yardstick of efficiency of cooling is judged through handling 45-50°© in summer time and keeping the FCS safe from accessive heat.
ARJUN TANK AND LCA TEJAS ................. are enough to describe Indigenous Indian Products ............... :smokin:;)

You got anything to describe Indigenous Pakistani Products ? At least a motorcycle engine ?
hahaha...arjunk showing its colors again. Another failed product from bhartis, the failed losers to our East.

Atleast, arjunk isn't falling in wells like other indian tanks were..lmao!!
hahaha...arjunk showing its colors again. Another failed product from bhartis, the failed losers to our East.

Atleast, arjunk isn't falling in wells like other indian tanks were..lmao!!
Anything else to add ? or you want me to humiliate here only ?
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