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Major Breakthrough: Pakistan and Tethyan Copper Company(TCC) have agreed over 50 per cent shares over Reko Diq

50% of our precious national resources and we consider it a win. Pathetic.

What is the total value of the mine?
Previously you got only 25 percent and a 6 billion dollar penalty šŸ¤£
Based on some crude calcs the mine is going to produce about $1.3 billion worth of minerals a year.
It could be worth at least $260 billion.

We're giving 50% away to a foreign company.

Its fucking criminal.
Previously you gave 75 percent away and got 6 billion dollar record penalty šŸ¤£
Shocking. How can Pakistan not have the expertise to do this themselves?

I would say take the fine.
Some idiot self claimed experts in mining tried to do just that with less than zero results šŸ˜¢
Very true. Pakistan has LOST TODAY !!
But Pakistan won when it got slapped with 6 billion dollar record penalty without getting a single dollar from the reko diq mines šŸ˜
Apparently we have local expertise too.

No we don't. We live in fools paradise
If the Sharifs were in charge.......this 80% money would go back into London real estate :lol: .

What the sharifs and bhuttos would do is simple

25% for Pakistan

70% for the company (75% officially)

5% on the side cut back for themselves to be deposited in swiss bank accounts by the company

Lanat upon the sharifs, bhuttos, pmln and PPP supporters for their beghairati
Those minerals are the Haq of every single citizen of this country.

1. Nobody can make us pay a fine.
2. We can borrow to invest.

A few billion dollars is a pittance.

They are going to spend $3 billion and earn $120 billion.

That is more than our total debt.
Keep crying buhuuu
Its not that easy. Balochistan govt already tried that by believing in BS of Samarkand, wasted billions of rupees in Reko Diq and didn't go anywhere. Now Balochistan govt doesn't even want to invest penny in Reko Diq and is just negotiating max possible share in the deal.
Yes that fool Samarkand. I think chief justice of Pakistan was heavily influenced by his BS when he ruled on reko diq case causing 6 billion dollar record penalty on Pakistan
Even after everything,
and the company letting go the massive $6 billion dollars award,
just imagine how much this mine must be worth, obviously heck of a lot more then $6 billion.

The previous agreement only gave 25% to Pakistan, who the heck negotiated that agreement, someone needs to be put in prison.

50% is heck of a lot better then 25%, plus no more $6 billion dollar fine, I call that a win.
I agree with you. The person who negotiated for just 25% must have been an idiot.

50% is a lot better. But Pakistan still deserves more. It is our natural resources at stake here!
Why are you thinking like a patwari?

Put country ahead of party. Previous govts were worse than cancer.
Be happy the international mining company agreed to drop the charges against Pakistan. Pakistan is begging IMF for 6 billion dollars, how would it pay penalty in the same amount?
A 50% stake for the government, which is a passive / non-value adding ā€œpartnerā€ is actually quite impressive negotiating.. I somewhat canā€™t believe it lol. In Canada for example, some jurisdictions collect less than 2% royalties + corporate taxes and many mines are run by international companies even though there are several large Canadian players. The benefit to the nation comes in the form of local employment and spending, which I hope will also happen in Balochistan. Add to that a $6 billion fine avoidance. I see this is a win, win, win.
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