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Major booked for rape, blackmail of colleague who committed suicide

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@Bheemsen If a soldier can fall from his grace, I can't imagine to what extent civilians can stoop

The problem is that in the subcontinent the mantle of authority has been misused by armed forces and those that run law and order.

A poster (@schoolboy) described their attitude quite to the point:

More than watchdogs or judges I believe the mentality / culture of the army and police has to change. We still follow the colonial mindset in both these (very colonial) institutions and this has resulted in institutionalisation of a culture that:
- is arrogant and believes itself above the law and other citizens (though thankfully less so than in Pakistan)
- tolerates no dissent or discussion on existing structures or processes
- views acknowledging a problem as a sign of weakness
- still wedded to the notion that superiority in rank equals absolute control
- demands had-to-monitor perks like CSD, discounts, reservations, etc. instead of professional pay
- expects unconditional support from citizens merely because they perform a law and order / defense role (i.e. opposition is equated with lack of patriotism)

this attitude has lead to the deterioration of the discipline that armed forces are expected to have. Until this attitude is changed, we will continue to see such incidents in the future.
The only hope is the that judicial system plays its role in punishing these culprits and putting the fear of the law in those that are meant to protect the law and defend our land.

Hanuman Army conducted surgical strike on their own woman in uniform

Please refrain from using religious references to mock others faith.
You are only inviting the anti-Islamic trolls to respond in kind. You need to learn respect for others faith if you expect the same for yours!
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Never make fun of a victim like you just did. Does not show you or the ones you represent in good light.

Instead of worrying about his comments, you should be concern about the rape culture of India. Rape is a banned topic in this forum. But it's allowed for India as rape in India are legitimate international news. It's sad that in the west, when you mention India, the first description the come into people's mind is rape. It's India that need to change this infamous reputation. Don't blame others for making that association because of Indian reputation.
No where did i indulged anyone's religion. The ttitle of 'Hanuman Army' was given by your own Defence Minister "Manohar Parrikar". You can go & lynch him now.


It would be disrespectful if someone use the names of gods or prophets of other people's religion to poke fun of them. But in this case, India's minister started himself. Last time I check, he was not a Muslim or Christian.
No where did i indulged anyone's religion. The ttitle of 'Hanuman Army' was given by your own Defence Minister "Manohar Parrikar". You can go & lynch him now.


Please quit playing dumb!
Nowhere was "Hanuman Army" mentioned.
He only makes a reference to the actions of the god Hanuman in the epic Ramayana.
It is not the same. Besides, when we are telling you that its offensive to us, why continue to push buttons?
What purpose does it serve? Pray tell.

It would be disrespectful if someone use the names of gods or prophets of other people's religion to poke fun of them. But in this case, India's minister started himself. Last time I check, he was not a Muslim or Christian.

Please stay the **** out of this! Ive had enough of your nonsense.
If it is offensive to Hindus, it doesn't matter what you think. And Hanuman is a god revered by many Hindus.
So best not to get involved.
Please quit playing dumb!
Nowhere was "Hanuman Army" mentioned.
He only makes a reference to the actions of the god Hanuman in the epic Ramayana.
It is not the same. Besides, when we are telling you that its offensive to us, why continue to push buttons?
What purpose does it serve? Pray tell.

Please stay the **** out of this! Ive had enough of your nonsense.
If it is offensive to Hindus, it doesn't matter what you think. And Hanuman is a god revered by many Hindus.
So best not to get involved.
True colors being that the Indian judicial system is working to bring justice to the victim!
I suppose your contention is that rapes happen only in India, is it?
They are working since 1947 but the rate of rape increasing with passing days

Well don't disrespect Hindu faith. Simple!
Otherwise I don't give a shit what you say or do. Your existence is irrelevant to me.

I'm calling on you to look at this sensitive matter. It is important because respect for others faith is key to a civilized discussion and peaceful resolution to conflicts that plague the subcontinent.
I have marched with other like minded US individuals to protect the rights of muslims here in the US. This kind of behavior makes me believe that those that I have supported are fast becoming undeserving of these actions.
wife swapping now raping the female officers . indian military fed vigra to their soldiers? Or they are pig by nature?
They are working since 1947 but the rate of rape increasing with passing days

I agree. But having an impartial judiciary is key to put the fear into future offenders.
We are not perfect, but at least It feels good to know that those that commit heinous crimes like rape are brought to justice.
Of course a change in general attitude of people and even servants of the law needs to improve drastically.

Leave it out. He's right on many points. I'm sure Pakistan's Hindus would find this offensive. Thank you.

Do not troll this thread please.
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