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Mainstream media and first responders on the day of 9/11 - PROOFS!


Jun 28, 2008
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Mainstream media, and first responders on the day of 9/11 ALL say the following:
1. There were bombs inside the World Trade Center Towers. Devices has been planted inside the buildings. This building was expertly collapsed with bombs in the building….not the airplane.
2. Video actually shows one of those bombs going off
3. CNBC anchors say that the towers fell too similarly to each other, and too close together (in time) for it not to be expertly planned.

CNN Runs ticker for WTC buildings falling before they actually do.
1. CNN announces fall of World Trade Center Towers before they fall….before ANY BUILDING had fallen!
2. No airplane at the Pentagon
3. No proof of airplane crash in Pittsburgh - What happened to Flight 93?

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A closer look at the obvious reveals a strange picture. What happened to Flight 93? The airplane that was supposed to have those brave Americans who said ""let's roll!" before getting together to take out the TERRORISTS in the airplane....thereby crashing the jet in a field in Pittsburgh. This is the official story and they even made very soppy movies about the heroism of those passengers. Unfortunately, its a LIE! This is what US Mainstream Media actually gave away on the day off the events and they themselves are the proof.

No plane in Pittsburgh. Just a hole in the ground and no airplane parts! No smoke, no fire, just a 20' x 10' hole from a large passenger plane!!

Before and after aerial view of the same "crash site" of United Flight 93

According to Rumsfeld, the plane over Pittsburgh was shot down. He said it himself here:

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No steel structure building has ever fallen as the result of a fire. So how come all these media outfits announced the falling of these buildings before they actually fell?

How about WTC Building 7 which wasn't even hit by an airplane.

How did CNN know that WTC 7 which wasn't even hit by an airplane about to collapse? Its never happened before in history! Yet they managed to see into the future by 1 hour!

How come BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 20 minutes before it happened? The correspondent is saying WTC 7 has collapsed when it is clearly standing right behind her on camera for all of us viewers to see!!

Here is what Italian TV Canal 5 has to say about these strange events. They call is a smoking Gun

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CBS News - Bush caught red-handed lying about 9/11

So how does Bush react when asked at a Press Briefing to comment that DNC Chairman Howard Dean said Bush had advanced knowledge of 9/11?

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All of this may be old news to most...but I'm putting it all together just as much for my easy reference.

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Actual Congress meeting: Congressman Wexler- Bush made 935 false statements to make case for Iraq War

Caught in their (politicians) own lies…and Americans are waking up.

Italian News (Canale 5) coverage of WTC 7 – the Smoking Gun
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It never ceases to amaze me at the stupidity of human beings sometimes. It's enough to make a person misanthropic. Every one of these daft theories has been shot down in detail many many times. Has anyone every heard of Occams razor?
It never ceases to amaze me at the stupidity of human beings sometimes. It's enough to make a person misanthropic. Every one of these daft theories has been shot down in detail many many times. Has anyone every heard of Occams razor?


You are not the first person to say that anyone who believes this stuff is stupid....so you're not exactly blazing a new trail. "The simplest explanation being the most likely" would probably mean that a guy sitting in a cave in Afghanistan is not the simplest explanation. The FBI itself admits they don't have proof that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 and there is so much proof that leaders around the world have taken a stand on this issue...but of course you think all of us are just stupid and we amaze you with our stupidity. I wish I were that enlightened.

The only people who still believe Bush about what happened on 9/11 are Cleetus the slack jawed yokel and Larry the Cable Guy.

You are not the first person to say that anyone who believes this stuff is stupid....so you're not exactly blazing a new trail. "The simplest explanation being the most likely" would probably mean that a guy sitting in a cave in Afghanistan is not the simplest explanation. The FBI itself admits they don't have proof that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 and there is so much proof that leaders around the world have taken a stand on this issue...but of course you think all of us are just stupid and we amaze you with our stupidity. I wish I were that enlightened.

The only people who still believe Bush about what happened on 9/11 are Cleetus the slack jawed yokel and Larry the Cable Guy.

AHHH I see so because I don't believe some badly edited footage and a lot of quotes taken out of context I must be slack jawed?
I never claimed to blazing a new trail here but then again neither are you. You "want to believe" because it somehow would square with your world view.

Simple facts are........It was a attack.......It was successful.......

I was going to for a moment counter your arguments but you "WANT TO BELIEVE" and I would be wasting my time.

AHHH I see so because I don't believe some badly edited footage and a lot of quotes taken out of context I must be slack jawed?
I never claimed to blazing a new trail here but then again neither are you. You "want to believe" because it somehow would square with your world view.

Simple facts are........It was a attack.......It was successful.......

I was going to for a moment counter your arguments but you "WANT TO BELIEVE" and I would be wasting my time.


Badly edited footage? LOL...these are actual clips taken from the news that day and everyone who was watching, including me from Toronto at the time, actually saw many of these things on live television and wondered what the hell was going on. You're gonna call these forgeries but the Bin Laden video (that is the basis of the Afghan invasion and claim that "bin Laden did it") even the FBI doesn't accept is as good as Gold?

I'll look at your arguments on whichever thread you said you've had this discussion before so you don't have to feel like you're pushing a boulder up a hill. We've all seen both sides of the arguments before...lemme see what you've got.
We've seen such footage for years now.

It really can't be said with enough certainty since the "victims" aren't ready to listen to a different story. IF it was an inside job that means the whole of the American concept would just cease then n there.

And America hasn't really bothered to prove that AQ was behind it all either.

Hmmm that just leaves us with: "Might is right".
simple question....how many of the hijackers are alive that where blamed for the bombing.?
i agree.....people will take it as gods word what the govt says is true.

Yes i have......but do understand the concept of Occams razor..?

I love it when people who have never worked in government tell us that they are capable of complex multi layered plots involving thousands of people in different countries. And are

1)Keep it secret when so many people are involved. Think about the logistics required to arrange something of this magnitude. then come back

2)Organise it in the first place when most of the time they can't do simple things like sort out rubbish collections on time or constantly lose secret files on the train.

Now ask yourself a question.....why are trying so hard to defend this crap? Whats are YOU trying to prove here?

Occam's Razor

one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything

Or in other words "Keep it simple stupid"

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