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Mainstream media and first responders on the day of 9/11 - PROOFS!

Guys relax.

No need to get cranky at each other and suggest different 'occupations' for the other.
For fighting back in the face of overwhelming odds despite being innocent perhaps?

That's an interesting POV.

I agree it could be true for many people.

Somehow I don't agree that all those who support them believe they are all innocents (as in they did not commit those attacks, for many of them they are innocents even if they did so, perhaps more so).
Somehow I don't agree that all those who support them believe they are all innocents (as in they did not commit those attacks, for many of them they are innocents even if they did so, perhaps more so).

Please explain how you come to this conclusion and what proof you base this on. Or is this one of those gut feeling type of things?
NIST report is full of inconsistencies.


Please read section 9.4.5 which tells of the fire exposure of and temperatures reached by the steel support structure of the building. At no time did the temperature exceed 600 degrees C...not 1000 degrees as you are stating in your quotation of this same report which is actually not even referring to the temperature of the steel, but rather to the temperature of the air...which is not as directly relevant to us as the temp of the steel....WHICH DID NOT EXCEED 600 degrees centigrade.

Here you will find one of many journals with respected academics and scientists who have found the reports to contain far too many inaccuracies inconsistencies...and still left alternate theories completely unexamined. In effect, they went out to prove a thesis rather than to impartially look at all alternatives to arrive at the most likely scenario.

Please explain how you come to this conclusion and what proof you base this on. Or is this one of those gut feeling type of things?

What is there to explain? The biggest cheerleaders for the AQ and Taliban types are the people who also justify all the terrorist attacks against the West and India.

They obviously don't believe that AQ did not carry out the attacks. For them AQ is a hero precisely because they did that and gave it back to the hated West!

But I do see AM's point that there are many innocent Muslims who genuinely believe that they did not or could not have done that (because they believe that real Muslims could not carry out such atrocities against innocent civilians or they were not skilled enough or what not).

But obviously those who take glee when seeing the images of the falling towers and dying people or LOL when seeing images of their own religious books being desecrated just because they can use it to score points against others (I know this one was off-topic) are not in the same category and there are many of them.

Perhaps that is the reason I never saw the point that AM raised. Thx. to him for pointing that out.
This official story from the government is ridiculously laughable and filled with loop holes that anyone can see. According to Bush, they had no idea that such an attack was about to happen and they had no idea about these hijackers at all. Yet, within hours of the attack they had the names, passport details, histories, pictures and all kinds of other information about the 19 hijackers.....they even knew it was 19...not 20...not 16....all within hours. So how?

Below is their explanation. The obvious loopholes that I see are as follows

1. Someone going on a one way suicide mission does not pack a friggin suitcase!! He never expected to unpack it...so why would he pack it?
2. Lets suspend common sense for a second and accept that they pack a suitcase....would they put "extra weapons that they didn't intend to use" in that suitcase and actually check it in at the airport?
3. Only an idiot would believe that this incredible story of the suicide bomber packing suitcase. But if you're willing to believe that, then why stop there? You should also believe that he kept information on the whole mission, their motivations, all the other members of this "top secret cell", their links with others, etc etc. I mean...these guys packed a suitcase that just happened to be filled with all the stuff needed to make a neat little case.
4. So they are on a suicide mission that requires a coordinated hijacking of 4 airliners simultaneously that would then hit targets across American almost simultaneously. So what is the most important thing in all of this? Timing!! So the official story is that these guys showed up only 15 minutes before their flight with a suitcase filled with weapons that they intended to check in (and not use) so they could catch the layover to their fiendishly timed suicide attack.
5. And of course...all of this came together with yet another inexplicable coincidence that this bag full of weapons and incriminating evidence never made it on the plane and just happened to fall into the hands of the authorities in such quick time that CNN was able to give all 19 names from the suitcase within hours of the attack.

Stunning....absolutely stunning. Lemme guess....Keysore....I must be stupid for not believing this right?

An untold story of 9/11 -- Newsday.com
An untold story of 9/11

BY MICHAEL DORMAN | Newsday Staff Writer
April 17, 2006

Suspected hijackers on video

A surveillance camera photographs two men identified by authorities as suspected hijackers Mohammed Atta (R) And Abdulaziz Alomari (C) as they pass through airport security September 11, 2001 at Portland International Jetport in Maine. (US Navy/Getty Images)

Former federal terrorism investigators say a piece of luggage hastily checked in at the Portland, Maine, airport by a World Trade Center hijacker on the morning of Sept. 11 provided the Rosetta stone enabling FBI agents to swiftly unravel the mystery of who carried out the suicide attacks and what motivated them.

A mix-up in Boston prevented the luggage from connecting with the plane that hijackers crashed into the north tower of the trade center. Seized by FBI agents at Boston's Logan Airport, investigators said, it contained Arab-language papers revealing the identities of all 19 hijackers involved in the four hijackings, as well as information on their plans, backgrounds and motives.

The luggage saga represents what the former federal authorities describe as an untold story of 9/11 -- offering explanations for questions long unanswered about the investigation of the tragedy, such as how authorities were able to identify the hijackers so soon after the attacks.

The former federal investigators said information found in the bag was passed on to Justice Department lawyers, who prosecuted Zacarias Moussaoui on charges growing out of the suicide attacks. A Justice Department spokesman, Brian Roehrkasse, said: "Under the judge's order, we're not going to comment on anything relating to the case."

Mohamed Atta, a chief coordinator of the hijackings, and conspirator Abdulaziz AlAlomari spent the night before the attacks in room 232 of a Comfort Inn south of Portland. They checked out at 5:33 a.m. on Sept. 11. Portland Police Chief Michael Chitwood said they drove in a rented blue Nissan Altima -- eventually seized by the FBI -- to Portland International Jetport.

Records show the Altima was parked in an airport lot around 5:45, allowing Atta and Alomari only a few minutes to catch a 6 a.m. commuter flight to Boston's Logan Airport. Although they planned to hijack an American Airlines jet that would take off from Logan later that morning, investigators said they might have gone through Portland in the belief that airport security would be less stringent there.

Once the commuter flight landed at Logan, Atta and Alomari boarded American Airlines Flight 11 bound for Los Angeles -- which they would crash into the trade center.

'A number of telling items'

A staff report to the 9/11 Commission later concluded: "The Portland detour almost prevented Atta and Alomari from making Flight 11 out of Boston. In fact, the luggage they checked in Portland failed to make it onto the plane. Seized after the Sept. 11 crashes, Atta and Alomari's luggage turned out to contain a number of telling items, including correspondence from the university Atta attended in Egypt; Alomari's international driver's license and passport; a videocassette for a Boeing 757 flight simulator; and folding knife and pepper spray, presumably extra weapons the conspirators decided they didn't need."

The report did not say how many bags were checked in Portland, nor did it differentiate them by their contents. But three commission staff members who helped prepare the report said there were two pieces. Two staff members, John Raidt and R. William Johnstone, said it was clear both bags belonged to Atta. "He plopped both of them down on the luggage rack," Raidt said. "Alomari just stood by."

An affidavit filed by FBI agent James K. Lechner in federal district court in Portland reported that two bags checked by Atta were recovered at Logan Airport Sept. 11. They were never placed on Flight 11 before it departed from Boston, Lechner said, but there was no explanation of why they had not been loaded. Lechner described them as "a green Travel Gear bag" and "a black Travelpro bag."

A former FBI agent and a former federal prosecutor who helped direct the New England investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks told Newsday that one bag found in Boston contained far more than what the commission report cited, including the names of the hijackers, their assignments and their al-Qaida connections.

"It had all these Arab-language papers that amounted to the Rosetta stone of the investigation," former FBI agent Warren Flagg said. The former federal prosecutor, who declined to be identified publicly, supported Flagg's account.

Hijacker IDs

"How do you think the government was able to identify all 19 hijackers almost immediately after the attacks?" Flagg asked. "They were identified through those papers in the luggage. And that's how it was known so soon that al-Qaida was behind the hijackings.

The former prosecutor agreed that papers from the luggage helped identify suspects. "I can't speak on the record about that evidence," he said. "This evidence was gathered under grand jury subpoenas and I can't discuss grand jury matters."

The papers discovered in the hijackers' luggage were bolstered by other evidence gathered against the conspirators by the FBI, the former federal prosecutor said. "These guys left behind a paper trail," he said. "They had bank accounts. They rented cars. They had to show what they were doing in the United States. We investigated 9/11 from day one on the assumption that there might be a criminal prosecution."

But when it seemed clear that all 19 hijackers had been killed in the attacks, jurisdiction transferred from various federal prosecutors' offices around the country to Justice Department headquarters in Washington.

Flagg, an FBI agent for 22 years, worked on terrorism cases, among others. Now president of Flaggman Inc., a Manhattan-based investigative firm, he was retired by Sept. 11 but stayed in close touch with former FBI colleagues and prosecutors.

He said he first heard the account of the luggage's significance in the investigation on Sept. 28, 2001, after attending the funeral for John O'Neill, a former top FBI antiterrorism official who died helping others to safety Sept. 11 in his new job as director of security at the World Trade Center.

After the funeral, he said, he fell into conversation with a young FBI agent he had helped train in the New York office. The agent, working on the Sept. 11 investigation, told him about the luggage. The agent said the New England prosecutor helping direct the investigation -- whom Flagg also knew -- was familiar with the evidence. Flagg said he telephoned the prosecutor that same day and received confirmation of the agent's account.

"I was devastated because word had already leaked out of the hijackers' identities," Flagg said. "But I was also excited that the FBI had so much evidence so quickly."

The young FBI agent, who has since left the agency, works in private industry and is reportedly in Dubai. He could not be reached for comment.

News reports published in late September and early October 2001 described a piece of luggage apparently belonging to Atta that had been discovered at Logan Airport after the attacks.

That piece of luggage was said to contain Arab-language papers amounting to Atta's last will and testament, along with instructions to the other hijackers to prepare themselves physically and spiritually for death. The papers also admonished them: "Check all of your items -- your bag, your clothes, knives, your will, your IDs, your passport, your papers. ... Make sure that nobody is following you." Similar papers were also found in the wreckage of another crashed airliner.

Flagg and the former prosecutor, however, said it was the second bag that identified all 19 hijackers.

"That was the one that became the Rosetta stone," Flagg said.
i can live with the fact that people drove an airplane in to the WTC towers. everything you said is nice and all, but there's just one problem.

how can you possibly find it acceptable that a few chaps like that can drive a plane to the nation's capital, and straight into the Pentagon, the center of America's military might.

when you know that the US could have prevented such an attack, when there was actionable intelligence, why are you so firm in declaring everyone else's view as that of a conspiracy theorist?

i've seen some of your posts, you believe the Iraq War was for oil, your taste for Noam Chomsky confirms that. You know that the US had some beef with the Taliban prior to 9/11, starting from the Clinton era. Don't you think the US LET something like this happen?

I'm not saying the US remotely controlled this airplane to crash into the buildings, no i don't believe that. I know for sure that there were flights missing and that some people did drive aircrafts straight into buildings. Yet, i don't think the US could have been "unaware" of something like this.

I don't buy into massive intelligence failures, there's always some degree of truth behind conspiracy theories. however, I do agree with you on some points, people should tone down a little bit on conspiracy theories.

Assad let me put it to you simply. If you can believe a person would strap explosives to their body to attack someone then the airplane attack is merely a extension of that. Intelligence failures often happen (ever heard of Pearl Harbour?) and as someone who has seen them happen its no surprise when a powerful nation gets blindsided

I do believe that the Bush administration used the attacks to their own agenda but Thats a whole lot different to some of the garbage being put out there.
Very cheap tactic Keysore. Notice that nobody on this thread said anything about Jews not being in the building, but you just decided to bring it up yourself and debunk it yourself also. I don't see the relevance of this post to anything being discussed here....and the fact that you actually even go so far out on this tangent (that isn't being discussed here) as to list the names of the Jews in the building and messages like "daddy I love you"....you should apply for a job at Fox News as a peon...I'm sure they're looking for people to like to use these kinds of cheap spin tactics. I also notice that you bring up some theory about pods....something nobody brought up on this thread...but you did and debunked it yourself. I wonder if you are having this conversation with yourself...or you intend to make a point to someone other than yourself. Why don't you ask everyone about Occam's razor again....it'll make you feel like you sound smart.

May I ask why you just coped and pasted a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't address the videos that were posted on this thread that you said were forgeries? You didn't even respond to the videos....you just coped and pasted a whole bunch of stuff that does not directly answer the videos.

Hmm Zyxius given your posts in other threads whining about how Jews are all evil and how people like me are cheerleaders etc etc. I would try and change your mind but I doubt it has that kind of flexibility. After all it seems you have basically fallen back on name calling. Frankly you seem to have one argument....I am right and everyone has to agree with me.

I tried to cover most of the myriad of horseshit out there peddled by halfwits as "truth". And it does include the "there were no jews in the WTC towers.

You copy paste other peoples videos and then have the nerve to complain about others? !!!

I love the part where you use "respected academics" but refuse to believe academics who disagree with you. (What the hell does a Chemistry Professor know about structural engineering?)

The only argument you have put up yourself seems to be about a packed suitcase! damn! I will now put aside all the other information in light of this damning evidence!!!

Hey If the
-The NYC Police department
The NYC port Authority
-All the people in the Pentagon
-The more than 1,600 widows and widowers of 9/11
-The media
-The photographers
-Popular Mechanics
-PBS Nova
-Everyone in the NIST
-NY Governor Pataki
-The CIA
-The FBI
-The American Society of Civil Engineers
-The FAA
-The Silverstein Group
-Silverstein's Insurance Company
-American Airlines
-United Airlines

Are all involved then it would remain secret until a few internet heroes like yourself came along! with your genius insight!

All I can think is that you seriously need to drop the victim mentality and accept the reality......You are not some genius with insight into the world. And it seems you are full of hate and bile and want to share it with everyone here.

I have wasted enough time with you...... good luck in fantasy land
Please explain how you come to this conclusion and what proof you base this on. Or is this one of those gut feeling type of things?

9/11 was an inside job says Shayler

9/11 was an inside job says Shayler

Jan 22 2007 by Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo - original
EX-MI5 officer David Shayler, who will be in Liverpool to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about the New York terror attacks

FORMER spy David Shayler doesn’t have a story to tell. He has a million. And a lot of them might even be true.

Talking to him was incredibly interesting – and not just because he reckons he could be bumped off by dark forces at any time, thereby becoming the UK’s own Alexander Litvinenko.

We spoke on the ‘phone because, well, you can’t be too careful. I certainly wouldn’t fancy getting in a car with him – he says he has suffered three suspicious, potentially-fatal road accidents, in 1997 (driver fell asleep), 2002 (rear tyre exploded) and 2005 (dodgy brakes).

Call the writer and activist whatever you want, but don’t call him boring. Because you’d be as wrong as wrong can be.

This is a man who worked for MI5 for five years, sold a story to a newspaper, fled abroad and, eventually, after being called a traitor to his country, jailed.

And now . . . he claims 9/11 was an inside job.

He has even been quoted (out of context, he protests) in a magazine saying: “Yes, I believe no planes were involved in 9/11 . . . The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes . . . Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Centre.”

However, he tells the ECHO: “I was misquoted. This was a clear and deliberate attempt to send someone in and stitch us up. They used the quote out of context.

“What I am still saying is go onto the internet and look at the footage . . . people have had a go at me saying there were no planes but there is little evidence to show that jets went into the buildings. I’m entitled to say they didn’t and something else did . . . You can make some accurate calculations from Newton’s laws of motion.”

This is where he’s got me. I saw planes going into the World Trade Centre but Newton’s laws of motion are a mystery to me. As is quantum mechanics, which David also mentions during another part of our conversation.

Now a member of the 9/11 Truth Movement – formed after the publication, in July 2004, of the official 9/11 Commission Report – Shayler and his partner and fellow former MI5 officer Annie Machon will be in Liverpool later this week, as support for the “inside job” theory gathers momentum.

The newly-formed Merseyside Truth Movement is hosting “An Evening With Real Spies Unravelling The Lies” event (free admission) from 7.30pm on Thursday at The Casa in Hope Street.

Gary Fletcher, 45, from Wavertree, a rescue boat driver in the North Sea, is one of 14 members of the local group. He says: “I saw the second plane hit the World Trade Centre on TV and my initial reaction was that it was a terrorist attack. But when I saw shots from the Pentagon I thought ‘There’s something funny going on here’ – especially with four planes being able to spend that much time in the air without being shot down.”

Short Changed, a documentary about 9/11 made by a group of Americans, will be shown at the Casa and then followed by talks by Shayler and Machon on state terrorism and the aims of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Shayler, who worked in MI5’s political and counter-terrorism departments in the early 1990s, says: “I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet but the credibility I add to the movement is enormous” (I can hear a trumpet!).

He adds: “Liverpool is one of our target cities, as it has a reputation for radicalism and questioning the powers-that-be. We are calling for the inquiry to be re-opened.”

There are, according to the non-believers, many more questions than answers – not least concerning the collapse of the twin towers: “All the evidence points to controlled demolition,” claims Shayler.

The Pentagon? “We can say, hand on heart, there is evidence of missile damage.”

Many will agree – many do agree, just look on the internet – but what about the danger of mass ridicule, in a David (“I’m the Son of God”) Icke kind of way?

“You must have the courage to tell the truth,” says Shayler.

David Shayler is 41. But will he reach 42? He says: “I believe in a higher power. I have no fear of death” – which may be just as well, as he claims: “There have been three attempts on my life in car crashes – two when I was an atheist” (he now practices Kabbalah, described as the world’s oldest body of spiritual wisdom).

Regarding the future, he says: “This is the defining issue of humanity. We have never lived with such control .”

George Bush, though? Some might say he couldn’t even control his own bowel movements. But, says Shayler, it goes much deeper than Bush and Tony Blair.

“Bush and Blair are puppets . . . Blair may be more intelligent than Bush, but they are both clearly patsies.”

But I can still hear people shouting: “This is madness!” How would you respond?

“I would say that in 20 years time their kids may be asking them ‘Why is it we used to live in a democracy and don’t any more?’”

Told you – he’s not boring, is he?

Dear XY,

You need to hook up with this guy when you visit London Next.

9/11 was an inside job says Shayler

9/11 was an inside job says Shayler

Jan 22 2007 by Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo - original
EX-MI5 officer David Shayler, who will be in Liverpool to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about the New York terror attacks

FORMER spy David Shayler doesn’t have a story to tell. He has a million. And a lot of them might even be true.

Talking to him was incredibly interesting – and not just because he reckons he could be bumped off by dark forces at any time, thereby becoming the UK’s own Alexander Litvinenko.

We spoke on the ‘phone because, well, you can’t be too careful. I certainly wouldn’t fancy getting in a car with him – he says he has suffered three suspicious, potentially-fatal road accidents, in 1997 (driver fell asleep), 2002 (rear tyre exploded) and 2005 (dodgy brakes).

Call the writer and activist whatever you want, but don’t call him boring. Because you’d be as wrong as wrong can be.

This is a man who worked for MI5 for five years, sold a story to a newspaper, fled abroad and, eventually, after being called a traitor to his country, jailed.

And now . . . he claims 9/11 was an inside job.

He has even been quoted (out of context, he protests) in a magazine saying: “Yes, I believe no planes were involved in 9/11 . . . The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes . . . Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Centre.”

However, he tells the ECHO: “I was misquoted. This was a clear and deliberate attempt to send someone in and stitch us up. They used the quote out of context.

“What I am still saying is go onto the internet and look at the footage . . . people have had a go at me saying there were no planes but there is little evidence to show that jets went into the buildings. I’m entitled to say they didn’t and something else did . . . You can make some accurate calculations from Newton’s laws of motion.”

This is where he’s got me. I saw planes going into the World Trade Centre but Newton’s laws of motion are a mystery to me. As is quantum mechanics, which David also mentions during another part of our conversation.

Now a member of the 9/11 Truth Movement – formed after the publication, in July 2004, of the official 9/11 Commission Report – Shayler and his partner and fellow former MI5 officer Annie Machon will be in Liverpool later this week, as support for the “inside job” theory gathers momentum.

The newly-formed Merseyside Truth Movement is hosting “An Evening With Real Spies Unravelling The Lies” event (free admission) from 7.30pm on Thursday at The Casa in Hope Street.

Gary Fletcher, 45, from Wavertree, a rescue boat driver in the North Sea, is one of 14 members of the local group. He says: “I saw the second plane hit the World Trade Centre on TV and my initial reaction was that it was a terrorist attack. But when I saw shots from the Pentagon I thought ‘There’s something funny going on here’ – especially with four planes being able to spend that much time in the air without being shot down.”

Short Changed, a documentary about 9/11 made by a group of Americans, will be shown at the Casa and then followed by talks by Shayler and Machon on state terrorism and the aims of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Shayler, who worked in MI5’s political and counter-terrorism departments in the early 1990s, says: “I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet but the credibility I add to the movement is enormous” (I can hear a trumpet!).

He adds: “Liverpool is one of our target cities, as it has a reputation for radicalism and questioning the powers-that-be. We are calling for the inquiry to be re-opened.”

There are, according to the non-believers, many more questions than answers – not least concerning the collapse of the twin towers: “All the evidence points to controlled demolition,” claims Shayler.

The Pentagon? “We can say, hand on heart, there is evidence of missile damage.”

Many will agree – many do agree, just look on the internet – but what about the danger of mass ridicule, in a David (“I’m the Son of God”) Icke kind of way?

“You must have the courage to tell the truth,” says Shayler.

David Shayler is 41. But will he reach 42? He says: “I believe in a higher power. I have no fear of death” – which may be just as well, as he claims: “There have been three attempts on my life in car crashes – two when I was an atheist” (he now practices Kabbalah, described as the world’s oldest body of spiritual wisdom).

Regarding the future, he says: “This is the defining issue of humanity. We have never lived with such control .”

George Bush, though? Some might say he couldn’t even control his own bowel movements. But, says Shayler, it goes much deeper than Bush and Tony Blair.

“Bush and Blair are puppets . . . Blair may be more intelligent than Bush, but they are both clearly patsies.”

But I can still hear people shouting: “This is madness!” How would you respond?

“I would say that in 20 years time their kids may be asking them ‘Why is it we used to live in a democracy and don’t any more?’”

Told you – he’s not boring, is he?

Dear XY,

You need to hook up with this guy when you visit London Next.


Hasn't David Shayler turned a bit crazy recently...?
Who killed John O'Neil?

Takes about 5/10 mins to get going....but it gets interesting.
Adds a few bits of new info into the whole 9?11 thing.
A conspiracy theory is an account of social or natural phenomena, according to which a secret organization or powerful individual is responsible for a phenomenon and has deliberately deceived public opinion in connection with it, typically with the motive of partisan gain at the expense of the wider society. When conspiracy theories combine logical fallacies with lack of evidence, the result is a worldview known as conspiracism. Conspiracism is a worldview that sees major historic events and trends as the result of secret conspiracies.

Since the terrorist attacks on America that took place on September 9/11 2001, theories of conspiracy flourished. These "theories" are often irresponsible, lacking in fact, and ignorant of key factors of cicumstance and physics that took place on 9/11.
Christopher Hitchens represents conspiracy theories as the 'exhaust fumes of democracy', the unavoidable result of a large amount of information circulating among a large number of people. Other social commentators and sociologists argue that conspiracy theories are produced according to variables which may change within a democratic (or other type) of society.

According to many psychologists, a person who believes in one conspiracy theory is often a believer in other conspiracy theories. Psychologists believe that the search for meaningfulness features largely in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories. That desire alone may be powerful enough to lead to the initial formulation of the idea. Once cognized, confirmation bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal reinforcement may equally play a part.
. .
Hmm Zyxius given your posts in other threads whining about how Jews are all evil and how people like me are cheerleaders etc etc. I would try and change your mind but I doubt it has that kind of flexibility. After all it seems you have basically fallen back on name calling. Frankly you seem to have one argument....I am right and everyone has to agree with me.

I tried to cover most of the myriad of horseshit out there peddled by halfwits as "truth". And it does include the "there were no jews in the WTC towers.

You copy paste other peoples videos and then have the nerve to complain about others? !!!

I love the part where you use "respected academics" but refuse to believe academics who disagree with you. (What the hell does a Chemistry Professor know about structural engineering?)

The only argument you have put up yourself seems to be about a packed suitcase! damn! I will now put aside all the other information in light of this damning evidence!!!

Hey If the
-The NYC Police department
The NYC port Authority
-All the people in the Pentagon
-The more than 1,600 widows and widowers of 9/11
-The media
-The photographers
-Popular Mechanics
-PBS Nova
-Everyone in the NIST
-NY Governor Pataki
-The CIA
-The FBI
-The American Society of Civil Engineers
-The FAA
-The Silverstein Group
-Silverstein's Insurance Company
-American Airlines
-United Airlines

Are all involved then it would remain secret until a few internet heroes like yourself came along! with your genius insight!

All I can think is that you seriously need to drop the victim mentality and accept the reality......You are not some genius with insight into the world. And it seems you are full of hate and bile and want to share it with everyone here.

I have wasted enough time with you...... good luck in fantasy land


You have not responded to anything anyone else has brought up on this thread. You just keep kicking up new stuff which you bring up yourself and debunk yourself....then you go back into psychology and labelling everything that isn't your point of view a "conspiracy theory". And to bring in what has been said on other threads that has no relevance to the subject being discussed on this thread is an indication of how far out of your way you are going to avoid actually answering anything. THE NIST report you quoted has flaws and you have also misquoted it. You do not respond to that...instead you jump ship and then start talking about a whole bunch of other stuff. You are only being dishonest with yourself when you are not willing to impartially judge the facts....all of them, not the just ones that fit with your view.

You keep naming all these agencies and demonstrate that in your mind there are only two options:

1. A couple of guys in a cave in Afghanistan did it.
2. Every agency in the US was involved.

Those are two very extreme views and for you to only be able to see these two extremes is what is troublesome. Or maybe you are saying that anyone who doesn't agree with 1 must believe in 2. Again.....not a very genuine argument you are making.

I have seen all the stuff you have posted before and have answered some of it, but you haven't answered ANYTHING I brought up.....please use the cheap tactic and say it isn't worth it, or you don't want to waste your time, or there are no facts...it is the expected tactic from you.
A conspiracy theory is an account of social or natural phenomena, according to which a secret organization or powerful individual is responsible for a phenomenon and has deliberately deceived public opinion in connection with it, typically with the motive of partisan gain at the expense of the wider society. When conspiracy theories combine logical fallacies with lack of evidence, the result is a worldview known as conspiracism. Conspiracism is a worldview that sees major historic events and trends as the result of secret conspiracies.

Since the terrorist attacks on America that took place on September 9/11 2001, theories of conspiracy flourished. These "theories" are often irresponsible, lacking in fact, and ignorant of key factors of cicumstance and physics that took place on 9/11.
Christopher Hitchens represents conspiracy theories as the 'exhaust fumes of democracy', the unavoidable result of a large amount of information circulating among a large number of people. Other social commentators and sociologists argue that conspiracy theories are produced according to variables which may change within a democratic (or other type) of society.

According to many psychologists, a person who believes in one conspiracy theory is often a believer in other conspiracy theories. Psychologists believe that the search for meaningfulness features largely in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories. That desire alone may be powerful enough to lead to the initial formulation of the idea. Once cognized, confirmation bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal reinforcement may equally play a part.

Christopher Hitchens the drunkard......

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