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Mahmud of Ghazni vs Rajendra Chola

Who will win

  • Mahmud of Ghazni

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • Rajendra Chola

    Votes: 19 51.4%

  • Total voters
First pages the this discussion was mostly good. But now this thread has really deteriorated into something else.

We didn't start the fire.

We are done with you, put you in your place you filthy blacky subhuman who claims to be an aryan, next time don't fuckk with us you subhuman, wretched horrible inferior sad excuse for a human.
Don't quote me these softporn written by *** lcker of the sultan.

Weak pakhtoon were enslaved by British Army comprised of 80 % Gurkhas

I will post some pics of Tirah campaign in which pakhtun Neanderthal were lined up after they surrendered.

Even a 5.5 ft Gurkha can beat and behead a pakhtoon no wonder they were enslaved and persecuted by Sikhs who forced them to wear Woman Salwar kameez

Gurkha who beheaded Taliban soldier in Afghanistan battle cleared to return to duty | Daily Mail Online

Tirah Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That midget Gurkha sneaked into house of a village at late night and beheaded some sleeping innocent old man with beard.......that midget was fired for his little "adventure"

Midget Gurkhas were slaughtered in great numbers in tribal areas and Afghanistan, there are no jungles in the region where they could hide. On several occasions, Pashtun tribesmen, during raid on British camp, would seize the small gurkhas running around in panic by throat and lift them with hands, and would strangle them to death . Gurkhas forgot all the tricks when they landed in Pakhtunkhwa, they learnt the true meaning of terror.
That midget Gurkha sneaked into house of a village at late night and beheaded some sleeping innocent old man with beard.......that midget was fired for his little "adventure"

Midget Gurkhas were slaughtered in great numbers in tribal areas and Afghanistan, there are no jungles in the region where they could hide. On several occasions, Pashtun tribesmen, during raid on British camp, would seize the small gurkhas running around in panic by throat and lift them with hands, and would strangle them to death . Gurkhas forgot all the tricks when they landed in Pakhtunkhwa, they learnt the true meaning of terror.
pakhtoons were enslaved by Gurkhas during the Tirah campaign,its a known fact with pics of Pakhtoon slaves available on google.

No wonder Pakhtun are most persecuted creatures thanks to their British masters who saved them for Sikh terror.

But the psychological mark still visible when the wear salwar kamiz.

When a Pathan mother had to put her unruly child to sleep, she would scare her ,"Sleep child otherwise Hari Singh will come."

This man was the terror of Pakthunwa, the scourge of Pathans...their worst nightmare come true. He conquered Pakthunwa. If not for him, Pakthnuwa would be in Afghanistan today (not in Pakistan). So Pakistanis do owe him something after all.

He defeated Afghans in Kashimir too when he conquered it for Sikhs in 1819.
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Why these Indians acting like half their country is Gurkha? Even if Gurkha are as fearless as they claim, why are they cheerleading for them? They are not martial race at all like Gurkha or Pashtun
Accept it you are no aryan you are a dark short weak, pathetic little aboroginie

Don't insult the great Aryan race by claiming their heritage, you are just a annay mannay Tamil.

Pakher ragilay wroora.

Both you and that other guy need to go to a mental health check up for your incredible racism. Please tell me your problem with tribals of any society? That you use them as shit for your internet wars?:lol:

They dont do anything, harm anyone.
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Ghazni was culturally most advanced city of the times under Mahmud, neat and clean with gardens.......not like feces-smelling Hindu cities of south India, where people lived semi-naked, dirty with no concept of cleanliness. Hindus were Jahil (still are), unsophisticated and uncivilized at that times , no comparison with Ghaznavids.
And what Raja chola mola?, the skinny, short-statured, vegetarian, testosterone-deficient Hindus of chola empire with tiny balls had no comparison with superb warriors like Turks. Ever wondered why Hindus lost hand-to-hand combat style wars with muslims before invention of artillery and matchlocks?.....because they didnt have enough physical stamina to fight with swords for hours.

Lol, so much false superiority complex having people in this thread. Such big strong super duper guy over the internet? :lol:

Chola cities would've been quite impressive btw. You can still see their layers of stone gateways for yourself.





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Even in ancient India, their cities were impressive.

The Greek ambassador to the Maurya court even said it's capital, Pataliputra, was on par if not better than Gerco Persian cities like Susa.

Though there are few surviving free standing architecture from then, you can still see through smaller kingdoms relief, painting images, and artificial caves they've created.

Literal and artistic sources say it's anything but simple, good try though.








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Oh well next they will claim to be Europeans & More whiter then Germans, after they used skin whiteness of course.

Yes but most Pakistanis are Aryan the real McCoy not some aborigines.

I am a Pakistani but I have pukhtoon/Turkic side to me which i value but I value being Pakistani more.

You aint 'white' and certainly not no Aryan :lol:
Why these Indians acting like half their country is Gurkha? Even if Gurkha are as fearless as they claim, why are they cheerleading for them? They are not martial race at all like Gurkha or Pashtun
Pashtuns were not martial. They were the slaves of the Arabs and Turks.
Thats why they still use the Arab alphabet
Accept it you are no aryan you are a dark short weak, pathetic little aboroginie

Don't insult the great Aryan race by claiming their heritage, you are just a annay mannay Tamil.

Pakher ragilay wroora.
I am not a Tamil.
My ancestors are from the Deccan which has a greater military history than the pathetic countries
called Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I am very proud that the Satavahana Dynasty of the Deccan defeated the Scythian invaders and protected
major parts of India. The same Scythians easily conquered and enslaved the ancestors of Pakistan and
The Chalukya Dynasty from the Deccan defeated the Arab invaders in the 8th century and protected
the whole southern part of India at a time when whole Afghanistan and Pakistan was under Arab rule.
The Arabs enslaved your ancestors and forced them to follow the Arab religion and to use the Arab script.
From the 10th to 12th century the Deccan was ruled by the famous Western Chalukya Empire which
was together with the Chola Dynasty the most powerful forces in South Asia.
At that time Afghanistan and Pakistan were ruled by the Turks who ensalved your ancestors
and who forced you guys to use Turkic words.
The Vijayanagar Empire from the Deccan defeated the Turkic invaders of the Delhi Sultanate and drove
the Turks out of south India from the 14th to 16th century.
During this period the people of Afghanistan were raped by the Mongols and the Pakis were
enslaved by Mongols and Turks.
In the 17th century the famous Maratha Empire emerged and destroyed the Mughals.
During this period Aghanistan and Pakistan were under the rule of Persian and Mughals.
Throughout the pathetic history of Pakistan and Afghanistan these people were never
able to repel foreign invasions. The people of Afghanistan and Pakistan were only
good at licking the asses of foreign invaders.
Accept it you are no aryan you are a dark short weak, pathetic little aboroginie

Don't insult the great Aryan race by claiming their heritage, you are just a annay mannay Tamil.

Pakher ragilay wroora.
You are only an inferior Pashtun. Pashtuns are part of the subhuman race.
This is one of the main reasons why Afghanistan is the least developed country in
South Asia.
Only Pakistan and Afghanistan were ruled for more than 2500 years by foreign invaders like Greeks,
Scythians, Persians, Arabs, Mongols and many more without resisting these foreign invaders.
This is one of the main reasons why Afghanistan and Pakistan are the least developed countries in
South Asia today.

Lol least developed, our infrastructure is much more developed than you guys, there are tons of articles by Indians regarding comparison of infrastructure between India and Pakistan, here is a paragraph by Madhulika Sikka, NPR News: (May, 2010)

"Yes. Yes, you read right. The roads. I used to live in Mumbai and now I live in Delhi and, yes, I think good roads are a great, mammoth, gargantuan luxury! Face it, when did you last see a good road in India? Like a really smooth road. Drivable, wide, nicely built and long, yawning, stretching so far that you want zip on till eternity and loosen the gears and let the car fly. A road without squeeze or bump or gaping holes that pop up like blood-dripping kitchen knives in Ramsay Brothers films. When did you last see such roads? Pakistan is full of such roads. Driving on the motorway between Islamabad and Lahore, I thought of the Indian politician who ruled a notorious —, one could almost say viciously — potholed state and spoke of turning the roads so smooth that they would resemble the cheeks of Hema Malini. They remained as dented as the face of Frankenstein's monster. And here, in Pakistan, I was travelling on roads that — well, how can one now avoid this? — were as smooth as Hema Malini's cheeks! Pakistani roads are broad and smooth and almost entirely, magically, pot hole free. How do they do it; this country that is ostensibly so far behind in economic growth compared to India? But they do and one of my most delightful experiences in Pakistan has been travelling on its fabulous roads. No wonder the country is littered with SUVs — Pakistan has the roads for such cars!"

Another one by Yoginder Sikand, Countercurrents.org : (June, 2008)

"This may be hard to believe, but the first thing that crosses your mind when you drive into Islamabad is suburban Virginia — its wide roads, modern buildings, cleanliness and orderliness is a complete contrast to the hustle and bustle of the ancient city of Lahore, some 220 miles east on the Grand Trunk Road. slamabad is laid out in a grid with numbered avenues running north to south. The streets are tree lined and flowers abound among the vast open stretches of green space."
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