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Mahershala Ali becomes first Muslim actor to win an Oscar!

he is anything but Muslim. so called Ahmadis aka Qadyanis are not even allowed to enter two holiest cities of Islam..
But they do....majority of them dont mention that they are Qadiyani. Btw we have many senior and elite members here who are qadianis.
In my humble opinion everyone should be allowed what he wants to call himself. The solution of this is that we should educate ourselves about what is right and what is not.
Our enemies know this and thats why they are trying their level best to either twist or break our backbone, the Madrassas.
Why does anyone in Pakistan even care if Mahershali Ali call himself a Muslim or not? He's neither Pakistani nor lives in Pakistan, so those labels don't apply to him. And personally, I don't think he cares. This debate on whether he's a Muslim or not is strictly within the Muslim community. As for non-Muslims, if someone calls himself/herself a Muslim, who are we to tell them otherwise?
So from tomorrow I start selling counterfeit copies the famous brands like Apple etc as original...so would you be okay with that? Won't you call it fraud? I want an honest answer... and not the one that fits your POV.

Instead of celebrating an award to an actor why are we getting into semantics ?
The reason is his faith has been mentioned as the highlight of this news and that too wrongly. Had they mentioned Qadiyani only, there won't be much of an objection but they are calling him Muslim - which he is not...A person can either be a Muslim or Qadyani but not both at the same time.
An it is really strange that they mentioned his faith while it is against their norm.
I never heard, Oscar goes to Tom Hanks, a roman catholic, or any XYZ...very practising and racist jew,...or XYZ hindu got his or her first award (btw IDK if any hindu ever got but that besides the point)
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I never heard, Oscar goes to Tom Hanks, a roman catholic, or any XYZ...very practising and racist jew,...or XYZ hindu got his or her first award (btw IDK if any hindu ever got but that besides the point)

Check what your own envoy at the UN did & withdrew. Why question others ?
Check what your own envoy at the UN did & withdrew. Why question others ?
Envoy ka jaan logay kya ? Her subconsious mind did it then she realised where she is from and took out the post.

When you see some of the responses on the thread by Pakistani members and they are all educated,you can imagine what effect it can have on uneducated people.
Check what your own envoy at the UN did & withdrew. Why question others ?
Why are you going off the topic now...? I don't have time that mate..if you can comment on the topic, it is ok but otherwise....

I know so many Ahmadis who go to Hajj every year. Only Pakistani Ahmadis can't go. Sir Zafrullah Khan (rh) went there as the guest of the Saudi king. You should declare the previous Saudi Kings kafir. :lol:
Yeah but by faking as Muslims.. if they tell the truth, they won't be allowed to do that.
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he is anything but Muslim. so called Ahmadis aka Qadyanis are not even allowed to enter two holiest cities of Islam..

Religion is ones personal belief. If he says he is a Muslim then who are your to judge him

So from tomorrow I start selling counterfeit copies the famous brands like Apple etc as original...so would you be okay with that? Won't you call it fraud? I want an honest answer... and not the one that fits your POV.

Wrong Analogy,

Religion is ones personal belief and not a brand owned by third party.
Since it is a personal belief/ Choice, no one has right to question it
Religion is ones personal belief. If he says he is a Muslim then who are your to judge him

i am not judging anyone. i am saying what constitution of Pakistan say.. i was not the one who declared them non Muslim, all sects and political leaders unanimously declared them non Muslims..

I know so many Ahmadis who go to Hajj every year. Only Pakistani Ahmadis can't go. Sir Zafrullah Khan (rh) went there as the guest of the Saudi king. You should declare the previous Saudi Kings kafir. :lol:

well back then they were not declared non Muslim by states.
Yeah but by faking as Muslims.. if they tell the truth, they won't be allowed to do that.

Do you ever stop and think before you speak? I don't mean this in jest but in all seriousness. Are you saying, me trying to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) is faking it to be a Muslim? How does this even make sense? I don't call myself a Muslim to troll you guys. Seriously as much as I love trolling, that's not the case.

The Arabs knew exactly who we were back then as well, Ahmadi preachers have been in Arab lands for nearly a century. And Sir Zafrullah Khan (rh) never hid he was an Ahmadi. Even Jinnah saheb (rh) knew him to be an Ahmadi so did most of the leadership of Muslim League and people of Pakistan and this is why even some Arab newspapers published news that even if we have doctrinal differences, we still respect and are grateful for his defense of Palestine. Which is the reason why the Saudi King extended him his invitation.

well back then they were not declared non Muslim by states.

Lol, Ambassadors from some Arab countries still visit our events and take our literature and say you are doing a good defense of Islam but never publicly say anything due to the fear of the clerics?
The guy is american, successful hollywood actor, likely a millionaire and Pakistanis think it will matter to him if they accept him or not.o_O Pakistanis give off the vibe of some orgy organizers who are smug about their ability to decide who enters the orgy and who doesnt.
Lol, Ambassadors from some Arab countries still visit our events and take our literature and say you are doing a good defense of Islam but never publicly say anything due to the fear of the clerics?

Well then you should get an idea.. they cant even express themselves in matter related to you. feel sorry for them, those ambassadors probably belong to Rushdie and Salman Taseer kind who think they need Qadiyani non Muslims to defend Islam.. you are talking about ambassadors who say America and west is defender of Islam for few billions or sake of their fiefdoms :lol:
The guy is american, successful hollywood actor, likely a millionaire and Pakistanis think it will matter to him if they accept him or not.o_O Pakistanis give off the vibe of some orgy organizers who are smug about their ability to decide who enters the orgy and who doesnt.
Pakistanis love to take recognition of all muslims success in USA, Europe and even India.
I think MODs should change the title of the thread as according to Sharia and our Law, Ahmadi/qadianis are not Muslims.
thats the title of the news item.. mods are not responsible for content, nor do they have to agree.
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