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Mahdi. Very interesting perspective from Arab world.

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So immediately every one becomes ignorant and disbeliever of hadith!
Nit disbeliver. I am asking for reference. If you are quoting an statement you should give the basis and reference

by use thats what i meant consumed formdrinking or agri but you are right

its isfahan followers will be from isfahan thats wht i have southern part of afghanistan was khurasna
Isfahan ... yes its the place of emergence of dajjal ... he will reveal himself and 70k jews will follow him but isfahan is not khurasan ... khurasan is afghanistan and north iran whereas isfahan is in souþh iran ... that was persia ...
Pakistan can protect itself from a lot of it but weather control/ intervention/manipulation is something that will be difficult to avoid damage from. Dams are a must as glaciers depletion accelerates.

Democracy is the biggest threat to Pakistan. They are destroying Pakistan and if there will be a Dajjal who must hit the GCC, than he shall not appear until he completely destroy or incapacitate Pakistan.
Nit disbeliver. I am asking for reference. If you are quoting an statement you should give the basis and reference

When i asked simple question, where in Quran mahdi is mentioned, i was issued fatwa of kufar by cheeky momin.

Regarding hadith i quoted, come on it's only you who is unaware of it.
Democracy is the biggest threat to Pakistan. They are destroying Pakistan and if there will be a Dajjal who must hit the GCC, than he shall not appear until he completely destroy or incapacitate Pakistan.
U r right
When i asked simple question, where in Quran mahdi is mentioned, i was issued fatwa of kufar by cheeky momin.

Regarding hadith i quoted, come on it's only you who is unaware of it.
Buddy its isfahan and its in persia not khurasan
When i asked simple question, where in Quran mahdi is mentioned, i was issued fatwa of kufar by cheeky momin.

Its interesting they believe the hadith more than they do the Quran. The deception is real.
It says fighters of dajjal would be flat faced ethnicity from east of Khurasan, and jews with Persian shawls will walk along side Dajjal and those will be from Isfahan.

So now may be, not even 2% on this forum will be willing to believe on this hadith!
yeh but esfahan is not in afghanistan brother
When i asked simple question, where in Quran mahdi is mentioned, i was issued fatwa of kufar by cheeky momin.

Regarding hadith i quoted, come on it's only you who is unaware of it.
He is not mentioned because Islam is complete he will not teach anything, and he will run away from people but people will force him to become khalifa to unite ummah against oppression thats it.

Also Prophet PBUH saw all ages happening before his eyes when he was taken to journey to heavens. That how minor events like people of arab nomads will compete in make tallest building was told by Him PBUH
Its interesting they believe the hadith more than they do the Quran. The deception is real.

Based on such facts, i start to believe in Digital/Dajjal system part of hadith.

People must be fanatically religious, to go fight wars for others and/or ship $ abroad, to be spent on foreign wars or decorating some dead man's grave.

He is not mentioned because Islam is complete he will not teach anything, and he will run away from people but people will force him to become khalifa to unite ummah against oppression thats it.

Also Prophet PBUH saw all ages happening before his eyes when he was taken to journey to heavens. That how minor events like people of arab nomads will compete in make tallest building was told by Him PBUH

May be, may be not, may be dajjal masquerade as mahdi.
Based on such facts, i start to believe in Digital/Dajjal system part of hadith.

People must be fanatically religious, to go fight wars for others and/or ship $ abroad, to be spent on foreign wars or decorating some dead man's grave.

If this does ever happen and I hope to God this jinn demon never comes to earth otherwise we will see millions of Muslims running to fight, trying to be the first to spill "kuffar" blood. This is the deception. The rivers of blood for the rivers of milk and honey. Gives me shivers down my spine.

This is not Gods plan and this against all universal laws laid down by our creator.

Where is it contradictory to quran ?

Its not stated in the quran, that is the contradiction.
Based on such facts, i start to believe in Digital/Dajjal system part of hadith.

People must be fanatically religious, to go fight wars for others and/or ship $ abroad, to be spent on foreign wars or decorating some dead man's grave.

May be, may be not, may be dajjal masquerade as mahdi.
I say as us Muslim we should take Quran first then hadith which are in accordance with Quran anything out side like prophesies should be studied not blindly follow anyone like ISIS Al bagdadi.
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