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Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

A caricature, to the fringe. That happens. And 1962 and 1965 had little or nothing to do with realpolitik being brought home.

Your reasoning is fascinating in a clinical sense.
U are typical of your source. All talk, no sense and even lesser actual work. Bhadralok.
After the second world war came to an end, Indians realized that they had a masculine mascot to rally around...since then image of Gandhi started to take nosedive....The discovery that an Indian man led a modern mechanized infantry army right upto Imphal, changed the self image of Indian men a lot...this process was stymied when Congress took over the Indian state and blocked out positive promotion of Bose quite a lot...but after Internet became mainstream, Gandhi's legacy became dead both in India and abroad...His tantric Brahmacharya experiments after he suffered a wet dream at the age of 68 make for very very bad publicity in India, and his racist remarks in youth make for bad publicity abroad...He basically would sleep naked under the same blanket with two naked young women simultaneously to test his sexual control throughout the night...one of those women were his grandniece....Go figure:cuckoo:

These experiments happened from 1944 till his death

Secular Hindus look to Bose for inspiration
somewhat secular Muslims look to Maulana Azad for inspiration
Hindu nationalists look towards RSS for inspiration
Muslim fundamentalists look to Akbaruddin Owaisi for inspiration

That is one soup of a nation.
After the second world war came to an end, Indians realized that they had a masculine mascot to rally around...since then image of Gandhi started to take nosedive....The discovery that an Indian man led a modern mechanized infantry army right upto Imphal, changed the self image of Indian men a lot...this process was stymied when Congress took over the Indian state and blocked out positive promotion of Bose quite a lot...but after Internet became mainstream, Gandhi's legacy became dead both in India and abroad...His tantric Brahmacharya experiments after he suffered a wet dream at the age of 68 make for very very bad publicity in India, and his racist remarks in youth make for bad publicity abroad...He basically would sleep naked under the same blanket with two naked young women simultaneously to test his sexual control throughout the night...one of those women were his grandniece....Go figure:cuckoo:

These experiments happened from 1944 till his death

Secular Hindus look to Bose for inspiration
somewhat secular Muslims look to Maulana Azad for inspiration
Hindu nationalists look towards RSS for inspiration
Muslim fundamentalists look to Akbaruddin Owaisi for inspiration
Except Bose and Gandhi both admired each other. Bose even had a Gandhi regiment in the INA.

It is really a travesty that so many Indians don't even know the impact Gandhi had not just in India but the world. And when the idiots were celebrating their independence, this old man was trying to stop riots in Naokhali.

Meanwhile the hero of the right Savarkar was writing mercy petitions to the Raj. And this might not please the right wing loonies but there is more chance that he was gay. And nathuram Godse was a cross dresser as a kid. Go figure.
Your pain is my gain. Keep on ranting, it gives me satisfaction.

I understand that, but honestly, I can't cope with your kind of post. The simple reason is that it rides on a groundswell of unintentional or deliberate misreading of the facts, and depends on a distorted view of events and occurrences. It may seem sometimes that my reactions are personal and intended to be hurtful, but I can say with my hand on my heart that I have no personal animosity, towards you or any other member most other members. Correcting your post would take a lot of effort; whether it will have any effect or not is not clear, as it is difficult to deal with views that are based on psychological factors. That is why responding will be painful, and I would rather abstain.

On the other hand, there is a healthy crop of khaki chaddis who will possibly give you your evening entertainment. I say possibly because bhakts are mostly cowards who run from confronting any fierce attack on their beliefs mounted by a Pakistani. Or a Chinese member, for that matter. They may reply to you, if you address them; they may run like hell. I neither know nor care.

Thank you for having bothered to post at all. It must have taken courage.

Except Bose and Gandhi both admired each other. Bose even had a Gandhi regiment in the INA.

It is really a travesty that so many Indians don't even know the impact Gandhi had not just in India but the world. And when the idiots were celebrating their independence, this old man was trying to stop riots in Naokhali.

Meanwhile the hero of the right Savarkar was writing mercy petitions to the Raj. And this might not please the right wing loonies but there is more chance that he was gay. And nathuram Godse was a cross dresser as a kid. Go figure.

They hate to read this. Now watch them and read their gibbering. In an abstract kind of way, it is fun.
These vile creatures hate him out of plain ignorance. You saw the reasons the lady gave at the end of that video. Gandhi was responsible for Partition of India, according to this uneducated cow.

The thing is one can disagree with anybody and you can disagree with their philosophy or stand but what you can't do is play out his death in a celebratory fashion as if it was some liberation... Shooting an unarmed old man who advocated peace his whole life is perhaps the lowest ebb a person can reach but apparently over here there exists an even lower level where you recreate that horrendous and cowardly act... That's messed up.
Thank you for your sane posts. It is less painful to read some of the other posts when one reads yours.

We have had our differences - including some major ones - but I can only take my hat off to you. Many thanks.

As usual, a voice of sanity and balance. Much obliged.
I understand that, but honestly, I can't cope with your kind of post. The simple reason is that it rides on a groundswell of unintentional or deliberate misreading of the facts, and depends on a distorted view of events and occurrences. It may seem sometimes that my reactions are personal and intended to be hurtful, but I can say with my hand on my heart that I have no personal animosity, towards you or any other member most other members. Correcting your post would take a lot of effort; whether it will have any effect or not is not clear, as it is difficult to deal with views that are based on psychological factors. That is why responding will be painful, and I would rather abstain.

On the other hand, there is a healthy crop of khaki chaddis who will possibly give you your evening entertainment. I say possibly because bhakts are mostly cowards who run from confronting any fierce attack on their beliefs mounted by a Pakistani. Or a Chinese member, for that matter. They may reply to you, if you address them; they may run like hell. I neither know nor care.

Thank you for having bothered to post at all. It must have taken courage.

What are your facts btw? You think Jinnah reclaimed the lands, negotiating and struggling against the likes of Gandhi or the ancestors of the Bhakhts? Were you lot the owners/occupiers of these lands which we now call Pakistan?

I am not here to please/displease you old fella. Lets debate on the facts. Ranting is not going to help.
What are your facts btw? You think Jinnah reclaimed the lands, negotiating and struggling against the likes of Gandhi or the ancestors of the Bhakhts? Were you lot the owners/occupiers of these lands which we now call Pakistan?

I am not here to please/displease you old fella. Lets debate on the facts. Ranting is not going to help.

No. Thanks, but no, thanks.

Thank you for your sane posts. It is less painful to read some of the other posts when one reads yours.

We have had our differences - including some major ones - but I can only take my hat off to you. Many thanks.

As usual, a voice of sanity and balance. Much obliged.

Just for information. There are still articulate, right-minded Indians alive and well on PDF.
No. Thanks, but no, thanks.

You know the answers. You may not want to admit it infront of Pakistanis, but tell your lot from all hue and cry, to stop b|tching about poor fella Gandhi. Beggars cannot be choosers, Ghandi didn't relinquish the lands of Pakistan, British did.
You know the answers. You may not want to admit it infront of Pakistanis, but tell your lot from all hue and cry, to stop b|tching about poor fella Gandhi. Beggars cannot be choosers, Ghandi didn't relinquish the lands of Pakistan, British did.

Please don't get into this; I'm really not into this.

FYI, I never thought or said that Gandhi, poor chap, granted Pakistan its lands and liberty. That is hogwash, and nothing to do with reality, and nothing that has been claimed for Gandhi. Except by some retards. Some moron bhakt might think so, but more than 50% of the Indians on this thread don't. So let up and go away. It would be so nice not to wake up and see an alert due to you posting.
After the second world war came to an end, Indians realized that they had a masculine mascot to rally around...since then image of Gandhi started to take nosedive....The discovery that an Indian man led a modern mechanized infantry army right upto Imphal, changed the self image of Indian men a lot...this process was stymied when Congress took over the Indian state and blocked out positive promotion of Bose quite a lot...but after Internet became mainstream, Gandhi's legacy became dead both in India and abroad...His tantric Brahmacharya experiments after he suffered a wet dream at the age of 68 make for very very bad publicity in India, and his racist remarks in youth make for bad publicity abroad...He basically would sleep naked under the same blanket with two naked young women simultaneously to test his sexual control throughout the night...one of those women were his grandniece....Go figure:cuckoo:

These experiments happened from 1944 till his death

Secular Hindus look to Bose for inspiration
somewhat secular Muslims look to Maulana Azad for inspiration
Hindu nationalists look towards RSS for inspiration
Muslim fundamentalists look to Akbaruddin Owaisi for inspiration
You are an idiot by bribing Owaisi into it ..
Please don't get into this; I'm really not into this.

FYI, I never thought or said that Gandhi, poor chap, granted Pakistan its lands and liberty. That is hogwash, and nothing to do with reality, and nothing that has been claimed for Gandhi. Except by some retards. Some moron bhakt might think so, but more than 50% of the Indians on this thread don't. So let up and go away. It would be so nice not to wake up and see an alert due to you posting.

Who knows next time you might wake up in the Mughal Corridor connecting the 2 wings of Pak.
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