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Mahatma Gandhi is not 'Father of the Nation'

sorry to say but Bhagat Singh and Netaji were not people's men rather they were on their own individual pursuits.Gandhi moved the nation, the poor and gave India an identity on the world stage, an identity of peace and tolerance, while Bhagat Singh and Netaji were too short lived to make a mark, not only them but other freedom figters like LALA lajpat rai,chandrshekar azad(the mentor of bhagat singh), dadabhai naoroji...why freedom fighters why not buddha,ashoka,chandragupta...why not Krishna and Rama...??
I would say Netaji and bhagat singh were not INC men hence no title can be conferred on them.If you are INC person in relation to Gandhi/nehru family till your last breath you can be considered for any title by GoI.
As someone who loves Jinnah Sahib more than my own parents, I have to say that this is 'shallow' ! Mr. Gandhi, whatever our differences with him, was a Great Man & a Great Humanist.

But on the contrary, I dislike Mr. Jinnah just like any other muslim in India and I have my reasons for that. Adding to it I dont worship Gandhiji either. Just try to understand stuff from political science POV and you will see them as any other politician with their own style of working and own agenda to fulfill. He undoubtedly was a very strong leader with his own strong principles but again not getting emotional will make u think rational and understand that all politicians/leaders were right in their own agendas but still were at different corners. Righteousness is not a unipolar thing. It has its own permutation and combination.
Chill Bro. No disrespect intended to anyone. For me he was just a politician with a very unique style of politics. ie. Satyagraha. Whether Satyagraha brought us Independence is always debatable but seriously, No disrespect to any individual. I was just reacting to the comments of another Indian and frankly speaking I take things with a pinch of salt. Dont believe in emotional breakdown or getting hurt at every other stuff.

Okay. I am not a huge fan of Gandhi but I do appreciate his skills & his contributions which formed the back bone of congress before partition. He did grave mistakes too but as a human he was bound to do that. He should be remembered for the good side he brought in indian scene.

No doubt he did all that but thats not 100%. Do read Ambedkar after reading Bhagat singh and Azad. :) . There are some issues which always kept Ambedkar at bay from Gandhiji and those issues are definitely not some 'Greed for Power' by Ambedkar. Rite?

I have read about Ambedkar a lot. He was no doubt the brightest star among politicians of his times.
He was economist, socialist,historian, law pundit, political leader & one of most intellectual person of his time.

His views & writting about water issues, economic issues, judicial problems, historical conclusions, educational systems also his views about partition & pakistan are proving true to this date. No second thought on admitting him as a legend.

Gandhi was a hardcore hinduist willing to bring liberalism in it & believing in Ishwar-Allah one-ness.He dreamed about liberal society which will give equality to humans including Harijans with in religious limits.

Dr.Ambedkar was kind of atheist and had sour experience of hinduism & wanted uplightment of oppressed community.

There clashes & difference were obvious but none of them was evil.

Do talk to Shudras or SC/STs bout this. :)

Lol ...I am sane enough to shut my mouth before people who worship him. I have my views but that doesnt give me permit to hurt any one with different POV.

Thanks Bro. I appreciate.
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Gandhiji , Netaji they all deserve credits for what they did. Nice topic, good knowledge but why is this topic in world section ???
The Indian man known internationally , literally in every house-hold is M.K.Gandhi , hence he is the most important and influential person and therefore the father of the nation
Gandhiji , Netaji they all deserve credits for what they did. Nice topic, good knowledge but why is this topic in world section ???
Because he is world famous..:lol:
I support it, no one is our Rashtra pita or rashtra pati not even rashtra chacha, as our country is our mother we don't need a father..:no:
Bhagat Singh shot lived because of Gandhi.... He could have stopped his hanging but he signed.

Netaji was the founder of INA.... I am not asking for removal of Pics but other too deserve this position.

They all fought for Independence in their own way.

Bhagat Singh was short lived because he went and murdered a British officer.
What could Gandhiji have done? Projected the indian independence movement as one which shelters and protects murderers.
Somehow this accusation that Gandhiji didnt save Bhagat Singh seems to eb the most ludicrous one I hear repeatedly.
Ok...man what is the big deal...if this can not be written in constitution...It should be in people's heart...
Gandhi can never b declared father of nation or given any credit for indian independence ... Hitler and german war machine in ww 2 was responsible for india getting her independence if thr were no world war britsh never needed indian soldiers ... And would have never asked congress to give green light to join the british in ww2 .. A deal was made between congress and british, congress will not discourage indians to join british forces and if britain wins ww2 , india will be given independence ... British kept thr word... But also checkmated india ... Gave 40% of arable indian land to 17% of muslim population ... And n spite of this , gandhi the old fool asked muslims to leave in india... Gave india a cancer ... Bloody a sssss hole he was ...
That's true. You can call a person "Father of the nation" only if he was responsible for its formation like Jinnah for Pakistan or Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore. India had existed for thousands of years before Gandhi ji and hence he cant be termed the Father of the Nation in the true sense of the word.

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