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Mahathir refuses to retract Kashmir statement despite Indian pressure


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Mahathir refuses to retract Kashmir statement despite Indian pressure

October 8, 2019

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. PHOTO: FILE

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has refused to succumb to Indian pressure for changing his stance on the Kashmir issue.

“We don’t give criticism to side with anyone, but we call for both parties to discuss, use arbitration or go to the court of law, not to resort to violence,” he said while speaking to the media at parliamentary lobby in Kaula Lumpur on Tuesday.

He also urged finding ways and means to sort out Kashmir dispute, saying that he had raised the issue with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi during their meeting in the Russian city of Vladivostok.

The Malaysian PM reiterated the Kashmir dispute must be resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions. “It is Malaysia’s policy not to resort to violence but to resolve issues through negotiations, arbitration and the court of law,” he added.

“Despite UN resolution on Jammu and Kashmir, the country has been invaded and occupied. India should work with Pakistan to resolve this problem as ignoring the UN will lead to other forms of disregard for the UN and the rule of Law,” he said, Radio Pakistan report.

Mahathir had previously hit out at the Indian government over atrocities its committing in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir during his address at the 74th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), where he called for settling the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan through peaceful means.

Following his address at UNGA, #BoycottMalaysia was launched by the supporters of nationalist Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

However, Mahathir said that the government had not received any response from the Indian government with regards to his UNGA address, Strait Times reported.

“So far I’ve not received any feedback. I had told Narendra Modi to contact me if he is unhappy or dissatisfied,” he said, adding that Malaysia has called both parties to discuss, use arbitration or go to the court of law, not to resort to violence.

Earlier, Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah had said Malaysia would continue to play a proactive role in objecting any form of oppression regardless of religion or skin colour.

“Malaysia practises a non-aligned foreign policy, and wishes to befriend and do trade with all countries except Israel, but we have to make a stand on certain matters. For example, we spoke against the genocides in Cambodia, Rohingya as well as Jammu and Kashmir.

“Pakistani Prime Minister [Imran Khan] had contacted Dr Mahathir to ask for his views. In an international event in Russia, Dr Mahathir had met the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, and gave his views on the matter.”

When asked what the government is doing to resolve the Kashmir conflict, the minister said, “There were chapters in the recently-launched Foreign Policy Framework which refers to the fight to represent the oppressed, including in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir”.

Commenting on the UN Security Council’s closed-door consultation to discuss the Kashmir issue on August 16, he said since Malaysia was not a UNSC member, it had sought the cooperation of Indonesia to state Kuala Lumpur’s stance on the matter.

“We would communicate directly with Indonesia on matters pertaining to the Kashmir conflict discussed in the council,” said the minister, adding that OIC Contact Group meeting held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on September 25 also took a strong stance on the issue.

“It has called for India to firstly, retract the revocation of Article 370 which has caused problems today. Secondly, repeal its emergency law, and thirdly, recall its soldiers from Occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.
even indians admit that they are doing wrong in kashmir, no sane person would say that kashmir lockdown is not a human rights violation.

when ever hindutvas come to power, there is always trouble in kashmir, wasnt the case when congress was in power.

still remember in the 90s, kashmir situation was bad and almost led to indo pak nuclear war, then congress cam eto power and peace and clam returned to kashmir.

But pakistan also need to eliminate HR violations in balochistan, KPK, Pakistan is also not a cow washed with milk as we say in urdu

I don't support what has happened in Kashmir but this senile old chacha is gonna go out in another couple of years max. Either naturally since he is bloody 94 or by politics since he is just an interim PM. His words don't matter much. Once he goes Malaysia will revert to its old non aligned policy on Kashmir. That's why no one here is much bothered about Malaysia's statement unlike Turkey.
I don't support what has happened in Kashmir but this senile old chacha is gonna go out in another couple of years max. Either naturally since he is bloody 94 or by politics since he is just an interim PM. His words don't matter much. Once he goes Malaysia will revert to its old non aligned policy on Kashmir. That's why no one here is much bothered about Malaysia's statement unlike Turkey.

Cry some more
Man... is this more of that Isolation that Modi promised?
I gotta say, I hope Modi isolates us even more:pakistan:
I don't support what has happened in Kashmir but this senile old chacha is gonna go out in another couple of years max. Either naturally since he is bloody 94 or by politics since he is just an interim PM. His words don't matter much. Once he goes Malaysia will revert to its old non aligned policy on Kashmir. That's why no one here is much bothered about Malaysia's statement unlike Turkey.

I heard your Ashes has been stolen and someone write Anti National on your Samadi , What happen Gandhi ?

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