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Maersk Tankers Ends Iran Shipping after US Sanctions

I am not missing any point on the subject.. you might have been missing this point though..

Which whole world against it? Russia? China?

Pakistan is not going to fight any war with Iran even if Iran land troops in Yemen. Iran already has missiles and it can walk up to Syria with nuclear war heads in them. That means will Jews travel Back to EU?

An oil rich Muslim Nuclear power with conventional Army as well. Seriously you people want to create that. I would love to see how world handles that.

sir the way things are shaping up, wont be a surprise if we see a full fledged air strikes on iran nuclear facilities by IDF in coming months/years,,,IDF does have the capability to knock out Iran's complete nuclear and air defence infrastructure, backed by US
Sir If you have followed the Irani nuclear structure it is no more just one plant that you can blow up. This Nuclear deal has opened many things to the world. Iran is beyond just one plant they are scattered Nuclear facilities and Israel has an entire army with rockets waiting on it's borders. there 100,000 rockets with Hezbollah only one hits demona and you have the next chenobal

I think it would be a good thing. By going nuclear Iran would feel secure and the incessant seige mentality that country has cultivated, some justified, some not might begin to settle and lead to a more sure, responsible and business like Iran. This would be the best thing for Pakistan. What most people fail to recognize is Iran being clamped by the west since 1979 was disaster for that country but it was equally a disaster for Pakistan. We have been the seond biggest losers from the West's hatred of Iran since 1979.

Bhai just tell me why Obama made a deal was he a fool? Was he not seeing that USA can destroy Irani Nuclear reactor. Was Obama against America?
Which whole world against it? Russia? China?

Pakistan is not going to fight any war with Iran even if Iran land troops in Yemen. Iran already has missiles and it can walk up to Syria with nuclear war heads in them. That means will Jews travel Back to EU?

An oil rich Muslim Nuclear power with conventional Army as well. Seriously you people want to create that. I would love to see how world handles that.

Sir If you have followed the Irani nuclear structure it is no more just one plant that you can blow up. This Nuclear deal has opened many things to the world. Iran is beyond just one plant they are scattered Nuclear facilities and Israel has an entire army with rockets waiting on it's borders. there 100,000 rockets with Hezbollah only one hits demona and you have the next chenobal
You are talking like if Iran can make 100 nukes undetected.. what is one or 2 nukes.. when you'll have to face thousands of nukes!?
When the UN sanctioned Iran.. Russia and China agreed too.. and that was only about rumours concerning Iran's secret military nuclear activities.. imagine if it is found to be real..Skip idealism for now and concentrate on realism..
You are talking like if Iran can make 100 nukes undetected.. what is one or 2 nukes.. when you'll have to face thousands of nukes!?
When the UN sanctioned Iran.. Russia and China agreed too.. and that was only about rumours concerning Iran's secret military nuclear activities.. imagine if it is found to be real..Skip idealism for now and concentrate on realism..

Can you tell me why ISIS was created by USA and Europe?

Okay here is a situation. Iran becomes Nuclear and USA and EU imposes sanctions on Iran and five years have passed. Now one day Iran decides to Block oil tankers in straight of Harmoz what will happen?

if this happens the whole world can buy oil from only 2 countries left that will be Russia and Venezuelan.

You your self very well know what those 2 will do to EU and USA.

Don't put world economy at risk.

@The SC Obama was not an Idiot. If Russia would not have been involved in Syria and Assad was removed then there would have been no nuclear deal. If Iran blocked Harmoz USA and EU could have relied on Syrian Oil and Libyan oil.
Can you tell me why ISIS was created by USA and Europe?

Okay here is a situation. Iran becomes Nuclear and USA and EU imposes sanctions on Iran and five years have passed. Now one day Iran decides to Block oil tankers in straight of Harmoz what will happen?

if this happens the whole world can buy oil from only 2 countries left that will be Russia and Venezuelan.

You your self very well know what those 2 will do to EU and USA.

Don't put world economy at risk.

@The SC Obama was not an Idiot. If Russia would not have been involved in Syria and Assad was removed then there would have been no nuclear deal. If Iran blocked Harmoz USA and EU could have relied on Syrian Oil and Libyan oil.

Saudi Arabia can export Oil through the red sea, not only its Oil but most of the GCC's and Iraq.. you can be sure they have thought about these scenarios before.. KSA can export half of its Oil right now through the red sea and working on bigger projects.. that is already a checkmate buddy..there are strategists in all countries..
Obama and Hilary had a very bad plan for the ME.. they were helping Iran.. and they got caught implementing it in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen..
LOL why do you forget Houthis

There still are Irani backed militias in Iraq.

Obama and Hilary had a very bad plan for the ME.. they were helping Iran..

Why would they help Iran? for What reason? There is no reason. Iran is against USA Iran is against Israel so why man. come on be practical.

Saudis cannot take any thing through redsea. and Aramco oil refineries would have been destroyed in a week with precision guided missile by houthis supplied by Iran in that case. World oil prices would hit $300 per barrel and finally they would negotiate with Iran and whole world order would have been changed.

The unrest in Syria Libya and Yemen every thing is linked.
LOL why do you forget Houthis

There still are Irani backed militias in Iraq.

Why would they help Iran? for What reason? There is no reason. Iran is against USA Iran is against Israel so why man. come on be practical.

Saudis cannot take any thing through redsea. and Aramco oil refineries would have been destroyed in a week with precision guided missile by houthis supplied by Iran in that case. World oil prices would hit $300 per barrel and finally they would negotiate with Iran and whole world order would have been changed.

The unrest in Syria Libya and Yemen every thing is linked.
Houthis in Saudi Arabia? look at a map and revise geography .. KSA exports will go through the Suez canal not bab el Mandeb..:lol:
Hiuthis are being exterminated like vermines now.. they will soon lose al Hodeida port it a matter of weeks if not days..The Yemeny forces are already in San'a.. So what are you trying to say..
All the militias in Iraq are under the army supervision now..wake up a bit..
Now you seem to live with a lot of wet dreams and wishful thinking.. all unrealistic..just stop it here..
Houthis in Saudi Arabia? look at a map and revise geography .. KSA exports will go through the Suez canal not bab el Mandeb..:lol:
Hiuthis are being exterminated like vermines now.. they will soon lose al Hodeida port it a matter of weeks if not days..The Yemeny forces are already in San'a.. So what are you trying to say..
All the militias in Iraq are under the army surpervision now..wake up a bit..

I am awake you are not awake. I know this from the very first day houthis fired missile on Saudis, those missile are there with help of Russians. Saudis are in check. Fighting a war with Iran means world war. Russia was silent spectator that just suddenly woke up on the Syria issue and Now Russia is force hard to deal with. There is a new balance in the world and at max 6 to 7 more years chaos will prevail after that every thing will settle. World is coming to balance.
I am awake you are not awake. I know this from the very first day houthis fired missile on Saudis, those missile are there with help of Russians. Saudis are in check. Fighting a war with Iran means world war. Russia was silent spectator that just suddenly woke up on the Syria issue and Now Russia is force hard to deal with. There is a new balance in the world and at max 6 to 7 more years chaos will prevail after that every thing will settle. World is coming to balance.
You sound like those yellow newspapers journalists.. Russia is far away from this conflict.. evidence was against Iran..KSA in check by Russia are yo conscious of what you say, or you want to be reminded of the recent military deals between the two..including the S-400 system..
You sound like those yellow newspapers journalists.. Russia is far away from this conflict.. evidence was against Iran..KSA in check by Russia are yo conscious of what you say, or you want to be reminded of the recent military deals between the two..including the S-400 system..

LOL my friend you think a single S-400 deal with Russia is enough. This is about Russian survival against USA this has nothing to do with Russia and Saudis.

Russia was never involved in Middle east because Russia is it's self oil rich but it is becoming now.
LOL my friend you think a single S-400 deal with Russia is enough. This is about Russian survival against USA this has nothing to do with Russia and Saudis.

Russia was never involved in Middle east because Russia is it's self oil rich but it is becoming now.
The Soviet Union was involved in the ME till its knees my friend.. I am sure you know that..
Russia and KSA are strategic partners in the Oil market out of any influence by the US.. you might want to read about how KSA saved the Russian economy through stabilising the market and lowering supplies.. and you think Russia will hold KSA in Check!?
The Soviet Union was involved in the ME till its knees my friend.. I am sure you know that..
Russia and KSA are strategic partners in the Oil market out of any influence by the US.. you might want to read about how KSA saved the Russian economy through stabilising the market and lowering supplies.. and you think Russia will hold KSA in Check!?

My friend KSA lowered oil supply for it's own benefit not for Russian the oil supply war will hurt KSA as much as Russia the Break even for KSA is at $70. Russia is more diversified economy than KSA in long run Russia can sustain. Like the current price hike is benefiting for both KSA and Russia but it is also giving Iran an lot of money if this hike continues for a week more many non oil economies will be in trouble.
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