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Madrassas give 'education of terrorism': BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

Wanna go off topic ....

Dr. Amar Singh, a member of parliament from Samajwadi Party, who spoke with two of the Hindu victims of the train-burning incident in Godhra. They revealed that, "all along the journey these Ramsevaks (the Hindu militants) were behaving like Gundas (thugs). They wouldn't pay for what they had bought from the vendors. On stations they would chant anti-Muslim rhymes and slogans, insulting Muslim Holy places. There was teasing as well of both fellow passengers and women on the platforms." This fact-finding delegation, comprised of Rajbabbar (M.P. Samajwadi), Shabana Azmi (M.P.) and Aziz Burni (Editor of a leading Urdu news paper, Rashtriya Sahara), was one of the first groups to arrive in the strife-torn area. They visited the hospital and there they found these two victims (from a Hindu family) of the Godhra incident.

By the time the train reached Godhra, vendors at the town's station had already heard about the activists' antics and were prepared not to be victimized. Events played out as expected. "When the train reached Godhra, they behaved with the same bad manners. They refused to pay one tea vendor and even after beating him up, they threw him off the train," noted the Hindu eyewitnesses.

But in response to this behavior, the Hindu militants did not find passive tolerance. Instead, a number of young Muslims got on the train as it was pulling out of the station and pulled the emergency brake half a mile away from Godhra's station, right in the midst of a Muslim neighborhood. The fight began with rock throwing from both sides. The compartment carrying the militants was found stockpiled with stones.

While the stone-throwing was going on, apparently some Muslims threw a burning mattress below the compartment of these militants. But the fire spread quickly, not allowing the passengers to run since the compartment was filled with kerosene and cooking gas carried by the passengers.

The above description is based upon several reports in the Indian press. However, Muslims in the area add another point to this sad story. They say things got out of hand when the daughter of an old Muslim man with a small tea stall at the train station was kidnapped. The Hindu militants argued with this old man, beat him up and pulled his beard. The 16-year-old daughter who was also present at the station came forward as her father was being beaten and tried to save him from the Hindu militants. She kept pleading and begging to them to stop beating her father and leave him alone. But instead of listening to her woes, the Hindu militants lifted the young girl, took her inside their compartment and closed its door.

When the train started to move out of the platform of Godhra's railway station while the old man was banging on the compartment doors, pleading for his daughter to be left alone, two other vendors jumped into the last bogey and pulled the emergency break to stop the train. By the time the train halted completely, it was about one kilometer away from the railway station.

These two men then came to the bogey in which the girl was and started to bang at the door asking the militants to release the girl. Hearing the chaos, people in the vicinity near the tracks started to gather near the train. The boys and the mob (which included women) that had now gathered near the compartment requested the Hindu militants to return the girl. But instead of doing this, they started closing their windows. This infuriated the mob and they retaliated by pelting stones at the compartment.

The sections beside compartment S-6 on both sides contained VHP militants. They started attacking the mob which had gathered to save the girl, with long bamboo sticks attached to them. This is when the anger became uncontrollable and some people in the crowd started using diesel and petrol from trucks and rickshaws standing nearby and burned down the compartment.

This story of the girl's kidnapping has not been reported by any newspaper, although most of the other elements were widely reported by the media despite the BJP government's effort to tie the incident to Pakistan. Even the government-owned All India Radio reported that the whole incident was provoked by the traveling Hindu militants. The Radio staff however was reprimanded by the BJP government.

"Both sides were at fault," said a police official here, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The provocation was there and the reaction was strong. But no one had imagined all this would turn into such a big tragedy." B.K. Nanavati, the deputy police superintendent in Godhra, said the investigation does not support the contention by Gujarat's chief minister, Narendra Modi, that the assault on the train was a "terrorist attack."

What Happened In Godhra, Gujurat?

Did the fire in S6 Coach start because someone poured petrol and ignited it? - 6 witnesses tell the story - Truth Of Gujarat


Burning of S6 Coach at Godhra using ‘Petrol’- A Fabricated story - Truth Of Gujarat
One MP from a party is saying that. But the fact is people have burnt. If some Mp of Pakistan will say similar things about LeT, you will not accept that. Of course it was not an Terrorist attack. A group of people burnt another group and . The other group people started the riot and retaliated. This is the thing. I know you will say muslims were right where as Hindus were wrong based on some leaders. So be it.
Cool story :tup: Pls start a thread on this and allow me to torpedo it. :P

You really think I care .... you could do anything you like ...... BTW that Godhra incident was not brought in this thread by me ....

The source above shows clearly that our courts are Hindu fascists. Out legislators are same. Our people who voted Modi are the same as well.
You know we are like this. Then why point it out like this? What's the point? You know we are evil, we know we are evil. So where is the difference in opinion? We will continue doing what he have been doing anyway.

mission accomplished ..... ;)


Fundamentalist mullahs discover the the reason from nowhere for the justification of Heinous crime.

its not just about mullah ......

You really think I care .... you could do anything you like ...... BTW that Godhra incident was not brought in this thread by me ....

mission accomplished ..... ;)

View attachment 49813
Oh come on! Don't tell me you needed proof! Have faith in Pakistan studies, something your educators took so much pain in preparing. Have faith in your country, man. :)
Wanna go off topic ....

Dr. Amar Singh, a member of parliament from Samajwadi Party, who spoke with two of the Hindu victims of the train-burning incident in Godhra. They revealed that, "all along the journey these Ramsevaks (the Hindu militants) were behaving like Gundas (thugs). They wouldn't pay for what they had bought from the vendors. On stations they would chant anti-Muslim rhymes and slogans, insulting Muslim Holy places. There was teasing as well of both fellow passengers and women on the platforms." This fact-finding delegation, comprised of Rajbabbar (M.P. Samajwadi), Shabana Azmi (M.P.) and Aziz Burni (Editor of a leading Urdu news paper, Rashtriya Sahara), was one of the first groups to arrive in the strife-torn area. They visited the hospital and there they found these two victims (from a Hindu family) of the Godhra incident.

By the time the train reached Godhra, vendors at the town's station had already heard about the activists' antics and were prepared not to be victimized. Events played out as expected. "When the train reached Godhra, they behaved with the same bad manners. They refused to pay one tea vendor and even after beating him up, they threw him off the train," noted the Hindu eyewitnesses.

But in response to this behavior, the Hindu militants did not find passive tolerance. Instead, a number of young Muslims got on the train as it was pulling out of the station and pulled the emergency brake half a mile away from Godhra's station, right in the midst of a Muslim neighborhood. The fight began with rock throwing from both sides. The compartment carrying the militants was found stockpiled with stones.

While the stone-throwing was going on, apparently some Muslims threw a burning mattress below the compartment of these militants. But the fire spread quickly, not allowing the passengers to run since the compartment was filled with kerosene and cooking gas carried by the passengers.

The above description is based upon several reports in the Indian press. However, Muslims in the area add another point to this sad story. They say things got out of hand when the daughter of an old Muslim man with a small tea stall at the train station was kidnapped. The Hindu militants argued with this old man, beat him up and pulled his beard. The 16-year-old daughter who was also present at the station came forward as her father was being beaten and tried to save him from the Hindu militants. She kept pleading and begging to them to stop beating her father and leave him alone. But instead of listening to her woes, the Hindu militants lifted the young girl, took her inside their compartment and closed its door.

When the train started to move out of the platform of Godhra's railway station while the old man was banging on the compartment doors, pleading for his daughter to be left alone, two other vendors jumped into the last bogey and pulled the emergency break to stop the train. By the time the train halted completely, it was about one kilometer away from the railway station.

These two men then came to the bogey in which the girl was and started to bang at the door asking the militants to release the girl. Hearing the chaos, people in the vicinity near the tracks started to gather near the train. The boys and the mob (which included women) that had now gathered near the compartment requested the Hindu militants to return the girl. But instead of doing this, they started closing their windows. This infuriated the mob and they retaliated by pelting stones at the compartment.

The sections beside compartment S-6 on both sides contained VHP militants. They started attacking the mob which had gathered to save the girl, with long bamboo sticks attached to them. This is when the anger became uncontrollable and some people in the crowd started using diesel and petrol from trucks and rickshaws standing nearby and burned down the compartment.

This story of the girl's kidnapping has not been reported by any newspaper, although most of the other elements were widely reported by the media despite the BJP government's effort to tie the incident to Pakistan. Even the government-owned All India Radio reported that the whole incident was provoked by the traveling Hindu militants. The Radio staff however was reprimanded by the BJP government.

"Both sides were at fault," said a police official here, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The provocation was there and the reaction was strong. But no one had imagined all this would turn into such a big tragedy." B.K. Nanavati, the deputy police superintendent in Godhra, said the investigation does not support the contention by Gujarat's chief minister, Narendra Modi, that the assault on the train was a "terrorist attack."

What Happened In Godhra, Gujurat?

Did the fire in S6 Coach start because someone poured petrol and ignited it? - 6 witnesses tell the story - Truth Of Gujarat


Burning of S6 Coach at Godhra using ‘Petrol’- A Fabricated story - Truth Of Gujarat

No wonder conspiracy theory is the staple food for some here !!! Good on you man.
You really think I care .... you could do anything you like ...... BTW that Godhra incident was not brought in this thread by me ....

mission accomplished ..... ;)

View attachment 49813
Yep. I know you will never condemned Godhra incident . You will never speak about JuD and Hafeez saeed. But you will speak about Gujrat riots. The matter is as I have mentioned, Humanity is selective. Justice is selective too. Same thing in Kashmir. Kashmiri pundits must not have human rights. But Kashmiri Muslims must have human rights. I am yet to see one single person belongs to this community who spoke for Kashmiri Pundits. But they will continue for human rights for there community.
Oh come on! Don't tell me you needed proof! Have faith in Pakistan studies, something your educators took so much pain in preparing. Have faith in your country, man. :)

oh dear come on don't be like this .....

I cant keep tracking of notifications it 10 in few sec ...... oh come on you all Indian friends .... I also need some time to respond .....

Yep. I know you will never condemned Godhra incident . You will never speak about JuD and Hafeez saeed. But you will speak about Gujrat riots. The matter is as I have mentioned, Humanity is selective. Justice is selective too. Same thing in Kashmir. Kashmiri pundits must not have human rights. But Kashmiri Muslims must have human rights. I am yet to see one single person belongs to this community who spoke for Kashmiri Pundits. But they will continue for human rights for there community.


No wonder conspiracy theory is the staple food for some here !!! Good on you man.

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Oh come on! Don't tell me you needed proof! Have faith in Pakistan studies, something your educators took so much pain in preparing. Have faith in your country, man. :)

Oh dear we both know that "History is written by the victors" ....

Have fait in my victory ..... :whistle:

He he he. No reply. Is not it. So you are trolling here. I thought you are here for debate. Any way.

debate for what ..... my dear check previous threads at this forum you will find all sort of debts here ....
Oh dear we both know that "History is written by the victors" ....

Have fait in my victory ..... :whistle:

debate for what ..... my dear check previous thread at this forum yo will find all sort of debts here ....
So let me start trolling then. Gujrat riot will be written by victors too. he he he
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Yes, I agree. But then sometimes the truth is a bitter pill that we need to swallow. There are school reforms launched almost every five years. When was the last one launched for the Madrassa boards? :) In such a scenario, criticism of the archaic policy is welcome.

Incorrect. It's all relative.

In many matters it is wise for us to just accept that Indian and general 'Pakistani' persepectives will coincide.

As you pointed a very relevant n valid point of madrassa reforms , i would have overwhelmingly welcomed her statement if she had raised the same .........
Being an MP she has more responsibility than just passing a statement.
Indian Muslims have been going to Madrassas for pretty much all the time since independence. How many terrorists have been produced? I'm no fan of any religious schooling, by their very nature they are more likely to produce "graduates" with a very blinkered world view but to simply tar all madrassas like this is just idiotic.

Even Hindu children who do not have any other means for education study in Madrassa's as @Contrarian claimed...
Even Hindu children who do not have any other means for education study in Madrassa's as @Contrarian claimed...
Really now are telling me hindu children's do read hadith and Quaran in madarsa because it medatary to have knowledge of quaran if your study in madarsa
Oh dear we both know that "History is written by the victors" ....

Have fait in my victory ..... :whistle:

debate for what ..... my dear check previous threads at this forum you will find all sort of debts here ....
I was wrong before. I will support you from now on.
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