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Made in India Drones: India’s worst nightmare ??


Sep 20, 2014
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Made in India Drones: India's worst nightmare ??
5-6 minutes


India’s quest to develop Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) started in early 90’s when India’s ADE (Aeronautical Development Establishment), a branch of DRDO was tasked to develop India’s first Nishant UAV based on India Army’s requirement for intelligence gathering platform over enemy territory, which had its first flight in 1995.

Exactly after a decade later, Indian army’s fleet of four home-grown Nishant UAV had suffered crashes and all were lost prompting Army to cancel any future plans to place any further orders for the Nishant UAV.

DRDO second attempts to develop a Medium Altitude Long Endurance unmanned air vehicle began soon after around 2003 with the development of Rustom-1 design based on Rutan Long-EZ Homebuilt aircraft developed by American based Rutan Aircraft Factory.

Rustom-1 was supposed to be Technology Demonstrator platform upon which India had plans to develop a Larger UAV with a flight endurance of over 24 hours in Predator Class. Rustom-1 had its first flight in 2009 and soon there were reports that Indian Army and Indian Navy were interested in using them to replace older Israeli supplied Searcher reconnaissance UAVs.

But few years down the line both Indian Army and Indian Navy decided not to pursue the project any further due to the slow pace of development and lack of meaning full sensor package. Rustom-1 still remains a Technology Demonstrator platform for its larger sibling and there is little hope that it will ever make into full-scale production drone.

Tapas (BH-201 ) which was earlier known as Rustom-II made its first flight last year, but soon it was confirmed in media reports that the first prototype was soon pulled out of flight trials to address technical issues with the program. According to media reports, the first prototype was over-engineered and suffered from weight issues and required considerable re-engineering of turboprop engine section and to its wing section.

The second prototype of Tapas (BH-201 ) is still going through considerable weight reduction measures and is prepped for sensor and payload integration which has already seen delays its first flight planned for in mid of 2017.

DRDO in 2014 again tested for the first time Panchi which is a wheeled version of the Nishant unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based on Army’s recommendation but it is still unclear if Army has made any requirement for Panchi UAV and it might also risk of heading dead end like Nishant.

The only project which seems to have got a considerable level of acceptance in Indian armed forces is light-weight Netra Quadcopter which DRDO developed with Mumbai-based IdeaForge and Indian Eagle mini-drone developed by HAL, along with Suchan developed by NAL , but a great deal of MALE and HALE Class UAV programs like Nishant, Panchi, Rustom-1, and Tapas have seen considerable delays in the program and there is no clear deadline when they will enter into production .


India still has a combined tri-service requirement for the acquisition of 150 medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAVs for which Request for Information already has been floated by India earlier this year But the Unfortunate truth is that India doesn’t only have troubles perfecting drone technology but is also facing serious delays in projects which are far from over and still continues to face a considerable amount of technological challenges that India is now risk falling behind countries in the region on drone technology.

A solution could be to encourage Private Defence companies in India to come with similar projects which can either help fast track this projects or help develop alternative platforms which can be used by our armed forces to truly make ” Make in India ” Initiative of PM Modi a Success.

A Mangalyan & Chandrayan country struggling to make a small and simple (unarmed) drone?
This speaks volume of India's aeronautical prowess if any.

And this is when the Chinese are mass producing them and out to export them as well.

Next time they (Chinese) will field thousands of suicide drones on Indian borders to counter Indian forces effectively.
India is a baby when it comes to match China on military hardware.

Modi = Ruling by fooling.
Nothing meaningful he does.
I kind of know why India fails so often. Indians are less ambitious and think too small. They need to imagine big, plan big and act big and spend big. If they want to beat Chines standards, Thay must begin at American Standard as their first step. What is benefit of keeping 1.3 billion large population if you cannot think as big as your body is?

World is planning for 5th Gen fighters, you should go for 6th Gen.
I kind of know why India fails so often. Indians are less ambitious and think too small. They need to imagine big, plan big and act big and spend big. If they want to beat Chines standards, Thay must begin at American Standard as their first step. What is benefit of keeping 1.3 billion large population if you cannot think as big as your body is?

World is planning for 5th Gen fighters, you should go for 6th Gen.

LOL, look who is giving advise. :p:

Like the famous quote from Mr. Herman Melville.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." So no complaints. :D

And :tup: for your JF-17 success while we have completely failed in LCA Tejas. :dirol:
I kind of know why India fails so often. Indians are less ambitious and think too small. They need to imagine big, plan big and act big and spend big. If they want to beat Chines standards, Thay must begin at American Standard as their first step. What is benefit of keeping 1.3 billion large population if you cannot think as big as your body is?

World is planning for 5th Gen fighters, you should go for 6th Gen.
You are both right and wrong. I agree with you not because we don't have long term goals or thinking big but most of our govt entities lack proper project management skills and filled with rampant corruption. While sensitive tech like space tech, nukes and other such tech which no country offers or subject to restrictions are developed because we don't have a choice other than developing those in house and we have done a pretty great job so far.

While other tech such as tanks, fighter jets etc are being offered to us by every manufacturer in the world and we do have the money too unlike you guys with limited offers and money. But on the downside, due to a wide variety of options and every firm trying to lure our defense forces with kickbacks and commissions which makes the top brass to kill or sidetrack every indigenous project where we have offers from foreign firms as these corrupt officials favor those kickbacks. It's the same reason why IA and IAF specify requirements for a weapons systems and finally when it is developed, they make unreasonable claims and ask them to re-design the entire system. China has been able to leap far ahead in developing indigenous tech only because they have been denied tech from the outside world except Russia.

I am happy at least now GoI is pushing the armed forces to induct indigenous weapons systems and IN is ahead in the race. Hopefully, IA and IAF follow suit
A Mangalyan & Chandrayan country struggling to make a small and simple (unarmed) drone?
This speaks volume of India's aeronautical prowess if any.

And this is when the Chinese are mass producing them and out to export them as well.

Next time they (Chinese) will field thousands of suicide drones on Indian borders to counter Indian forces effectively.
India is a baby when it comes to match China on military hardware.

Modi = Ruling by fooling.
Nothing meaningful he does.
modi is cleaning the mess created by congress and other anti nationals and will clean that mess for at least one term more ( dogs can bark at will like rahul and kejriwal or for that matter patidar's and fatidars of the nation ) . and it is safe to assume that as and when his second term is near completion , these petty armaments will be ample in the arsenal of my country .
what is the meaning of your post or your statements , are you insane or what ? where where you post modi ? do you ridicule the government that time also , ??? are you anti national or someone like that ? i have seen you writing and participating here for anti national rant , what is your purpose ? ?????? only time pass or what ? even pakistani friends might feel you have some problem while reading your posts and replies as only a person with no self respect can be anti national . or you are part of propaganda bot ? it is hard to understand .
LOL, look who is giving advise. :p:

Like the famous quote from Mr. Herman Melville.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." So no complaints. :D

And :tup: for your JF-17 success while we have completely failed in LCA Tejas. :dirol:
India is an elephant with the brain if a cow. Too big on weight, too small on mentality.
India is an elephant with the brain if a cow. Too big on weight, too small on mentality.

Since it's from a Pakistani friend, I would take it as a complement.

Why ??? Because if Pakistan had at-least a peanut sized brain you wouldn't have entangled in the war-on-terror and lost over 60K citizens and security personals in the first place.

Keeping all things aside. I guess it's really true in the case of Pakistan, "Those who sow the wind will eventually reap the whirlwind."
LOL, look who is giving advise. :p:

Like the famous quote from Mr. Herman Melville.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." So no complaints. :D

And :tup: for your JF-17 success while we have completely failed in LCA Tejas. :dirol:
Don't go off topic and this advice come from a nation who already have technology what India is seeking
Burraq, Shahpar and Uqab is prime example and we are in business for these birds for many years
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