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"Made In India" Aircrafts

HJT-16 Kiran


Detailed design began in April 1961 when Dr Ghatage assembled a group of 15 designers headed by Mr Raj Mahindra, his senior designer for the project. A year later the team was strengthened to 35, mainly through recruiting graduates from the India Institute of Science and other technical colleges. With the programme well under way, most of the team were transferred to priority work on the HF-24 Marut supersonic fighter, so that during the first half of 1963 only a few designers were able to continue on the HJT-16. When the full effort was again switched to the trainer the design staff was increased to 60.By November 1963 major assembly on the prototype was started, and the final installation of systems and powerplant was completed just before the first flight. On the morning of September 4, as the HJT-16 was prepared for take-off, weather conditions at Bangalore airfield (altitude 3,000ft) were ISA + 20°C with no wind. Gp Capt S. Das,HAL chief test pilot, flew the aircraft for 25min and reached 250kt; he reported complete success, with handling characteristics and performance within design predictions. Gp Capt Das is well remembered in this country for his Folland Gnat displays at Farnborough shows, flown while he was attached to the Gnat Flight development team at Chilbolton.


The HJT-16 is the first jet to be designed by India's young and growing aircraft industry without the help of outside consultants; indeed, it is the first jet aircraft to be developed anywhere in the world without the assistance of Western or Eastern Bloc engineers.

1964 | 2577 | Flight Archive
Since 1948 you guys are assembling pieces together ....call it welding to be more precise ...but if it is called 'development and manufacturing' then fine !

Hey troll,anything to say now ?
Hey troll,anything to say now ?
Ajee, Marut ....listen man ....I have studied IAF and their production abilities ....if you guys are 'manufacturing' air crafts as you say ....why buy everything that the Russia and UK has ever produced ?
.if you guys are 'manufacturing' air crafts as you say ....why buy everything that the Russia and UK has ever produced ?

Why are you focusing on these two ? What about HAL Kiran,the first jet aircraft to be developed anywhere in the world without the assistance of Western or Eastern Block ? ,Dhruv ? several general aviation aircraft ?

The reason is we lost two decades after Kiran trainer.Still here are fields in which we have much experience-choppers,jet trainers,piston trainers.We did make up for those lost decades with LCA program and next medium class stealth fighter is being developed in India.

.I have studied IAF and their production abilities

IAF doesn't produce these.Its HAL.Here is a list of Indian designed aircraft-Only the aircraft that has been in service/under certification for IOC/FOC have been considered.So no Saras,No AMCA ,no CNM-5 and no LUH.No JVs/modifications of existing designs like ajeet

Agricultural aircraft

    • HA-31 Basant
Fighter aircraft

    • HF-24 Marut
    • Tejas

    • Dhruv — Advanced Light Helicopter
    • Light Combat Helicopter (Under Trials)
    • Rudra - Attack helicopter.
Trainer aircraft

    • HT-2
    • HPT-32 Deepak
    • NAL Hansa
    • Bharat Swati
    • HJT-16 Kiran
    • HJT-36 Sitara
Observation and reconnaissance aircraft

    • HAOP-27 Krishak
Utility aircraft

    • HUL-26 Pushpak

..if you guys are 'manufacturing' air crafts

We manufacture literally every western/russian fighter we've used Su 30 MKI,Jaguar,Mig 27,Mig 21..It is a long list..
I think there is a difference between assembled under license and indigenously manufactured.

Why one particular poster on this thread can't understand that is beyond me.

India has made some indigenous aircraft but its not as impressive as it is being portrayed.
Obviously made in india.If you are not here to troll,you should just learn something about HAL.
They are currently manufacturing 16 Su 30MKI per year,with 73 % parts made inhouse
Ok thanks so all these Made in India obviously are PAINT JOB BY INDIAN nice to know.
Why are you focusing on these two ? What about HAL Kiran,the first jet aircraft to be developed anywhere in the world without the assistance of Western or Eastern Block ? ,Dhruv ? several general aviation aircraft ?

The reason is we lost two decades after Kiran trainer.Still here are fields in which we have much experience-choppers,jet trainers,piston trainers.We did make up for those lost decades with LCA program and next medium class stealth fighter is being developed in India.

IAF doesn't produce these.Its HAL.Here is a list of Indian designed aircraft-Only the aircraft that has been in service/under certification for IOC/FOC have been considered.So no Saras,No AMCA ,no CNM-5 and no LUH.No JVs/modifications of existing designs like ajeet

Agricultural aircraft

    • HA-31 Basant
Fighter aircraft

    • HF-24 Marut
    • Tejas

    • Dhruv — Advanced Light Helicopter
    • Light Combat Helicopter (Under Trials)
    • Rudra - Attack helicopter.
Trainer aircraft

    • HT-2
    • HPT-32 Deepak
    • NAL Hansa
    • Bharat Swati
    • HJT-16 Kiran
    • HJT-36 Sitara
Observation and reconnaissance aircraft

    • HAOP-27 Krishak
Utility aircraft

    • HUL-26 Pushpak

We manufacture literally every western/russian fighter we've used Su 30 MKI,Jaguar,Mig 27,Mig 21..It is a long list..
It's a very very long list no doubt....add pioneering the technology of Rafale by HAL as well !
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