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‘Made in China’ label discourages Saudis!

My dear friend, I suggest you crawl out of the cave you've been living so long. It's the IT era currently. ;)
i wud sincerely disagree.......if not for my smartphone,,,i wud have studied more,,,less internet,,,more exercise...,less chatting-forums,,,,,more books.......more girls ....so i totally agree with @BDforever :smokin:
i wud sincerely disagree.......if not for my smartphone,,,i wud have studied more,,,less internet,,,more exercise...,less chatting-forums,,,,,more books.......more girls ....so i totally agree with @BDforever :smokin:
I respect your views. But will get back to you on this. With due respect, I have some disagreements. BRB
Economy of Saudi Arabia

Main import partners
China 13.5%
United States 13.2%
South Korea 6.7%
Germany 6.5%
India 6.3%
Japan 6.0% (2012 est.)[9]
Grossexternal debt$127.4 billion (31 December 2012 est.)[10]

No matter how good you think your products are, If you can't make people buy them. you will be soon out of business,that's the basic economic law.
China produces according to the customers pocket. If you can afford go to apple shop and get real Chinese iphone. If u can't afford than Chinese market have replica for you. That's the beauty. I disagree with word fake.
Who cares about Saudis? Bunch of parasites living on oil and foreign labor. The mother earth is a bit too generous to them and they have the audacity to even judge other people? Can they even produce anything? lol

As someone above eloquently put, the Chinese has made lots of modern electronic goods affordable AND available to the world's poor. The Chinese girls working in shops deserve medals for this huge contribution to the world and their sacrifice of youth and labor. All hail to our industrious girls.
JEDDAH: Ibrahim Naffee

Published — Wednesday 22 January 2014

‘Made in China’ label discourages Saudis

China may have emerged as a major outsourcing destination for Western companies and brands to manufacture their products, but in Saudi Arabia, the “Made in China” mention on labels of even popular brands is enough to discourage Saudi consumers from buying them. This is mainly because of popular perception among the citizens that all Chinese products are fakes.

Some vendors have specialized in selling counterfeit products. They sell watches of Swiss brands, which are not genuine. But the vendors are still in business because they know that some consumers buy the fakes since they can’t afford genuine products that are expensive.

“If anyone wants to buy a genuine watch of a reputable brand, he must then go to one of its authorized agents. But when they come to us, we know they want to buy a cheaper, counterfeit watch of a reputed brand. That’s why we are in business,” a Yemeni vendor in downtown Jeddah said.

Chinese counterfeit products, particularly clothes and shoes carrying Western brand names, have flooded the market.

‘Made in China’ label discourages Saudis | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Buy Chinese stuff but make sure its genuine! Otherwise you guys will meet the same fate as I did when my iPhone died an inglorious death one week after I bought it! Sheeesh!!

It turned out to be an expensive Chinese fake! Yep! I got suckered too! :hitwall:

well next time dont buy it from the guy selling it from the back of his car and go to reputable store :omghaha:.

Saudies have to buy stuff made in west other wise Master will get very very upset :astagh:
China is like Microsoft, constantly bad mouthed, but you just can't live without it, unless you are a programmer, when talking Microsoft or rich when talking Chinese products.

But seeing as most are not programmers or rich, I guess you are stuck with us and microsoft.

But some Indian members have this crazy perception that Made in Indian means good, if we did put made in India is because nobody would believe crap was made in US or UK. We got to make it look believable man. .
so very true.....china is the powerhouse of manufacturing these days and hope so, for many days to come.
many ignorant ppl equate chinese products being cheap and not very good, even i used to do so.
but with some common sense and google, anybody can find out that, along with those cheap, third class products, u have the best of the best products manufactured in china.....eg apple .
every country have some companies which produce $hit products, so does china, but generalizing with cheap products and conveniently forgetting to mention the best products is so not welcome.
china is not known as manufacturing powerhouse due to cheap products.

India is not developed, nor does it have prestige, why would your products be quality? Who would wear Indian instead of French or Italian if they got the money? Who would drive Tata instead of Audi if they got the cash. Get real man.
just like i said earlier, some companies make good stuff n some of them roll out $hit.
and when u said " Who would wear Indian instead of French or Italian if they got the money? Who would drive Tata instead of Audi if they got the cash"
the problem is not everybody is as wealthy as u, so there is always the market for cheap products.......just like the way the chinese junks are so popular in india....
not everything produced in india is junk thoh.....there are many things which u guys (the chinese) copy from us (i know, its unbelievable...but its true) for eg like....gulsar (copied from bajaj pulsar).
so plz be respectful, no need to act like those who flamed u up......

cheers mate.
Ask Saudis don't buy from China then.Saudi Arabia is much closer to India,they could've saved money if buying from India.
i wud sincerely disagree.......if not for my smartphone,,,i wud have studied more,,,less internet,,,more exercise...,less chatting-forums,,,,,more books.......more girls ....so i totally agree with @BDforever :smokin:
The first thing about not having a smart phone is Inconvenience. More Girls? Sorry, Disagree. Difficult to find a girl without the Internet. Not saying you cannot find one, but the task is definitely higher. Even if you find a girl, while she uses Whatsapp/Wechat which is free to message while you need to spend money on texting. So how would you text her? She texts you through whatsapp and you text her via the regular text message? Seems pretty Inconvenient, isn't it? Then she calls you Old School.
Another point is, even if you have a laptop to access the Internet wherever you are, you are denied of accessing the Internet anytime or anywhere you please. Example, you are standing in a line to get a movie ticket and you need to send a business mail, what would you do? Get your laptop out? Seems Inconvenient, right?
I tell you, I can think of so many instances where the smart phone helped me. But I am not gonna pen it down here. But those are just some examples. Hope you understand.
More on Indian brands being faked in China.....
Counterfeit Drugs Made In China Relabeled "Made In India"
Counterfeit Drugs Made In China Relabeled "Made In India" – Consumerist

Made in India, faked in China -- $5-bn loss
Made in India, faked in China -- $5-bn loss - Yahoo India Finance

‘Made in India,’ Faked in China — The American Magazine

By the way, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!! Oh yeah! :azn:

You should show that to the Security council, maybe they will let you play with the big boys, instead of sitting at the kiddie table, with America's man servant, Japan.
Here's the thing:
You want a REAL iPhone? It's made in China.
You want a fake iPhone? It's made in China.

This should shut people up.........
Actually i am kinda imagining these line being used as a script in a movie :D
Movie's name should be "IT'S CHINA CHINA EVERYWHERE :o:" :P
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