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‘Made in Bangladesh’ smartphones to rule the roost soon

Wow losing shit ha ha ha let me get popcorn. This is fun.

This is October data lol. When imf predicted economy will grow 7 percent plus. New one is 5 percent and keep going down. Next prediction it will below 5 percent.

Lmao ha ha ha. Man i am laughing my *** off. And he keep calling me name since he is losing his shit.
I guess that's the only way he knows how to protest...by showing his personal and national auqaat of a total toilet mouth. But frankly I don't blame him, after all, one wants to be what one doesn't have which, in his case, would be TOILET! :lol:
I guess that's the only way he knows how to protest...by showing his personal and national auqaat of a total toilet mouth. But frankly I don't blame him, after all, one wants to be what one doesn't have which, in his case, would be TOILET! :lol:
Ha ha ha....
I do not really understand the intention of writing this that China should not be compared with Japan. Yes, you are right in one point that China will PROBABLY never reach the living standard of Japan. I have been to China, West Europe and live in Japan. I can very much compare.

Though Communist in name, China is purely a capitalist country where the winners take all. In the case of Jpan, though capitalist, it is more socialistic. It will be very difficult for China to emulate the Japanese living standard.

And do not forget that millions of Chinese are working day and night in Japan. They earn money and save to send to their families in China. So, do not please brag. What you can manufacture, Japan can do it more in quality whereas you reverse-engineer and produce shoddy goods.

So, yes, China should not be compared with Japan. Japan is in a different league.
Ah, the fantasy world is really good. Sometimes I envy you backward country. just making a TV or cell phone can boast for a year. then Imagine yourself as a "high quality of life" Japan. but you know, the Japanese don't have the courage to talk to us like you.

and. who tell you. we want to be Japan like you? you backward countries think the world is like you?

Baby, I'm not looking down on you. i did not refute Bangladesh in this post. but now, I can do a little bit of what?
Ah, the fantasy world is really good. Sometimes I envy you backward country. just making a TV or cell phone can boast for a year. then Imagine yourself as a "high quality of life" Japan. but you know, the Japanese don't have the courage to talk to us like you.

and. who tell you. we want to be Japan like you? you backward countries think the world is like you?

Baby, I'm not looking down on you. i did not refute Bangladesh in this post. but now, I can do a little bit of what?
He thinks he represents japan lol.
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Abey idiot, the growth is measured in nominal. Even if we grow at 5%, another 5% is coming through inflation. That 10% growth a year. Here is IMF predicting for you, moron. They are expecting country to be 5 trillion by 2025.

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Since I answered your question, when is Bangladesh becoming 15th largest economy. How soon is soon for you my little lungi friend?
with higher inflation and lower growth your currency is destined to loose value compared to US dollar. So its not as simple as addition and subtraction. Look at Pakistan despite having a high nominal growth their dollar economy actually shrank.
Off topic to the thread. I am quite well off but I got a 100 dollar mobile phone and that's more than enough for me. I always suggest everyone to try/practice minimalism.
You are very right in your assertion. But, people with new money generally love to spend and show off. It may be good for a developing economy. The design/model of product changes and people run to buy may be good for the companies that produce the new models. These companies provide jobs.

In a modern economy, the bad thing is people stuck in old clothes, old furniture, cookeries or old China clay ceramics. The economy remains static at that. I am talking not of the old-time village economy, but of a modern economy with a huge trend of buying and consuming.

Again name calling. Good keep it up.
By reading his posts, I have a feeling that @Protest_again likes your statements and is trying to be friendly with you. Name-calling is ok between friends.

Ah, the fantasy world is really good. Sometimes I envy you backward country. just making a TV or cell phone can boast for a year. then Imagine yourself as a "high quality of life" Japan. but you know, the Japanese don't have the courage to talk to us like you.

and. who tell you. we want to be Japan like you? you backward countries think the world is like you?

Baby, I'm not looking down on you. i did not refute Bangladesh in this post. but now, I can do a little bit of what?
So, do not yet brag about your copycat China. Japan is far above your country and millions of Chinese are working here. Accept the fact. My country's backwardness or Japan's rise has nothing to do with myself. I am talking about reality. You just cannot match the Japanese living standard in the next two hundred years.
You are very right in your assertion. But, people with new money generally love to spend and show off. It may be good for a developing economy. The design/model of product changes and people run to buy may be good for the companies that produce the new models. These companies provide jobs.

In a modern economy, the bad thing is people stuck in old clothes, old furniture, cookeries or old China clay ceramics. The economy remains static at that. I am talking not of the old-time village economy, but of a modern economy with a huge trend of buying and consuming.

By reading his posts, I have a feeling that @Protest_again likes your statements and is trying to be friendly with you. Name-calling is ok between friends.

So, do not yet brag about your copycat China. Japan is far above your country and millions of Chinese are working here. Accept the fact. My country's backwardness or Japan's rise has nothing to do with myself. I am talking about reality. You just cannot match the Japanese living standard in the next two hundred years.
I admire your courage. A backward country is talking to me about reality. very good. I'm looking forward to you backward country reach the Japanese living standard. Oh, what a great 2041 Bangladesh. How ridiculous, the illusion of a backward country, think China wants to be Japan, hehe.

When did it begin... P5 need to reach the level of other countries? baby. you are just a joke. Not even your "arrogance" is worth mentioning.
I admire your courage. A backward country is talking to me about reality. very good. I'm looking forward to you backward country reach the Japanese living standard. Oh, what a great 2041 Bangladesh. How ridiculous, the illusion of a backward country, think China wants to be Japan, hehe.

When did it begin... P5 need to reach the level of other countries? baby. you are just a joke. Not even your "arrogance" is worth mentioning.
Dude you need to stop crapping here...
Japan was first Asian country to be industrialized and shown the path for many to follow including China. They are the one first challenged western technological superiority. You are still dependent on stealing Taiwan's technology which were introduced by japs
Dude you need to stop crapping here...
Japan was first Asian country to be industrialized and shown the path for many to follow including China. They are the one first challenged western technological superiority. You are still dependent on stealing Taiwan's technology which were introduced by japs
Baby, I know, in terms of backward countries, Japan and Taiwan are very advanced, they have shown you the development path. And you want to get their technology.

but... China is not you backward country. You need to know. We have different national strategies and industrial levels.

you can't understand my economy, military, industry, commerce, agriculture, aviation, aerospace, deep sea, precision machinery, super engineering........ It's like I can't understand the Japan and Taiwan technologies you are asking for.
I admire your courage. A backward country is talking to me about reality. very good. I'm looking forward to you backward country reach the Japanese living standard. Oh, what a great 2041 Bangladesh. How ridiculous, the illusion of a backward country, think China wants to be Japan, hehe.

When did it begin... P5 need to reach the level of other countries? baby. you are just a joke. Not even your "arrogance" is worth mentioning.

@bluesky is not comparing Bangladesh with China. He is speaking from his perspective of living in Japan.
There is simply no comparison between Bangladesh and China in terms of technological advancements.
I admire your courage. A backward country is talking to me about reality. very good. I'm looking forward to you backward country reach the Japanese living standard. Oh, what a great 2041 Bangladesh. How ridiculous, the illusion of a backward country, think China wants to be Japan, hehe.

When did it begin... P5 need to reach the level of other countries? baby. you are just a joke. Not even your "arrogance" is worth mentioning.
But, Japan started industrialization in the 1860s and when did you start? Japan built its 1st underground subway, Ginza Line, in 1927 by itself, and when China did it? Japan had built twenty-two aircraft carriers in the late 1930s. Even today, China has only two aircraft carriers, one was gifted by Russia.

Do you want to hear more? Better you do not compare a copycat China with heavily industrialized nations that also include Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea. Your per capita GDP is about $7,755 and Japan's $33,000. Japan will remain ahead of you all the time to come. You can compare yourself with India and Russia. You are just unable to reach the Japan level, intellectual deficiency.
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Forget about BD. But, Japan started industrialization in the 1860s and when did you start? Japan built its 1st underground subway, Ginza Line, in 1927 by itself, and when China did it? Japan had built twenty-two aircraft carriers in the late 1930s. Even today, China has only two aircraft carriers, one was gifted by Russia.

Do you want to hear more? Better you do not compare a copycat China with heavily industrialized nations that also include Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea. Your per capita GDP is about $7,755 and Japan's $33,000. Japan will remain ahead of you all the time to come. You can compare yourself with India and Russia. You are just unable to reach the Japan level, intellectual deficiency.
Baby, China started using artillery before the 11th century. and the 6th - 7th centuries, Japan has always sent overseas students to China to learn Chinese characters and political systems. Discussing history? Baby, go back to school.

Speaking of heavily industrialized nations. Did you even talk about Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan Province ? ? ? ?? Why not add Qatar, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands?

Baby, you know nothing about P5. the last time. You want to be Japan. OK, I wish you success. But don't think we are like you. We just develop ourselves. do not become any country. BTW, backward countries are really cute.
Baby, I know, in terms of backward countries, Japan and Taiwan are very advanced, they have shown you the development path. And you want to get their technology.

but... China is not you backward country. You need to know. We have different national strategies and industrial levels.

you can't understand my economy, military, industry, commerce, agriculture, aviation, aerospace, deep sea, precision machinery, super engineering........ It's like I can't understand the Japan and Taiwan technologies you are asking for.
JICA still operate in not so backward country like China forget about 70's 80's and 90's

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