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Mad Dog Media.

What role is Pakistani media playing and what objectives does it achive.?

It is acting as nail in the @ss of people like Zardari and the new face of PPP who are truly the worst part of society. These channels are daring to speak that our lousy National Assembly Members do not. Media is acting as voice of the people who are not represented by Leaders in Government and Opposition. 3 Years old girl died and this was media that took the subject on to National Level, but had it been upto Shahbaz Shareef or Yusuf Raza Gillani, they would have supported the side that would suite them politically.. Independent Judiciary and Vocal & Bold Media are the two best things that has happened to the country in the last 5 years.
This is why I don't get Geo or ARY at home. I really wanted to support Urdu channels but the garbage on these channels was too much.

If you want to watch Pakistanis hows then watch Hasb-e-haal.

Hasb-e-Haal is very nice & informative show..... they discuss on every thing....Azizi also provide some entertainment..... :)

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Independent Judiciary and Vocal & Bold Media are the two best things that has happened to the country in the last 5 years.

Raising national issues is beneficial for society but awareness of masses and voicing over national interests is even paramount. For example, we hear of Indian involvement in the terrorist attacks from different quarters and the media seems to merely relay such claims but it seldom investigates or digs for exposure. Similarly, an independent Judiciary is indeed the order of the day, but as we witness, this new found status hasn't done the lawyers community any good, since they seem to run amok at will.
Then there is an example of a city girl who is married off into a fishing village, initially she complains about all the smell but after few weeks as she gets used to the surroundings, she starts claiming that since her arrival, all the smell has faded away. Switching TV Channels is very convenient, but isn't that like saying, those who died in say Parade line mosque were not my relatives. Agreed such talk shows are beneficial in public grooming but since they all seem to focus in the same direction, one is forced to ask, are politic turmoils the last of our worries.!!

Real problem is that Pakistanis have the habit of criticising everyone, specifically the ones in power. Our media and specially the Jang Group (Geo, The News etc) has hit gold with that weakness.

Political talk shows in North America has a different tone and quality but when you watch Ansar Abbasi or others it is like watching mehaley ki gup shup or sunee sunai khabrain.

All blame of corruption is now on Zardari but there is no mention of the corruption by Nawaz Sharif but that will change once NS comes in power (God forbid).

Pakistanis have just recently got this freedom so it will take time to mature. In the meanwhile don't watch this nonsense as you can spent your money on better things.
Real problem is that Pakistanis have the habit of criticising everyone, specifically the ones in power. Our media and specially the Jang Group (Geo, The News etc) has hit gold with that weakness.

Political talk shows in North America has a different tone and quality but when you watch Ansar Abbasi or others it is like watching mehaley ki gup shup or sunee sunai khabrain.

All blame of corruption is now on Zardari but there is no mention of the corruption by Nawaz Sharif but that will change once NS comes in power (God forbid).

Pakistanis have just recently got this freedom so it will take time to mature. In the meanwhile don't watch this nonsense as you can spent your money on better things.
That's the dilemma with the whole set up, the politicians merely play musical chairs and the media plays the tune. I don't recall the exact figures in this NRO business, but it is said that out of some 200 culprits, there are less than 40 politicians, who and what are the rest,
It just took one Sunday newspaper to blow the lid on lavish expenses claimed by British MPs, but in our part of the world, we or rather the media merely focuses on the pointing finger.
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