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Machil (Kashmir) fake encounter case: Life sentences of six army personnel



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May 12, 2015
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This is the first case in the Valley in which Indian Army personnel have been awarded life terms on these charges.

Army’s Northern Command on Monday confirmed the life sentences of six army personnel, including two army officers in the 2010 Machil fake encounter case.
“Col Dinesh Pathania, Captain Opendra, Havaldar Devender Kumar, Lance naik, Lakhmi, Lance naik, Arun Kumar and rifleman Abas Hussain have been awarded life imprisonment,’’ said spokesman, Army’s Northern Command,

The Army Court had last year awarded life sentences to them for their involvement in the killing of three Kashmiris in a fake encounter in Machil five years ago. This is the first case in the Valley in which Indian Army personnel have been awarded life terms on these charges.

On April 29, 2010, Shezad Ahmad, Riyaz Ahmad and Mohammad Shafi from Nadihal village of Baramulla were lured by two local counter-insurgency agents — Bashir Ahmad Lone and Abdul Hamid — and a Territorial Army jawan Abbas Hussain Shah to Kalaroos village in the Machil sector near the LoC. The three, who were promised jobs as porters and “good money”, were then killed by the soldiers near the Sona Pindi post and dubbed as Pakistani militants”.

The victims’ real identities were revealed a month later when their bodies were exhumed following a public outcry. The state government then constituted a high-level inquiry commission to probe the killings, but its report was never made public. The killings, meanwhile, sparked widespread unrest in the Valley in which 123 people were killed.

Soon after the incident, the Army removed Colonel Pathania from the post of Commanding Officer while Major Opendra was suspended after an internal inquiry.
The Army initiated court martial proceedings in December 2013 based on the findings of a court of inquiry report that was submitted by the then Commander of 68 Mountain Brigade Brigadier G S Sangah.

The Army probe was set up following a notice issued by the Sopore Chief Judicial Magistrate based on a chargesheet filed by local police against 11 persons including nine Army officials and two civilians who were charged under Sections 302 (murder), 364 (abduction), 120-B (criminal conspiracy) and 34 (common intent) of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC).

In April 2013, a civil court had handed over custody of the Territorial Army’s Abbas Hussain Shah to the Army for recording evidence. The court martial has now acquitted Hussain while the two other civilians — Lone and Hamid — are still in custody.
Machil fake encounter case: Life sentences of six army personnel confirmed | The Indian Express

This is the first case in the Valley in which Indian Army personnel have been awarded life terms on these charges.

Army’s Northern Command on Monday confirmed the life sentences of six army personnel, including two army officers in the 2010 Machil fake encounter case.
“Col Dinesh Pathania, Captain Opendra, Havaldar Devender Kumar, Lance naik, Lakhmi, Lance naik, Arun Kumar and rifleman Abas Hussain have been awarded life imprisonment,’’ said spokesman, Army’s Northern Command,

The Army Court had last year awarded life sentences to them for their involvement in the killing of three Kashmiris in a fake encounter in Machil five years ago. This is the first case in the Valley in which Indian Army personnel have been awarded life terms on these charges.

On April 29, 2010, Shezad Ahmad, Riyaz Ahmad and Mohammad Shafi from Nadihal village of Baramulla were lured by two local counter-insurgency agents — Bashir Ahmad Lone and Abdul Hamid — and a Territorial Army jawan Abbas Hussain Shah to Kalaroos village in the Machil sector near the LoC. The three, who were promised jobs as porters and “good money”, were then killed by the soldiers near the Sona Pindi post and dubbed as Pakistani militants”.

The victims’ real identities were revealed a month later when their bodies were exhumed following a public outcry. The state government then constituted a high-level inquiry commission to probe the killings, but its report was never made public. The killings, meanwhile, sparked widespread unrest in the Valley in which 123 people were killed.

Soon after the incident, the Army removed Colonel Pathania from the post of Commanding Officer while Major Opendra was suspended after an internal inquiry.
The Army initiated court martial proceedings in December 2013 based on the findings of a court of inquiry report that was submitted by the then Commander of 68 Mountain Brigade Brigadier G S Sangah.

The Army probe was set up following a notice issued by the Sopore Chief Judicial Magistrate based on a chargesheet filed by local police against 11 persons including nine Army officials and two civilians who were charged under Sections 302 (murder), 364 (abduction), 120-B (criminal conspiracy) and 34 (common intent) of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC).

In April 2013, a civil court had handed over custody of the Territorial Army’s Abbas Hussain Shah to the Army for recording evidence. The court martial has now acquitted Hussain while the two other civilians — Lone and Hamid — are still in custody.
Machil fake encounter case: Life sentences of six army personnel confirmed | The Indian Express

Nothing new.
When you are punishing reminder ??
Rot in hell a**holes

Good work by India !

No one is above the law. Punish them if found guilty. Kashmiri is our proud country men, and no one have a right to harass the citizens of Indian.
"".....No one have a right to harass poor Kashmiris, but have a right to kill & claim them as militants.""
Indias basic MO when their soldiers get killed by freedom fighters is to simply go murder some innocent people or villagers

This is then followed by thr usual bollywood and media drama bazi
We do what we must for justice & human rights like in this case .....
have pakistan ever punished one solider for asrtocites on begalies , baluchistanies , pakhtuns , hazara, qdyanies etcs( basically on all non Sunni punjabies.....)

We do what we must for justice & human rights like in this case .....
have pakistan ever punished one solider for asrtocites on begalies , baluchistanies , pakhtuns , hazara, qdyanies etcs( basically on all non Sunni punjabies.....)

Um, do know that all the shit you hear from your media, barely has any truth.

Atrocities were committed against Bengali Hindus, but that's it. Baloch Liberation Army are desperate now that their little rebellion is falling apart, a majority of them surrendered at 14 August and were not charged(400 of them); even the leader is now willing to talk. BLA is hated within Balochistan; people now realize that they are the ONLY reason why Balochistan isn't developing. Sympathizers number around a thousand and militants are probably now less then a hundred.

Pakhtuns...? Are you kidding me, they are far by the most patriotic ethnic group within Pakistan. Whenever Pakistan went to war with India, they formed militias and spearheaded offensives; Pakhtun Militias outnumbered Pakistani Soldiers in 1947, and beginning of 1965 and 1999. They were the ones that liberated 1/2 of Kashmir. They make up around 30-40% of the Military.
Hazara and Qadianis are mostly targeted by TTP and other illegal militiant groups(are being fought by Pak army). Many brave Hazaras have been martyred in Zarb e Azb, serving the Pakistan Army. Although the government has been tough on Qadianis; the army has done nothing to them. Qadianis formed the Furqan Force and fought against India in 1947; they also joined militias headed to Kashmir in 1965 and 1999.

And your bringing "sunnis" and "shias" into this. There is no sectarian violence in Pakistan that doesn't involve TTP. TTP target Shias, not regular citizens or the armed forces as your media bark about. Although Shias make up 20% of Pakistan population; they are estimated to make up around 30-40% of Pakistan Military Officers. Shias are very patriotic.

Famous Shia Pakistanis include:

Religious figures[edit]
Allama Irfan Haider Abidi

Politicians and diplomats[edit]
Military officers and generals[edit]
Artists, actors and poets[edit]
Academics, architects and scientists[edit]
Press and journalism[edit]
Business and banking[edit]
Good work by India !

No one is above the law. Punish them if found guilty. Kashmiri is our proud country men, and no one have a right to harass the citizens of Indian.
Yes u are the one indian i must salute you for pisitive remarks

Yes but dear now you have proof that what your army do in many cases pak is not involved but your govt and army drag pak in

And people of india straight a way blame pak without asking its govt questions

This is not first time happened it means from our side no infiltration indian army soldiers want quick promotion and some fame they dont get chance with pak so they bring kashmiris in

If kashmir was of india they never did it with their people

Indian govt and army working 24/7 to make pak image as evil they end up making themseleves evil

Yes pak did mostakes and we suffered but we are at war with terrorist we ban most of organizations

But what india did every day firing loc to divert us

Ur doval and modi openly said they are involved in terror activities against pak

What else proof indian people want
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