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Ma Dingsheng's shocking viewpoint



New Recruit

Aug 6, 2009
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北京如果判断战争难以避免,那干脆先发制人,拿下台湾;什麼狗屁岛链也迎刃而解。更为本小利大的是收复南沙岛礁。 -----From Ma's blog.
It means that if Beijing determines that war is
unavoidable, then just take an anticipative action and occupy Taiwan; so the ******* island chain can be resolved easily and islands in South China Sea can be recaptured then.

But in my opinion, it might be foolish to launch to war against Taiwan without good reasons at present, since Taiwan leader has improve its relation with mainland China, and bilateral contacts are getting closer.
grow up dude, we are not going to have any military conflict with Taiwan.

we can just focus on our own development and in about 20 years, even Japan will seek to be our ally as by that time, the richest part of our nation (Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu) will have a comparable GDP per capita to Japan and the regional population will also be close to that of Japan.

at the end of the day, political shows are all about money and money is the thing that we really know well.
we got better option than taiwan,why should we aim at chinese first,we just need to frighten some idiots in taiwan,war is unnecessary
北京如果判断战争难以避免,那干脆先发制人,拿下台湾;什麼狗屁岛链也迎刃而解。更为本小利大的是收复南沙岛礁。 -----From Ma's blog.
It means that if Beijing determines that war is
unavoidable, then just take an anticipative action and occupy Taiwan; so the ******* island chain can be resolved easily and islands in South China Sea can be recaptured then.

But in my opinion, it might be foolish to launch to war against Taiwan without good reasons at present, since Taiwan leader has improve its relation with mainland China, and bilateral contacts are getting closer.

I agree with you Bro! though the Taiwanese Govt. is anti-mainland (homeland China) but the people have great love for China. And therefore, for the sake of those Chinese, China should address the matter in a impeccable manner!!


But, as for Pakistan and Pakistanis, it is good to know that the Govt. of Pakistan and the Pakistani people have one strong and clear opinion about Taiwan:

Taiwan is the integral part of China


and that all foreign interventions from other people is just the manipulation of the Taiwanese people against their own brethren. The enemies of China want to make brother fight against brother. :angry:

The Chinese see that, but sadly the Taiwanese dont :sick:

They are playing like fools in the hands of their own enemies :disagree:

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