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LTTE was created by India

India has digested 14 states since 1947 & let alone eaten up our Siachen Glacier which now & than India refuses abandon

India is intact with the name of "BharatVarsh" since thousands of years, Indus valley civilization which attributes its name "India" never started in 1947, yes it can surely be said that people "ATE" (as you use that word) our parts on the name of religion.

But my reply was against :-

India is a country who never initiated any war in its recorded history of more than 10000 years, being the world's oldest living civilization

So from your definition, today if India attacks Pakistan & there is nuclear war & blood shed but still it's peaceful claim of 1,000 years will not be touched as all this part was India itself ?

Come to think about it .. why not let the British take over all of India & Pakistan & Bangladesh + + + etc .. remember this part of the British raj !

Or let the decendans of Mughals come back .. come to think about it they were the earlier rulers of India !! Why not ?

India the so called claimed of Peaceful Ghandhi ideology even when exploding it's nuclear bomb called it a "smiling Buddha" .. India is known to give peaceful names to it's WMD.

The name Smiling Buddha suggests the purpose of creation of such weapon, if that goes in other way to someone then it shows the intentions and guilt of the recipient.

Intentions of the recipient ! Oooh really .. than who did bomb related nuclear test .. My dear peace loving Buddhaji ! Who for next 2 decades bragged about peace, love & non-aligned movements while all the time developing WMD's at the back !

India .. the biggest claimant of all the goods of the world ! Your Ghandian type of statement never stops to impress those who do not know the inner workings of Baniya mentality ! Let me remember what were the words of Ghandhi when asked to comment on why he was involved in having female young Congress members besides him majority of the time ?

RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh, supporting both secular forces

Being an Indian, how could you see anything wrong in RAW ! Does USA see anything wrong in their false claims of WMD in Iraq ? Or their use of DU rounds in civilian population ?

RAW was heavily criticized in 1999, following the Pakistani incursions at Kargil. Critics accused RAW of failing to provide intelligenceIf a day before of Atal Bihari Vajpayee's pakistan visit, buses between two countries, Agara summit; Musharraf talks about friendship and brotherhood and next day silently stab the knife on the back, then what intelligence rests ethically significant!

Why India does not hold Siachen .. why is it not a stab in the back of Pakistan ? Siachen is on designated Pakistani boundary. Kargil is in a status quo area which is already in dispute between Pakistan & india since last 50+years ! Why always talk about Kargil .. why the silence over Siachen ?

Most recently, RAW has gained attention for providing the US with intelligence on Al-Qaeda and Taliban targets for the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. Maps and photographs of terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan, along with other evidence implicating Osama bin Laden in terrorist attacks, were given to US intelligence officials.That's the duty of every civilized country and responsible human beings to assist authorities in eradication of bigot violent terrorists, who harm the entire mankind for their narrow minded agendas.

Oooh yes .. i fully realize how many human rights viloations India is not involved into .. that it has to feed the imperialistic forces with information.

Why not talk about the innumerable violations of human rights & stage managed skirmishes which Indian army claims and kills civilians .. why not allow that to be investigated !

More on RAW from other third party defense anaylsts :-

Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

Research and Analysis Wing [RAW]
The Cabinet Secretariat Research and Analysis Wing [RAW], India's most powerful intelligence agency, is India’s external intelligence agency. RAW has become an effective instrument of India's national power, and has assumed a significant role in formulating India's domestic and foreign policies. RAW has engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries. RAW has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure, rank, pay and perks of the Research & Analysis Wing are kept secret from Parliament.

Current policy debates in India have generally failed to focus on the relative priority given by RAW to activities directed against India's neighbors versus attention to domestic affairs to safeguard India's security and territorial integrity. The RAW has had limited success in dealing with separatist movements in Manipur and Tripura in the northeast, Tamil Nadu in the south, and Punjab and Kashmir in the northwestern part of the country. Indian sources allege the CIA has penetrated freedom fighters in Kashmir and started activities in Kerala, Karnataka, and other places, along with conducting economic and industrial espionage activities in New Delhi.

In 1968 India established this special branch of its intelligence service specifically targeted on Pakistan. The formation of RAW was based on the belief that Pakistan was supplying weapons to Sikh terrorists, and providing shelter and training to the guerrillas in Pakistan. Pakistan has accused the Research and Analysis Wing of sponsoring sabotage in Punjab, where RAW is alleged to have supported the Seraiki movement, providing financial support to promote its activities in Pakistan and organizing an International Seraiki Conference in Delhi in November-December 1993. RAW has an extensive network of agents and anti-government elements within Pakistan, including dissident elements from various sectarian and ethnic groups of Sindh and Punjab. Published reports allege that as many as 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan between 1983-93, with 12,000 are working in Sindh, 10000 in Punjab 8000 in North West Frontier Province and 5000 in Balochistan. As many as 40 terrorist training camps at Rajasthan, East Punjab, Held Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India are run by the RAW's Special Service Bureau (SSB).

Throughout the Afghan War RAW was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Pakistan from support of Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union. The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War. The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, with reports that suggest that India has established a training camp in the town of Qadian, in East Punjab, where non-Muslim Pakistanis are trained for terrorist activities. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has blamed India for funding the current upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan, and senior ministers have blamed the Research and Analysis Wing for the sectarian violence between Shias and Sunnis which has resulted in thousands of deaths every year.

The Government of Pakistan frequently assigns responsibility for terrorist activity to the Indian Government, even when no evidence can be verified. It is evidently in the interest of the Pakistani government to blame terrorist actions on external rather than internal sources, just as it would be in the interest of Indian services to obscure their hand in such actions. Terrorist activities in Pakistan attributed to the clandestine activities of Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies include:

A car bomb explosion in Saddar area of Peshawar on 21 December 1995 caused the deaths of 37 persons and injured over 50 others.
An explosion at Shaukat Khanum Hospital on 14 April 1996, claimed the lives of seven persons and injured to over 34 others.
A bus traveling from Lahore to Sahiwal was blown up at Bhai Pheru on 28 April 1996, causing the deaths of 44 persons on the spot and injuring 30 others.
An explosion in a bus near the Sheikhupura hospital killed 9 persons and injured 29 others on 08 May 1996.
An explosion near Alam chowk, Gujranwala on 10 June 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 11 others.
A bomb exploded on a bus on GT Road near Kharian on 10 June 1996, killing 2 persons and injuring 10 others.
On 27 June 1996, an explosion opposite Madrassah Faizul Islam, Faizabad, Rawalpindi, killed 5 persons and injured over 50 others.
A bomb explosion in the Faisalabad railway station passenger lounge on 08 July 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 20 others.
RAW has responded to Pakistani arms and training for Muslim militants in the disputed region of Kashmir state. RAW allegedly executed a hijacking of an Indian Airliner to Lahore in 1971 which was attributed to the Kashmiris, to give a terrorist dimension to the Kashmiri national movement. However soon the extent of RAW's involvement was made public.

RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh, supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority. The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan is said to date from the 1960s, when RAW promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahmanh's general election in 1970 and providing training and arming the Mukti Bahini.

During the course of its investigation the Jain Commission received testimony on the official Indian support to the various Sri Lankan Tamil armed groups in Tamil Nadu. From 1981, RAW and the Intelligence Bureau established a network of as many as 30 training bases for these groups in India. Centers were also established at the high-security military installation of Chakrata, near Dehra Dun, and in the Ramakrishna Puram area of New Delhi. This clandestine support to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), some of whom were on the payroll of RAW, was later suspended. Starting in late 1986 the Research and Analysis Wing focused surveillance on the LTTE which was expanding ties with Tamil Nadu separatist groups. Rajiv Gandhi sought to establish good relations with the LTTE, even after the Indian Peace Keeping Force [IPKF] experience in Sri Lanka. But the Indian intelligence community failed to accurately assess the character of the LTTE and its orientation India and its political leaders. The LTTE assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was apparently motivated by fears of a possible re-induction of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka and a crackdown on the LTTE network in Tamil Nadu.

The RAW and the Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs 25 crore annually as "discretionary grants" for foreign influence operations. These funds have supported organisations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US. An extensive network of Indian operatives is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington DC. The Indian embassy's covert activities are reported to include the infitration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to r blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996 an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including Sens. Charles S. Robb (D-Va.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D -Md.) and Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.).
So from your definition, today if India attacks Pakistan & there is nuclear war & blood shed but still it's peaceful claim of 1,000 years will not be touched as all this part was India itself ?

Come to think about it .. why not let the British take over all of India & Pakistan & Bangladesh + + + etc .. remember this part of the British raj !

Or let the decendans of Mughals come back .. come to think about it they were the earlier rulers of India !! Why not ?
First of all, with due "Eating" of our own brothers have created countries like pakistan etc. So after 1947 unfortunately India is in its present form. Secondly if you suggest to bring old rulers then for sure I'd like to bring the oldest recorded like "Ashok, Chandragupta Maurya, Vikramaditya, Samudragaupta" why would look for Arabic barbarians or mugals or Slue britishers!

Intentions of the recipient ! Oooh really .. than who did bomb related nuclear test .. My dear peace loving Buddhaji ! Who for next 2 decades bragged about peace, love & non-aligned movements while all the time developing WMD's at the back !

Seeing our Nuclear tests as an insignia of horror is a property restricted to our enemies and must remain so, ultimately it's for restoring of Peace, as described by me and added to this I would again append the same answer which I wrote last time. Arm preparation is essential because of our "misdirected notorious brothers" around us, and if someone doubts "the principles" as "Bragging" it must have recognized that within those 20 years how many other things also could have been done.

India .. the biggest claimant of all the goods of the world ! Your Ghandian type of statement never stops to impress those who do not know the inner workings of Baniya mentality ! Let me remember what were the words of Ghandhi when asked to comment on why he was involved in having female young Congress members besides him majority of the time ?

May God forgive you for the remarks which are driven by "the hatred" and not by the facts. For knowing more read "My experiments with truth- M.K.Gandhi.

Being an Indian, how could you see anything wrong in RAW ! Does USA see anything wrong in their false claims of WMD in Iraq ? Or their use of DU rounds in civilian population ?
This is the most important point for you to understand about your own ideology. I can't portray anything about US that you've put as comparison, the truth is if we're to face cunning and base opponents nearby, then it becomes inevitable to enrich ourselves with weaponry, "The ghosts of feet don't care words."

Why India does not hold Siachen .. why is it not a stab in the back of Pakistan ? Siachen is on designated Pakistani boundary. Kargil is in a status quo area which is already in dispute between Pakistan & india since last 50+years ! Why always talk about Kargil .. why the silence over Siachen ?

I never shy talking about entire pakistan what to speak of Siachen or Kargil, however I want to state this thing firmly that Siachen has never been been designated to pakistani area.

Oooh yes .. i fully realize how many human rights viloations India is not involved into .. that it has to feed the imperialistic forces with information.

Why not talk about the innumerable violations of human rights & stage managed skirmishes which Indian army claims and kills civilians .. why not allow that to be investigated !

India is the world's biggest democracy and here everything remain in public domain with utmost of the checks and balances, the news which pakistani channels show on TV, like retaliation by kashmeeries etc are STARK LIES, only to deteriorate the image of government there and fuel to public rest, this I can confirm by my own experience and is stamped by the recent elections which made a huge success by the people themselves and for themselves, I can understand why pakistanis can't adhere to this fact because they have still failed to form any sort of democratic system which works proper. I am ready to talk about anything, Indian army has not violated any human right whatsoever but simultaneously pledge to the nation that would not leave elements that see our country with sinful eyes and for that all appropriate actions must and will be taken.

As for the investigations, India has investigated the most amount of Human Rights' issues and is certified by UN for that, though I personally don't care of such certifications. In pakistan, they all spread rumors about things happening in India, it must be curbed, else the people who really ponder over facts, as you, get all wrong data to work upon.

As per this article about RAW, numerous allegations with no proofs at all are in numerated, what 3rd parties you talk about are seeming utterly biased, though I must state one reality firmly, there isn't any terrorist activity being or was or will be either funded or executed by RAW; pakistani leaders like nawaz shareef are only misleading entire pakistani people just for their internal benefits, in UN the proofs presented by India against ISI and Pakistani nationals got approved just a few days before and had been in past approved many times, pakistan yet had not provided any proof of these alleged activities, which are actually all cooked up stories to fool their own people for gaining internal advantages and intellectual pakistanis should learn and act to it immediately else it will be disastrous for themselves.

That Devendra singh incident is put as an utter LIE, what should I write about this, that was not at all as written, he funded one contestant par se and that was a commercial funding, which later on recognized by US courts, now I am all astonished to the extent of framed stories and lies people can go up to! If you want to prove its authenticity why don't you put on the Court's verdict so that everyone can read into!

Even if I can't come here, I am more or less active at my forum at phasor.info
Jai Hind!
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Yes, India created LTTE. What's new in that ?

It was in response to the supply of aviation fuel to pakistani fighters during the 1971 war.
Yes, India created LTTE. What's new in that ?

It was in response to the supply of aviation fuel to pakistani fighters during the 1971 war.

Sorry .. don't make excuses ... it is long know that Indian would not accept any of it's neighbour becoming better than mother India.

Sri Lanka since earlier was beter off and got destroyed due to continous involvement of RAW in terrorism in Sri Lanka.
it is long know that Indian would not accept any of it's neighbour becoming better than mother India.

Sri Lanka since earlier was beter off and got destroyed due to continous involvement of RAW in terrorism in Sri Lanka.

Don't know who knows it that longer that India would never want anyone to be better? If you impose all self framed baseless charges then there isn't any remedy for such sense of hatred. Entire world says pakistan is the birthplace for such terror and is still an epicentre of terrorism, and you so cunningly blame others! I don't know when Sri Lanka was "Better", RAW will crack down on terrorists all around the globe and such sinful lies propagated by anyone won't deter it from doing so. And for Mother India, I must state it again that pakistan and India are sons of same mother, division on the basis of religion is not at all good, pakistan should understand it and come back to our home.
Velupillai Prabakaran created the LTTE.

No Indian denies that India created and Indian Tamils in India and Diaspora funded the organisation.
The Tamils were getting persecuted in Srilanka ,in 60's GOSL at that time passed some bills that Tamils cannot be part of parliament, cannot contest elections , and cant be part of civil services.. Remember Tamils were the more educated community when SL got independence. Sinhale's were backward but a majority.

So Tamil Nadu politicians with Indira Gandhi provided support to the movement. That was u-turned by Rajiv Gandhi, as he realized that Eelam dream was bigger than they envisioned...it included Tamil Nadu as part of its new Map. ..see ellam site.. they show parts of India as Tamil Eelam a separate country...

Compare it to something like the Hafiz sadeed tommrow becomes very big and starts asking for Full Kashmir and Multan also as part of his new country... Then what will GOP and ISI do?? ...obviously a U- Turn.
If interested about the facts pls google around.. read the attrocities on Tamils in Lanka in 1977 onwards .. till they became.. terrorist outfit in 90's

Maps of Tamil Nadu, Tamil Eelam
LTTE was not created by India, it was rather supported long after its inception. Those are facts. India did not support LTTE because the tamils were being persecuted, they were supported as assets as that was less expensive and more productive in field tests. Expulsion of Pakistan from Bangladesh using these assets was a great motivator. When someone comes on the forum and knows nothing but to waste his sundays about how India the pure has never performed such low down things just makes me smile.
LTTE was not created by India, it was rather supported long after its inception. Those are facts. India did not support LTTE because the tamils were being persecuted, they were supported as assets as that was less expensive and more productive in field tests. Expulsion of Pakistan from Bangladesh using these assets was a great motivator. When someone comes on the forum and knows nothing but to waste his sundays about how India the pure has never performed such low down things just makes me smile.

A. Please read my post .. i agreed that "No Indian denies..." so no question of saying that Indians think India is pure.

B. What possibly could be a motive of using them as asset ? divide the tiny Island ????? Cannt agree to that.

Total Area of Srilanka is half the size of Newyork state or west Virgina... and as far as favourable govt is concerned indiasince 90's always had favorable govt in Srilanka...so what could be the purpose of using them as asset.. Tamil Nadu's politics is defenitly influenced by the plight of tamilians..and that is the only reason i see Tamil diaspora supporting it and some politicians supporting it.
One of them is Viko..every one knows that...

Map of SriLanka
Sorry .. don't make excuses ... it is long know that Indian would not accept any of it's neighbour becoming better than mother India.

Sri Lanka since earlier was beter off and got destroyed due to continous involvement of RAW in terrorism in Sri Lanka.

SL created the LTTE with their appalling treatment of Tamils in the 60's and 70's. India helped the LTTE at one stage when SL moved against India during the 70's..yes that is true. But the LTTE was out of control and India then tried to stamp it out but the saga resulted in the assassination of Gandhi which was what really wrote the death warrant for the LTTE.

And if India was still supporting the LTTE,the war would have gone on forever.
wasnt responding to you .. you made sense .. being realistic is important..

as for your point as to what was the motive behind it .. could be a host of things .. Keeping and leaving an asset for a future role .. asset turns rogue and starts chaos .. asset cut off and in turn is destroyed by the enemy. Just my opinion .. The other reason could be what you stated .. Could be the result of favourable relationships between Indian decision makers at the time.. When they left .. decisions changed.
In the early & mid 80's Sri Lanka was prospering and it looked set to equal Thai figures of tourism but India's support of LTTE destroyed not only the industry but the nation.

It is a pity that India is involved with arm twisting all it's smaller neighbours !

please read up a little bit on the origins of the LTTE

you will realise that it did not come up as a bid to destabilise Sri Lanka but as a result of the massive inequalities prevalent in the society and administration there.

Also there is no denying that India did help the LTTE grow for a while initially.

LTTE was not "created" by India just trained initially and was abandoned when it started becoming violent and attacking other tamil groups. ever since 1988 LTTE was fighting on its own, with no support from the government of India
shhhhh Indians! Why are you putting so much efforts in Here........the people you replying have a disease called "anti-india" if mumbai was close to pakistan then they would have said it belongs to us cuz jinnah owns a house in Mumbai!

dont put your brains so much to use.......Ul get brain damage.......

Yes LTTE was created by India.......... Why- For Tamils.....

Pakistan's Creations JeM, LeT, JuD, Taliban, Al-Qaida And so Many! WHY- TO PROTECT MUSLIMS ROUND THE WORLD........

Just Compare the killing by this Indian Created Terrorism and Pak Terrorism.........

LTTE was the only Terrorist Organization with an air-force..........This proves that as compared to Pakistan.......India at least creates better terrorist..........

But Pakistani Terrorist Organization are more better because the way they plotted 26/11 plot was awesome......... I mean India creates stupid terrorist who fight with military....But Pakistani Based Terrorists.........OMG....... They are the best......... I mean Killing innocent, unarmed, women & children is just awesome...........I am FAN of yours..............

Congratulations GUYS! You win..........debate over
You can keep comparing notes on terrorism with someone else .. I guess your terrorism distributes candy but the terrorism that we are facing dosnt.. we have a great deal to learn from our mistakes . maybe you should grow up and do the same.
You can keep comparing notes on terrorism with someone else .. I guess your terrorism distributes candy but the terrorism that we are facing dosnt.. we have a great deal to learn from our mistakes . maybe you should grow up and do the same.

ohh thank you sir! we sure ve learned from LTTE because after LTTE i never heard India creating any new organizations

But if a blast happens in India the responsibility is taken by a new unknown Jihadi Group Based From Pakistan (which Pakistan Claims NoN-STATE ACTORS) Now when are you going to grow up!

I always laugh when Pakistani friends in this forum claim that PA is more superior than IA........I mean i don't understand......Like if the PA is so advanced army who claims to defeat an army twice is size then why it is incapable of curbing this terrorist..............Why is it takng so long for them........

Common PA....... Thats Unfair..........Indian army is 1.6 million strength and those terrorist are less than 1.6 thousand...........that too with lesser advanced weaponry system.........

I really love Pakistan now! :pakistan: ! m i grown up now?
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