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Low turnout, More Violence as Kashmiris Boycott India Poll

there is no source.....but there have been a plethora of communal incidents (including one just a couple days ago in Assam)

Or do they teach you in your schools that anything that paints "incredible democratic india" in a bad light means it simply just never happened? :laugh:

forget Pakistan -- ask even indian women who have been attacked by those wild animals
Ya rite. 1 incident for a day in Assam and a country 7 times bigger than u is painted in same picture.

U seem to be so so sure regarding reasons of different issues in India. Commendable. Applause. :)
KPK, FATA and Baluchistan are not disputed territories seeking independence from Pakistan. While we all know about IOK. There were no boycott elections campaign in KPK and FATA and people only shied away from voting due to taliban terrorism threat.

You guys are just comparing orange with apples.

So something more convincing is that GoI reported voter turn is not authentic and reliable. There you go. Made it simple for my low IQ friend.
Yes reliability, thou name be ISPR...
Learn about election commision of India, it will put pakistan each and every state institution to shame.

As far as IQ is concerned, not much expected from you on that front either, the Election commsion of india states 49.8% voter turnout, which according to you is a doctored number, then why stop at 49.8 why not at higher number than that? aparently some empty streets pictured at god know's what time of the day is more convincing for you.

KPK, and other pakistani territories as have smaller voter turnout, is in your own logic a boycott of election or lack of faith in constitution of pakistan. Neither of these may be true if KPK, balochistan and Fata turnout are considered normal as they lie within the natural distribution of polling statistics, but then if voter turnout was normal in KPK, balochistan and fata so will be J&K, which is quite blasphemous in your high IQ.
Thus lets introduce another clause that these are not disputed terrirtory... thus apples and oranges. right?
If you have better answer come with that instead of this nonsense. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Well that is the best answer. You want us to believe in a figure given by Indian govt?? You gone nuts bharati???

Is it that difficult for you to understand??
Yes reliability, thou name be ISPR...
Learn about election commision of India, it will put pakistan each and every state institution to shame.

As far as IQ is concerned, not much expected from you on that front either, the Election commsion of india states 49.8% voter turnout, which according to you is a doctored number, then why stop at 49.8 why not at higher number than that? aparently some empty streets pictured at god know's what time of the day is more convincing for you.

KPK, and other pakistani territories as have smaller voter turnout, is in your own logic a boycott of election or lack of faith in constitution of pakistan. Neither of these may be true if KPK, balochistan and Fata turnout are considered normal as they lie within the natural distribution of polling statistics, but then if voter turnout was normal in KPK, balochistan and fata so will be J&K, which is quite blasphemous in your high IQ.
Thus lets introduce another clause that these are not disputed terrirtory... thus apples and oranges. right?
Your really wasting your time with this one. A parrot has more thinking abilities than this one.
Yes reliability, thou name be ISPR...
Learn about election commision of India, it will put pakistan each and every state institution to shame.

As far as IQ is concerned, not much expected from you on that front either, the Election commsion of india states 49.8% voter turnout, which according to you is a doctored number, then why stop at 49.8 why not at higher number than that? aparently some empty streets pictured at god know's what time of the day is more convincing for you.

KPK, and other pakistani territories as have smaller voter turnout, is in your own logic a boycott of election or lack of faith in constitution of pakistan. Neither of these may be true if KPK, balochistan and Fata turnout are considered normal as they lie within the natural distribution of polling statistics, but then if voter turnout was normal in KPK, balochistan and fata so will be J&K, which is quite blasphemous in your high IQ.
Thus lets introduce another clause that these are not disputed terrirtory... thus apples and oranges. right?

Logic doesn't work with some.
Yes reliability, thou name be ISPR...
Learn about election commision of India, it will put pakistan each and every state institution to shame.

As far as IQ is concerned, not much expected from you on that front either, the Election commsion of india states 49.8% voter turnout, which according to you is a doctored number, then why stop at 49.8 why not at higher number than that? aparently some empty streets pictured at god know's what time of the day is more convincing for you.

Well because they know that they can't exaggerate that much. There is a limit to distortions too you know. And you should give me just one logical reason that we Pakistanis should believe in this figure which is reported only by govt of India. Just one logical reason.

KPK, and other pakistani territories as have smaller voter turnout, is in your own logic a boycott of election or lack of faith in constitution of pakistan. Neither of these may be true if KPK, balochistan and Fata turnout are considered normal as they lie within the natural distribution of polling statistics, but then if voter turnout was normal in KPK, balochistan and fata so will be J&K, which is quite blasphemous in your high IQ.

Let me repeat it again for you. KPK, FATA and Baluchistan are not disputed territories. They had different reasons for their low percentages.

You are still comparing apples with oranges just to defend this bogus figure.
Ya rite. 1 incident for a day in Assam and a country 7 times bigger than u is painted in same picture.

you're right india is billions of people so if thousands get butchered alive (including pregnant women) -- it's perfectly okay and understandable

U seem to be so so sure regarding reasons of different issues in India. Commendable. Applause. :)

it's just common sense and viewing situation on the ground rather than drowning in waves of de-Nile (pun intended)
See Pakistan's own voter turnout in last year's election, only Punjab and Sindh voted more than 50%. :jester::jester:


Ha ha ha that is a smackdown of Pakistani logic!! :rofl:
Well because they know that they can't exaggerate that much. There is a limit to distortions too you know. And you should give me just one logical reason that we Pakistanis should believe in this figure which is reported only by govt of India. Just one logical reason.

Let me repeat it again for you. KPK, FATA and Baluchistan are not disputed territories. They had different reasons for their low percentages.

You are still comparing apples with oranges just to defend this bogus figure.

Yes pakistanis shouldn't believe Election commision of India's figures... they should believe your figures instead...
just an advice, with such reasoning strength , shying away from the term IQ might help your cause....
you're right india is billions of people so if thousands get butchered alive (including pregnant women) -- it's perfectly okay and understandable

Well if the victims are muslims than it is perfectly okay. Wonder if this incident would have happened in Pakistan or in BD and if victims would have been Hindus. You can guess the outrage of these hypocrites yourself.

Yes pakistanis shouldn't believe Election commision of India's figures... they should believe your figures instead...
just an advice, with such reasoning strength , shying away from the term IQ might help your cause....

Again. You have failed to give me one logical reason that why Pakistan should believe in a figure that is only present by govt of India.

I think you don't have the answer. Fair enough. Now don't quote me unless you can come up with some logical reason.
Let me simplify for you. This 50% voter rate is a BS coined by Indian election commission. So no need to compare such fake figures with Pakistani elections.

Aww thats cute.. Election commission of the biggest democracy in the world is concocting lies.

Where as every word from your mouth is the gospel truth!! Go feed these conspiracy theories to some one who gives a $hit about your opinion on elections in India

As far as process of 'elections', 'choosing one representative', 'participating in democratic process' is concerned..Indian Kashmir generations ahead of Pakistan, which has been practically under dictatorial rule/ martial law nearly half its existence.
killings of village elders, blamed by police on militants seeking to intimidate voters

bomb exploded outside a polling station at a village in the Baramulla constituency, one of two voting on Wednesday in northern Kashmir

Peaceful boycott or intimidating fear in the minds of the people those who wanted to vote ?
It was upto kashmiris who they want to be ruled by in the coming years .... no matter if the turn is low or not .... we would still be hunting for the terrorists of the freedom fighters !!!
I think this thread turned on it's head, the intent was to showcase low voter turnout, but it seems that OP has to eat his own words now...
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