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Lost Tribes of Bani-Israel

Oral Tradition among Pashtuns:

Some anthropologists lend credence to the mythical oral traditions of the Pashtun tribes themselves.

1-according to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites is traced to Maghzan-e-Afghani who compiled a history for Khan-e-Jehan Lodhi in the reign of Mughal Emperor Jehangir in the 17th century.

2-Another book that corresponds with Pashtun historical records, Taaqati-Nasiri, states that in the 7th century BC a people called the Bani Israel settled in Ghor, southeast of Herat, Afghanistan, and then migrated south and east.

These book references to Bani Israel agree with the commonly held view by Pashtuns that when the twelve tribes of Israel were dispersed, the tribe of Joseph, among other Hebrew tribes, settled in the region. This oral tradition is widespread among the Pashtuns.

for instance if we look at the tribal name 'Yusef Zai' in Pashto, it translates to 'sons of Joseph'. A similar story is told by Iranian historian Ferishta.

It seems hardly coincidental that such a large number of tribes, castes, cities, etc. would have names equivalent to
Biblical ones unless there were some kind of connection between the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

Attempt of finding Pashtun origin:

Pashtun tribes have underwent some genetical analysis of DNA, but they have refused to do more. The first analysis said that they are more Arian/Persian in comparison to other roots. dont forget this part after watching the video.

This topic is annoying because it keeps coming back up.

Pashtuns are not descended from one man and DNA tests show that Pashtuns are not from the line of Semites in the Middle East. Central Asian would be more appropriate. Though this depends on how you define Pashtuns and it all becomes a little complicated from here on in.

Pashtuns are not from the same lineage as Persians. Persians have a strong Anatolian lineage.

If Pashtuns have refused more DNA tests, it's probably because of the freakish Indian researcher working in conjunction with Israeli Institutes that is examining the same theory. Pashtuns probably know she will tie them to the Lost Tribes of Bani Israel. DNA conclusions are very easy to massage. She obviously will conclude it's true, through twisting the history of the Middle East.
This topic is annoying because it keeps coming back up.

Pashtuns are not descended from one man and DNA tests show that Pashtuns are not from the line of Semites in the Middle East. Central Asian would be more appropriate. Though this depends on how you define Pashtuns and it all becomes a little complicated from here on in.

Pashtuns are not from the same lineage as Persians. Persians have a strong Anatolian lineage.

If Pashtuns have refused more DNA tests, it's probably because of the freakish Indian researcher working in conjunction with Israeli Institutes that is examining the same theory. Pashtuns probably know she will tie them to the Lost Tribes of Bani Israel. DNA conclusions are very easy to massage. She obviously will conclude it's true, through twisting the history of the Middle East.

Now that is an Interesting post..........

Could you:
1) post links and research in how you came up with the comclusion that the idea of the Lost tribe is not Pashtuns

2) who do You think is the Lost tribes of Israel ?

3) What do you mean define Pashtuns

However I would like to add if it does, then its quite an ironic that the Pashtuns are but won't give up their religon Islam for Judasium.

Theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pashtun people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Epic Fail-
Instead of arguing like 12 year old- come up with some thing new-

Dude just report him. No need to be part of his childish idiotic behavior.
The ten tribes (Northern Kingdom of Israel) were conquered by the Assyrians sometime around 720 - 732 B.C. It was standard practice back then to disperse conquered peoples throughout the empire. You have only to look at what the expanse of the Assyrian was then to see were they went to.

Now that is an Interesting post..........

Could you:
1) post links and research in how you came up with the comclusion that the idea of the Lost tribe is not Pashtuns

It's very clear if you look at the genetic results of Pashtuns, and are not Indian or Israeli ie. politically neutral.

2) who do You think is the Lost tribes of Israel ?

Probably mixed in the Arab populations of the Middle East.

3) What do you mean define Pashtuns

Forget this. It becomes complicated.

However I would like to add if it does, then its quite an ironic that the Pashtuns are but won't give up their religon Islam for Judasium.

Pashtuns need not give up any religion even if it was proven the Lost Tribes of Israel were Pashtun.

But it's a proven lie, based on politically motivated research; DNA conclusions being manipulated
This topic is annoying because it keeps coming back up.

Pashtuns are not descended from one man and DNA tests show that Pashtuns are not from the line of Semites in the Middle East. Central Asian would be more appropriate. Though this depends on how you define Pashtuns and it all becomes a little complicated from here on in.

Pashtuns are not from the same lineage as Persians. Persians have a strong Anatolian lineage.

If Pashtuns have refused more DNA tests, it's probably because of the freakish Indian researcher working in conjunction with Israeli Institutes that is examining the same theory. Pashtuns probably know she will tie them to the Lost Tribes of Bani Israel. DNA conclusions are very easy to massage. She obviously will conclude it's true, through twisting the history of the Middle East.

one cannot deny Oral traditions among pashtuns as a flat LIE. these folklores always have some sort of truth beneath it.

yes it is true that DNA conducted among the pashtuns show that they belong to Arian race, and have persian linage too, afterall we are talking about 2300 years of history.
that is why I stated that "pashtuns in general and FATA Tribes in particular 'may have' links with lost tribes of Bani-Israel."

Now if you focus on FATA tribes you will have a better understanding that they are DIFFERENT from GENERAL PASHTUNS. their way of life is different.
it is possible that they migrated to this place (khurasan), since they knew about it, and had commercial links, and it was safe.

I am not a historian but if you watch the video I posted, it would make sense to you. at points he used his imagination but still it says something about these people origin.

I didnt focus on other theories, since my intentions were to talk about Lost Tribes of Israel and the major theory that I found is related to FATA tribes.
However I would like to add if it does, then its quite an ironic that the Pashtuns are but won't give up their religon Islam for Judasium.

the religion of Moses was surely not judaism, surely a jew but didnt preach Nazism like superiority of race. his religion meant Salam(the meaning or the religion of Abraham, or religion of God).

Judaism came with survival of jew tribal culture and and their dominant state over other tribes and social status among the Bani-israel. rest of the tribes being disappeared after persian invasion. Biblical or historical cultural alikeness with culture of FATA tribes is interesting evidence, who despite holding Islam as their religion still follow the customs of their tribal culture. exactly what Bani-Israel used to do.

there is a very interesting report that Caliph Umar received when his troops reached Pashtun areas, he was told they are "LIKE US". so he asked his commander to make peace with them and return.

so they were practicing things ISLAM told, and definitely what they were practicing was called something similar to the the word Salam. and definitely not Judaism.
As you know Expansion of Islam was ideological expansion, so they found similar practices by them and made peace. so you cannot rule out that PASHTUNs are not practicing religion of Moses, they are ACTUALLY DOING IT.
one cannot deny Oral traditions among pashtuns as a flat LIE. these folklores always have some sort of truth beneath it.

yes it is true that DNA conducted among the pashtuns show that they belong to Arian race, and have persian linage too, afterall we are talking about 2300 years of history.

The overal lineage of Pashtuns is not the same as Persians.

Oral traditions don't mean as much as conclusive results from genetics.

that is why I stated that "pashtuns in general and FATA Tribes in particular 'may have' links with lost tribes of Bani-Israel."


Now if you focus on FATA tribes you will have a better understanding that they are DIFFERENT from GENERAL PASHTUNS. their way of life is different.
it is possible that they migrated to this place (khurasan), since they knew about it, and had commercial links, and it was safe.

I am not a historian but if you watch the video I posted, it would make sense to you. at points he used his imagination but still it says something about these people origin.

I didnt focus on other theories, since my intentions were to talk about Lost Tribes of Israel and the major theory that I found is related to FATA tribes.

I haven't seen results for FATA tribes only. But they are not considered as historically seperate from other Pashtuns. Why would they be?
This is all political. The lost tribes of Israel being Pashtun is political. It was before, and it is now with this new "research" that is being carried out by the Indian/Israelis.

People are doing it for their own political causes, nothing to do with Pashtuns.
Once you embrace islam you are part of the ummah. While historically they may have originated from the jews,they are now a part of the ummah. It is however interesting to note that, there are different origins of these people as indicated by the pagan beliefs of the people of Kelash. We a;lso used to hear that Alexander the great's army also settled in the region and some pushtuns may be descended from them. However, from our perspective they are our brethren in islam andd where they originated from is of no relevance at all.
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