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Long-Planned and Bigger Than Thought: Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Program

It was the machines that they kept inside that facility. Even Iran’s own official said building it is very difficult and that the program was set back. Now it’s possible China or Russia secretly resupplies the said systems to maintain deterrence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are secretly happy iran is further away from breakout.

There is moles within the apparatus of Iran. I have said this time and time again. This is the work of an individual on the inside, much like the attempted assassination of Hitler. There are rogue elements inside Iran that do not want IRGC to have nuclear capability because it will solidify their grasp for good.

In modern history no known nuclear power has been toppled from the outside. And the risk of a nuclear power being toppled is more risky then accepting said nuclear power in game theory. That is why Pakistan has been left alone even though it has internal security troubles for ages. The risk of Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile falling into hands of extremists is far more deadly to the West then accepting the current military brass holding power and having nuclear capability.

Whoever did this attack can be sure of one thing, one day they will face a bullet in the head no matter where they are in the world. Iran plays the long game and will find that person that did this and they will be snuffed out. That person will have to look over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.

On one hand you identify yourself as “Aussie” and on the other hand you go on a tirade about “Westerns” when you just identified yourself as Westerner in a West established colonial country. Maybe you should take a look at Aussie flag once in a while.

So I got a Pakistani imitating an Aussie calling me an “Indian” even though everyone on this section knows I’m a Iranian. Hilarious how brain dead you are.

But of course everyone to you Pakistanis is a “SECERT agent Indian” if someone says something remotely in the proximity of being critical of Pakistan. Like I said, take your paranoia somewhere else.

I don’t think Pakistani’s should be lecturing Iranians on delivering achievements when in last 40 years Pakistan has yet to reclaim Kashmir and plays footsie with India every few years to keep things interesting. In another 40 years Pakistan will still be fighting to take back Kashmir and by fighting I mean sitting on the border looking angry at the Indians and maybe once in a blue moon firing at each other.

In last 30 years, Iran has:

*Ejected Israel out of South Lebanon
*Ejected US out of Lebanon with the Marine Barracks attack
*Established the most powerful para-military proxy in the world (HZ) on Israel’s northern border that fought a 2006 war
*Ejected US occupation force from Iraq
*Grew proxies and allies in Iraq
*Grew Hamas military arsenal and supplied advance arms
*Established a second proxy on the golan heights and Israel’s eastern Border.
*Grew Houthi’s arsenal and supplied with advance arms including long distance drones, cruise missiles, and BMs.

So yes Iran has truly done nothing.

Although you rarely respond to me for some unknown reason (I guess you're selective with who you talk to or you don't like me idk).

I had wanted to ask you what you think Iran should do moving forward given all that's gone on?
Unless the person has escaped to Tel Aviv with high level security out of reach of that Iranian bullet.

You consider Tel Aviv “safe”? Even weak Hamas can do attacks in Israel. Iran can have 100 “Iranians” in Tel Aviv tomorrow under 100 different passports.

You do realize Iranian agents have killed all across the world even with peoples identities changed new documents and decades having passed, Iranian agents always catch up. Just do a simple google search.

Also none of these people get high security detail. Maybe a few bodyguards for a few years, but eventually country’s governments change and people forget. There is no loyalty among the West or Zionists to traitors of other countries.

Sooner or later even that person gets tired of constant staying in a safe house. The restricted movement and not having the freedom to explore. They sit cooped up in a prison of their own making. Meanwhile Iranian agents continuing tracking them down and documenting them.

Then eventually over time they make a mistake or a lapse in judgment and that’s when they get snuffed.
I had wanted to ask you what you think Iran should do moving forward given all that's gone on?

We know Iran has attempted attacks on Israeli assets across the world. They haven’t been successful in recent years, but eventually they will be. You can’t guard everyone or everything at all times.

I expect Iran will eventually get through somewhere and hurt Israel.

The issue is times have changed and Iran can No longer be the Revolutionary Iran of 1980’s that would do mass attacks all around the world and get away with it. Thus it has to be more calculated and cunning.

My opinion Iran could begin targeting critical Israeli infrastructure with sabotage attempts. Have Iran’s defense industry build new generation light mobile small suicide drones out of composite material with RAM (radar absorbing material) and smuggle them into Hamas. Have Hamas trained operatives fire them at key Israeli targets.

Plausible deniability. Israel will see that it’s clearly Iran behind it.

That is probably the upper extent I see Iran doing. Even this is more outside of their pragmatic approach.
Although you rarely respond to me for some unknown reason (I guess you're selective with who you talk to or you don't like me idk).

I had wanted to ask you what you think Iran should do moving forward given all that's gone on?

Ask me. I'm a geostrategic genius.

But seriously go back to 2007, except in Syria. Put pressure on the Americans in Syria, IEDs, rocket attacks, SAMs etc. Then take advantage of the vacuum they leave from taking casualties and box them in.

Take advantage of the US elections, Trump desperately wants to win. He won't do anything to compromise that, so a repeat of early 2020 is very unlikely.

As for Israel, do an Abqaiq on their gas infrastructure. Low flying, radar-evading cruise missiles, this time with the intention of destroying the platforms. Alternatively, find out where their F-35s are stored and attack that instead, defang them, may be difficult due to radar coverage but it would humiliate their military if it succeeded.

Iran has been sitting on its *** for too long now, a lot of wins just a year ago. Hopefully there's something in the works rn.
On one hand you identify yourself as “Aussie” and on the other hand you go on a tirade about “Westerns” when you just identified yourself as Westerner in a West established colonial country. Maybe you should take a look at Aussie flag once in a while.

So I got a Pakistani imitating an Aussie calling me an “Indian” even though everyone on this section knows I’m a Iranian. Hilarious how brain dead you are.

But of course everyone to you Pakistanis is a “SECERT agent Indian” if someone says something remotely in the proximity of being critical of Pakistan. Like I said, take your paranoia somewhere else.

You and your indian wet dreams - good luck with whatever keeps you 'satisfied' fake yank. :lol:
When The New York Times publish a perspective which favor country ABC, its residents are gaga gaga over it. When it does the opposite, it is not credible?

The New York Times have provided information about sensitive developments around the world from time-to-time which is not possible without having contacts with intelligence agencies of the world. Its arms are far-reaching. Credit where due.

As for the topic, the cat is out of the bag once again. Although I do recall some members downplaying this development in different threads. If this is the mindset, then do not blame your leaders. They felt the same. If this is not something significant, what incentive Iranian leadership has in escalating matters? Point, right?

Never brush-off anything which sound a bit off from the looks of it. Just saying.

Take it seriously, or leave it. Make up your mind.
When The New York Times publish a perspective which favor country ABC, its residents are gaga gaga over it. When it does the opposite, it is not credible?

The New York Times have provided information about sensitive developments around the world from time-to-time which is not possible without having contacts with intelligence agencies of the world. Its arms are far-reaching. Credit where due.

As for the topic, the cat is out of the bag once again. Although I do recall some members downplaying this development in different threads. If this is the mindset, then do not blame your leaders. They felt the same. If this is not something significant, what incentive Iranian leadership has in escalating matters? Point, right?

Never brush-off anything which sound a bit off from the looks of it. Just saying.

Take it seriously, or leave it. Make up your mind.

Being selective with how one quotes/relies/cites on news sources whilst questioning their veracity when the subject matter doesn't fit their narrative is evidence of a disingenuous if not a little bit delusion person (just saying this in general, not calling anyone out). Over the years I've grown to accept more and more sources who's credibility has been proven even though the topic-matter being discussed within the articles goes counter to what I hold most dear and would essentially destroy or severely hurt how I had previously viewed things. These are simple realities that must be taken seriously no matter how much we might want to disagree with them... God, I hope I don't lose people on here who might label me as some sort of "enemy" or "anti-Iranian" troll for saying this but it is true.

Along that same vein, I remember how feverishly you tried to explain things to me with facts and evidence giving real-world data and examples only for me to totally dismiss them without nary a competent rebuttal outside of childish insults (you didn't deserve) and unjust harassment on my part (sorry again for those previous posts LeGenD). We have.... we must accept certain realities that we don't agree with or else we're no better than the uneducated masses that bumble around life thinking they know everything when in reality they posses very little knowledge about how the world really works.

To anyone here who casts doubt over what the NY Times has said, I say this. Fair enough, it's absolutely okay to do so but don't completely dismiss them as doing so might create an atmosphere in which future events could catch you off-guard and hurt you emotionally more so then if you had just accepted some simple deductions coming from professional-sources that have connections within the field they are reporting on.

P.S.: To anyone who might be thinking that I'm kissing LeGenD's behind here who is a mod just know this. Both me and him had a troubled past for quite some and we recently, before he became a mod, buried the hatchet some two months before he had obtained his moderation position. So this ins't me trying to win any sort of "kuddos" or "brownie-points" due to him being an important PDF member. Just thought I would put that out there lol, hopefully this doesn't come the wrong way. :-):tup:

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It was the machines that they kept inside that facility. Even Iran’s own official said building it is very difficult and that the program was set back. Now it’s possible China or Russia secretly resupplies the said systems to maintain deterrence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are secretly happy iran is further away from breakout.

A batch of centrifuges destroyed is no issue for Iran.
Likely most of those parts survived the explosion and even fire in their boxes.

The issue are the balancing machines and calibration systems which need to be replaced.

This facility was Irans asset to tell the west that it can rapidly assemble new gen. centrifuges in case there is a issue with JCPOA + Irans willingness.

Under JCPOA Iran can't produce many advanced centrifuges anyway: It was there as a threat for negotiation.

Technically important for Iran is the continuous operation of its new gen. centrifuges in the R&D area. If that was hit... that would be a serious setback.
Not because the value of the hardware, but because longterm tests are done there and it would be a loss of expiration and time.

Most important is the production chain of the centrifuges which not at Natanz. Those facilities which build the components are important and they are not affected at all.

So this operation had the goal to take a negotiation asset away from Iran. For Irans nuclear program its not important.
In case of a emergency, the IR1 first generation centrifuge facility can assemble new gen. centrifuges, it just would take more manhours to do so.

Last point: Iran is still working to find a next gen. candidate centrifuge that is cleared for serial production. It would have never used that assembly facility at max. potential as there is no "final design" yet.
Only a few cascades of IR6 were planed to increase the pressure on the west.

With all this in mind, it becomes clearer what bullshit the NY times produced here.
This paragraph depicts how Iran Lost deterrence after Soleimani killing

While some American officials expressed fears that the killing of General Suleimani would lead Iran to initiate a war against the United States, the C.I.A. director, Gina Haspel, reassured them that the Iranians would settle on limited missile attacks against American targets in Iraq — which so far has turned out to be correct. Iran’s limited response could be an incentive for further operations against it.

There are also reports that Solemani was out growing his shell so Iran got him killed with US assisted drone attack.
It was the machines that they kept inside that facility. Even Iran’s own official said building it is very difficult and that the program was set back. Now it’s possible China or Russia secretly resupplies the said systems to maintain deterrence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are secretly happy iran is further away from breakout.

There is moles within the apparatus of Iran. I have said this time and time again. This is the work of an individual on the inside, much like the attempted assassination of Hitler. There are rogue elements inside Iran that do not want IRGC to have nuclear capability because it will solidify their grasp for good.

In modern history no known nuclear power has been toppled from the outside. And the risk of a nuclear power being toppled is more risky then accepting said nuclear power in game theory. That is why Pakistan has been left alone even though it has internal security troubles for ages. The risk of Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile falling into hands of extremists is far more deadly to the West then accepting the current military brass holding power and having nuclear capability.

Whoever did this attack can be sure of one thing, one day they will face a bullet in the head no matter where they are in the world. Iran plays the long game and will find that person that did this and they will be snuffed out. That person will have to look over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.
choosen filth is making up stories
On one hand you identify yourself as “Aussie” and on the other hand you go on a tirade about “Westerns” when you just identified yourself as Westerner in a West established colonial country. Maybe you should take a look at Aussie flag once in a while.

So I got a Pakistani imitating an Aussie calling me an “Indian” even though everyone on this section knows I’m a Iranian. Hilarious how brain dead you are.

But of course everyone to you Pakistanis is a “SECERT agent Indian” if someone says something remotely in the proximity of being critical of Pakistan. Like I said, take your paranoia somewhere else.

I don’t think Pakistani’s should be lecturing Iranians on delivering achievements when in last 40 years Pakistan has yet to reclaim Kashmir and plays footsie with India every few years to keep things interesting. In another 40 years Pakistan will still be fighting to take back Kashmir and by fighting I mean sitting on the border looking angry at the Indians and maybe once in a blue moon firing at each other.

In last 30 years, Iran has:

*Ejected Israel out of South Lebanon
*Ejected US out of Lebanon with the Marine Barracks attack
*Established the most powerful para-military proxy in the world (HZ) on Israel’s northern border that fought a 2006 war
*Ejected US occupation force from Iraq
*Grew proxies and allies in Iraq
*Grew Hamas military arsenal and supplied advance arms
*Established a second proxy on the golan heights and Israel’s eastern Border.
*Grew Houthi’s arsenal and supplied with advance arms including long distance drones, cruise missiles, and BMs.

So yes Iran has truly done nothing.

In less than 2 years pakistan have bombed 5 locations in Indian controlled territories. (something you can only dream against your adversaries)
Shot down 2 of their jets,
Annihilated Indian terrorists in Afghanistan,
Make India irrelevant in Afghanistan,
etc etc

It's becoming increasingly difficult to argue against this evident observation unfortunately.

We can only hope Iran has a hard-hitting comprehensive set of retaliations in the works to stem these attacks with the plan to enact them sometime in the near future. If deterrence is reestablished then we can breathe a little easier but until then, if it even happens, we must remain vigilant.

A single nation under cruel sanctions and working against a superpower and a regional power (both with nuclear triads in place), two of the best intelligence agencies in the world and a black box of billions of dollars in annual funding to counter any Iranian moves (not to mention the entire degenerate Gulf monarchies in tow) --- it's not easy to maintain deterrence.

That's why it is critical for any such country wanting to stand on its own feet to develop a nuclear deterrent ASAP.

In less than 2 years pakistan have bombed 5 locations in Indian controlled territories. (something you can only dream against your adversaries)
Shot down 2 of their jets,
Annihilated Indian terrorists in Afghanistan,
Make India irrelevant in Afghanistan,
etc etc


If, today, we didn't have nukes and India did --- and we were under crippling sanctions with all regional countries against us --- how would we have fared?

If, today, we didn't have nukes and the US and Israel decided to screw us over, what do you think we could do? Next to nothing.

Did we have the balls to bomb US soldiers in Afghan bases with our own ballistic missiles after Salala? Or when they killed numerous Pakistani citizens through other means?

Give Iran the credit it deserves.

What Iran needs is to reach sufficient enrichment stockpiles and know-how to conduct tests and arm its ballistic missiles (publicly) with nuclear warheads. That should serve as a healthy deterrent.


A batch of centrifuges destroyed is no issue for Iran.
Likely most of those parts survived the explosion and even fire in their boxes.

The issue are the balancing machines and calibration systems which need to be replaced.

This facility was Irans asset to tell the west that it can rapidly assemble new gen. centrifuges in case there is a issue with JCPOA + Irans willingness.

Under JCPOA Iran can't produce many advanced centrifuges anyway: It was there as a threat for negotiation.

Technically important for Iran is the continuous operation of its new gen. centrifuges in the R&D area. If that was hit... that would be a serious setback.
Not because the value of the hardware, but because longterm tests are done there and it would be a loss of expiration and time.

Most important is the production chain of the centrifuges which not at Natanz. Those facilities which build the components are important and they are not affected at all.

So this operation had the goal to take a negotiation asset away from Iran. For Irans nuclear program its not important.
In case of a emergency, the IR1 first generation centrifuge facility can assemble new gen. centrifuges, it just would take more manhours to do so.

Last point: Iran is still working to find a next gen. candidate centrifuge that is cleared for serial production. It would have never used that assembly facility at max. potential as there is no "final design" yet.
Only a few cascades of IR6 were planed to increase the pressure on the west.

With all this in mind, it becomes clearer what bullshit the NY times produced here.

Good to hear a logical opinion.

You consider Tel Aviv “safe”? Even weak Hamas can do attacks in Israel. Iran can have 100 “Iranians” in Tel Aviv tomorrow under 100 different passports.

You do realize Iranian agents have killed all across the world even with peoples identities changed new documents and decades having passed, Iranian agents always catch up. Just do a simple google search.

Also none of these people get high security detail. Maybe a few bodyguards for a few years, but eventually country’s governments change and people forget. There is no loyalty among the West or Zionists to traitors of other countries.

Sooner or later even that person gets tired of constant staying in a safe house. The restricted movement and not having the freedom to explore. They sit cooped up in a prison of their own making. Meanwhile Iranian agents continuing tracking them down and documenting them.

Then eventually over time they make a mistake or a lapse in judgment and that’s when they get snuffed.

Would be interested to know about these Mossad-esque decades-later hits in foreign lands that you speak of. I believe this capability should exist with every intel agency wanting to play an active global role.

Turkey's MIT has shown it can kidnap people in other countries and bring them back to Turkey as well. Politics aside, I was pretty impressed (as it takes both operational skill and political will.)

Did we have the balls to bomb US soldiers in Afghan bases with our own ballistic missiles after Salala? Or when they killed numerous Pakistani citizens through other means?

Salala incident was a case of friendly fire. You don't start attacking each other in a friendly fire incident. Did United States bombed Israel after a friendly fire incident?
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