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Long march begins

Crackdown can’t foil long march, sit-in: Nawaz

Updated at: 0746 PST, Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RAIWIND: Chief Pakistan Muslim League (N) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has left from here for Abbottabad where he is expected to address a huge public rally.

Talking to party leaders before leaving from here, Nawaz strongly condemned crackdown launched by government against the leaders of opposition and said, “These house-arrests will not be able to foil lawyers’ long march and sit-in which is being struggled in wake of restoration of judiciary and supremacy of law in Pakistan.”

He vowed that the leaders together with activists of PML-N would overpower all kind of barriers and would successfully make their way into Islamabad for long march and sit-in.

Nawaz Sharif is expected to announce his party’s future course of action during his address in Abbottabad while He was accompanied by Senator Pervez Rasheed on his way to Abbottabad.

Crackdown can’t foil long march, sit-in: Nawaz - GEO.tv
Pakistan going through its worst crisis ever: Nawaz

Updated at: 1423 PST, Wednesday, March 11, 2009


ABBOTTABAD: Pakistan Muslim League-N Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif has asked the nation to get ready for offering sacrifices for a revolution in the country.

Addressing a charged rally here on Wednesday, Nawaz said time had come that the people should come on streets to change their destiny. He asked the people to take part in the long march of lawyers, if they wanted to change their fate.

Nawaz said President Asif Ali Zardari has again introduced the politics of horse-trading in the country. He lauded the efforts of Iqbal Zafar Jhagra, Sardar Mehtab Khan and Pir Sabir Shah for the restoration of deposed judges and supremacy of constitution.

"Today is a defining moment in Pakistan's history. We can change the destiny of this country. Pakistan stands at a crossroads today and it is your duty to save it," Nawaz said.

"We want to change this outdated system because it poses a danger to our existence and they want to charge me for sedition," he told the rally of thousands of supporters, who cheered and waved party banners.

The PML-N Quaid said the people were facing a grim situation, because they had not learnt to rise up against the system. He said the PML-N would not go nation’s sacrifices unnoticed. He said the society was facing unrest, turmoil and anxiety because of the wrong and inconsistent policies of the previous and incumbent governments.

Pakistan going through its worst crisis ever: Nawaz - GEO.tv
Well why not you yourself mentioned that the GDP is very low and unemployment is at its highest and power sector is failing making the industrial sector fail as well. Open media promises written signed agreements are broken woth no shame no one person has taken responsibility over the incedent of the Srilankan cricket team, and the people of Pakistan are learning who to vote for and who not to vote for in the future.
Time will tell though Omar1984 do you know if the media will be banned froms showing the long march or is that just a Hoax?
Regular army deployed in Punjab they really want a showdown I hope all remains well but the present government is making sure it doesn't. Zardari should be tried in court for Musharraf like activities.
i wonder how this Long March will ever be successful

Today my elder brother told me the police raid all over Punjab and even in my city "Gujrat" where we have a shop and police arrested my cousin (from opposite our shop), our next shop's owner, and wanted to arrest my brother too

and the only reason was that they thought they are the supporters of Nawaz League and may participate in the long march...... and my brother was suspecting someone (my other neighbour) that he had told police about this but fortunately that policeman was someone familiar to my brother and the police guy asked him to leave immediately before someone else arrest him..... later on my cousin and the other guy after 2 and half hours in prison was also released because of our contacts

so this is all it's happening in Punjab right now ..... police is not just arresting the politicians but even the civilians without any proofs
Arrest anyone who engages in these utterly USELESS protests, stupid jobless lowlives, go to work for a change and help your nation and your people out for ONCE.
Why rally for a corrupt person? Are people retarded?
Arrest anyone who engages in these utterly USELESS protests, stupid jobless lowlives, go to work for a change and help your nation and your people out for ONCE.
Why rally for a corrupt person? Are people retarded?

Lets not pick this arguement and bicker again I have relatives that are as neutral as ever and they hate all parties but today they were locked up in the station and will be released after the long march people go away is that fair? Had it been your own uncle would you not feel for bringing change.
I can only laugh at your thinking,

I just wanted to get my voice heard to. I strongly apoose current politicans including Sharif brothers, but in the current senario where the President of Pakistan is Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, a know culprit with a 6year plus jail time under his belt, it makes my head fall in shame.... due to this very reson I strongly disagree with the "no long march" theory of yours, I think all of them should be ousted PPP , MQM , PML, ANP etc but THAT cannot happen can it? so according to your "no long march" theory the 2nd storngest party in Pakistan would be crushed making a politcal VOID which the ruling PPP will EXPLOIT with ABUSE OF POWER, which can be currently seen here in Karachi. I my self have littreally counted (with number GOV number plates) the Parado's bought by the PPP govt in KHI... and the one I have seen in the last year or so the firures are;

Pajeros (new after elction models): 138 (individual)
Parado: 71 (individual)

Total Cost: 300+million ruppes!
Guarded with police mobiles + police, estimate cost: 50+ million ruppes

With all these govt cars and the "Bharam" attitude going on in KHI by them I (and I am sure most of here do) personally feel more insecre becouse of them.... you should write about that maybe? this was not the case before PPP.

Anyways, I can go along and give you a long lists of things good & bad about all this .... but I can make out you are more mature than me to be writting something with so surety. But I also feel by posting articles like these you are only supporting PPP which in any case in not at all better or worse that PML... and I wish this would not have happened BECOUSE now there will be a HUGE political VOID and PPP will use it in his interest and there will be no BIG political party to challange it.

What do you say about THAT?
Oh comon.... GROW UP!

I can ask a gazillion questions like these of Zardari and the PPP but I wont coz its of no use..... either kill all the damn politicions or keep em all....
long march is for the soverignity of pakistan and against the manopoly of these politicians
KARACHI: Hundreds of black-suited lawyers and flag-waving opposition activists launched a cross-country protest on Thursday, as the year-old civilian coalition government scrambled for ways to avert a showdown.

Police detained hundreds of political activists on Wednesday, and banned public rallies. But Interior Ministry Chief Rehman Malik said on Thursday the so-called ‘long march’ that set out from Karachi and Quetta would be allowed to go ahead.

‘We'll not stop them, but if someone tries to take the law in his hand I must say in the house that he won't be allowed,’ Malik told the National Assembly.

‘This is a war for power and rule and unless we get out of this sphere, such things will keep on happening.’

Opposition leader and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has thrown his weight behind the lawyers, putting him into open confrontation with Zardari.

Infuriated by a Supreme Court ruling barring him and his brother from elected office, and by Zardari ejecting his party from power in Punjab province, Sharif has called the protest a defining moment for Pakistan.

Stoking tension in a country with a grim record of assassinations, a spokesman for Sharif said the government had ‘hatched a plot’ to kill him.

Zardari's spokesman dismissed that as ‘political gimmickry’ and said the Sharif brothers had been promised full security.

As the long march got under way, a coalition partner said Zardari had agreed to two opposition demands, without giving details.

The comments by Asfandyar Wali Khan, whose Awami National Party heads a government in the NWFP, raised hopes for reconciliation a day after police detained hundreds of political activists and banned rallies.

Sharif told Reuters last week his main demands were the restoration of the judge and a reversal of last month's court ruling.

In another sign of possible compromise, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said late on Wednesday, after meeting with army chief General Ashfaq Kayani, that the government wanted central rule in Punjab to end.

If the crisis gets out of hand, the army, which has ruled for more than half the country's 61 years of history, could feel compelled to intervene, though analysts have little expectation that Pakistan would revert to military rule so soon.

In Karachi paramilitary soldiers and police ringed the High Court where lawyers were assembling, stopping their cars and buses from approaching.

Instead, several hundred lawyers streamed out of the building on foot, where they joined political activists outside.

‘We've started the march to achieve our goal,’ Munir A. Malik, a former president of the Supreme Court bar association and a protest organiser, told Reuters.

Earlier, about 100 members of the Jamaat-e-Islami party allied with the lawyers scuffled with police who stopped them entering the High Court, a witness said.

Police later lashed out with batons to disperse the crowd. Lawyers were also gathering in Quetta a witness said.

The protesters hope to converge on Islamabad on Monday to demand the reinstatement of former Supreme Court chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry.

Protesters plan a sit-in near parliament, although the government, which came to power after elections last year after nine years of military rule, has said they will not be allowed in the city centre.

US and British diplomats have been meeting all sides in recent days in an effort to avert violence and chaos and US envoy to the region Richard Holbrooke telephoned Gilani, his office said.
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Long march begins, government looks for way out

Is their any light at the end of tunnel ?
I am sure the long march will reap better results for the future rather than the present
Check the media and see the viloence being conducted by the police and stand for the right cause.
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