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Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

Once again I have to explain basic shit to people on the internet.

A study is not the reality. The entirety of reality anyway. Shocking I know.

Ever heard of critical thinking? Because most Chinese here sure doesn't.

Just because the Jews are well off compared to the rest of the population doesn't mean anything.

We all know what the danger of this kind of thinking into Indonesian China ethnic, such stupid moves and thinking to perceived them above the rest. Thats why Lee Kwan Yeu abhors the Chinese mainland for such attitude
the chinese are very dominant in indonesian economy they have to cower to soeharto policies of using Javanese names, forget mandarin and seems very successful controlling the state apparatus to protect them in 1998. not to mention their money successfully sent Ahok to become Jakarta governor and avoid prison (just kidding).

very powerful people indeed
@dy1022 @Kai Liu @flowerfan2020 @FairAndUnbiased

It's almost like Chinese are Jew-ish, no wonder they want to stop Chinese

We are very different than Jews. They have a small population, we have a large one. We can't hide like they can. We have to take and defend every grain of rice we've ever had, nothing is given to us.

TBH Chinese are actually quite similar to white Americans in some aspects, except we're more collectivist and long term thinkers. In other aspects, we're similar to Russians. From a Dutch study: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/china,the-usa/

In Chinese culture, the businessman is the lowest class both in Confucian culture after officials, farmers and workers (士农工商) and in modern culture (工农兵) after workers, peasants and soldiers. Nobody in traditional Chinese culture wanted to be a businessman, it was forced on us by the British.
China's "friends" also not real friend because most of them are just in it for the money & can't even be expected to come to China's aid.

& The Chinese here actually believes they can stand up to the US alone.

Meanwhile US of A friendship came from the forge of blood and sacrifice, just like how US fighting against IJA to liberate Philippines or how US fighting in Korean war, such alliance is more thick than bloods.
Indonesian people must remember if it's not for the US pressure , Indonesia will never be independent and Papua will never be part of NKRI.

US is no saint, but if the world is a choice between china and the US, I say we go to the US camp.
Indonesian people must remember if it's not for the US pressure , Indonesia will never be independent and Papua will never be part of NKRI.

US is no saint, but if the world is a choice between china and the US, I say we go to the US camp.

There is reason why Indonesia prefer to crushed and quelled communist revolution not one but Twice!!! And keep their Chinese population in check in case of double agents from communist mainland!!!
We all know what the danger of this kind of thinking into Indonesian China ethnic, such stupid moves and thinking to perceived them above the rest. Thats why Lee Kwan Yeu abhors the Chinese mainland for such attitude
Yeah I personally don't understand the mainland Chinese members here. They act like autistic kids & demands to be respected at the same time.

Just because the Chinese are generally well off compared to the locals doesn't really translate to them betraying their country for China.

My family especially are supporters of the new order & my uncle cried when suharto was toppled. I even voted & personally met prabowo once. In the last election I voted for Jokowi because of how poor of a debater he was during the debate.
LMAO... Dirt poor low IQ oboriginals are triggered again.. LMAO...
What I have shown about you dirt poor oboriginals are from your beloved west media, you should not deny your 'truthful' west media...
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I thought this article was written by Gordon Chang. It's not but it would have made him proud.
Germany/EU, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Israel, Central America, South America and Africa are all with China.
Germany/EU, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Israel, Central America, South America and Africa are all with China.

Now, 27 Nations Drag China To UNHRC Over Atrocities Against Its Own People; Seek Access

The countries include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom.

Now, 27 Nations Drag China To UNHRC Over Atrocities Against Its Own People; Seek Access

The countries include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom.

Who cares about UNHRC. The real power is with the UNSC veto countries.

EU does not care about Hong Kong. UK is no longer part of EU to influence EU on Hong Kong.

Would they go to war with the US?

Exactly so China is still screwed.

EU just ignores US/UK.
Who cares about UNHRC. The real power is with the UNSC veto countries.

EU does not care about Hong Kong. UK is no longer part of EU to influence EU on Hong Kong.

EU just ignores US/UK.
I see 2 countries with veto power on the list.... UK and France with lmao. don't forget the US.

china friends are a collection of failed states and dictatorial countries like cuba,syria,iran ,nk, lao, cambodia etc. it have no weight whatsoever in international politics.

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