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Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

So what? Your masters were also caught like dogs here:omghaha::
the other one is commoner usa man bullied chinese in your own country :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
don't even try to compare it
All types of machines falling under Machinery category

Machinery Exporting Countries in 2018
Exporter Printing Machinery Exports (US$)
1. China $17.7 billion
2. Netherlands $11.7 billion
3. Germany $10.6 billion
4. Japan $9.9 billio
how printer going to help in war? drop flyers tell enemy stop fighting and leave you alone?
the other one is commoner usa man bullied chinese in your own country :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
don't even try to compare it

how printer going to help in war? drop flyers tell enemy stop fighting and leave you alone?
We are talking about trade category breakdown, not wars.
By friend they mean actual ally that will come to the aid of china in case shit hit the fans.

Other than the Norks & Pakistan. Of which it will still be unlikely of them helping China against the US. China is pretty much alone.

While the US have:
- South Korea
- Japan
- Taiwan
- Australia
- Philippines
This is just the Pacific allies not to mentioning the commonwealth countries. With the possible addition of:
- Vietnam
- India
- Indonesia

Pakistan and China is going to mincemeat India together.

As for the US LOL Let them first get over corona and BLM.
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Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

The ledger is brutally clear. Xi Jinping's regime has no allies of global economic weight or credibility.

Some 53 countries backed China's treatment of Hong Kong in the UN Human Rights Council, a body now under the thumb of Beijing. They make up just 4 per cent of the world's GDP. Most are authoritarian statelets locked into the neo-colonial infrastructure nexus of China's "belt and road" initiative.

The only G20 member to have lined up on China's side was Mohammad bin Salman's Saudi Arabia, a struggling middle-income autocracy running out of places to sell its oil.

The list offers a revealing view of the strategic order emerging in the early 2020s. The rich Western and Asian democracies, which still control the international economic system, are coalescing into a united front. China is starting to pay the exorbitant price for its wolf warrior diplomacy. Xi has given us a nasty foretaste of what the world will be like if the Communist Party ever attains global mastery.

This week he went so far as to extend extra-territorial jurisdiction of the Article 34 sedition law in Hong Kong to anybody, anywhere in the world. Professor Donald Clarke, from George Washington University, says the intent is simply "to put the fear of God into all China critics the world over".

Yet China is not a sufficiently developed economic and technological superpower to pull this off. One is tempted to say that Xi has jumped the gun, except that there is no such thing as a linear path to Chinese supremacy. Modern post-Mao China has in a sense peaked and is now in incipient decline.

The "second derivative" was already turning as far back as 2007. That was the year when the all-conquering Chinese economy, armed with a suppressed currency, racked up a mercantilist current account surplus of 10 per cent of GDP and $US4 trillion ($5.7 trillion) of foreign reserves, a weakness that some mistook for strength. Its voracious industrial expansion was driving a commodity super-cycle, absorbing half the world's iron ore output.

But then China made its great mistake. Communist Party strategists falsely concluded that the Lehman crisis had permanently wounded the US and discredited free-market liberalism. It tempted the politburo into clinging too long to a growth model past its sell-by date, plagued by reliance on Leninist state capitalism and the productivity-killing, state-owned entities.

Premier Li Keqiang warned against this miscalculation eight years ago in a report by his brain trust, the Development Research Council. It said the low-hanging fruit of state-driven industrialisation was largely exhausted and that catch-up growth driven by imported know-how had hit the limits.

It concluded that Beijing would have to embrace pluralism and relax its suffocating grip on society if it was to reach the tech frontier where the air is thinner. Delay would consign China to a middle-income trap that had ensnared Latin America or North Africa.

Li Keqiang was right. China's total factor productivity growth has collapsed from an average rate of 2.8 per cent in the early 2000s (according to the World Bank) to just 0.7 per cent over the last decade. China is longer on the "convergence" trajectory carved out by Japan and then Korea as they reached take-off and vaulted into the elite tier. It risks stalling long before it is rich.

The Huawei saga has exposed just how much the country still lags, a surprise to some who have bought into the media narrative of Chinese hi-tech ascendancy. China is not yet capable of making the advanced semiconductor chips used for telecommunications or programmable FPGA circuits.

It has yet to crack the materials science required to make the latest microscopic chips and lacks the critical raw material needed to sustain its ambitions for global dominance of 5G mobile and the coming "internet of things". The US controls the world's semiconductor ecosystem, working tightly with Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

All Washington had to do in May was to flick its fingers and Taiwan's TSMC instantly cut off chip supplies to Huawei, dooming the company's 5G global quest at a stroke. Britain does not have the option of sticking with Huawei even if it wants to do so. The US Congress is not going to allow an arm of the Chinese state - serving Xi's doctrine of civil-military fusion - to acquire global control over a key technological choke point.

China's economy looks stronger than it really is because output has been flattered by the illusion of a systemic credit bubble. This has pushed the public-private debt ratio to 330 per cent, leading to a forest of malinvestments and an ever-diminishing macro-economic return on loans. State control over the banking system probably ensures that this will not end in a Minsky moment or a classical financial crisis. It will end instead in stagnation.

China is now in trouble. It needs unfettered global access for its companies to reach the critical break-through achieved by Japan and Korea. It is instead being shut out by one country after another as they respond to provocations. India banned TikTok and 58 other Chinese apps last week, ostensibly on security grounds. The US has frozen out China Mobile.

Xi is obviously not going to back down over Hong Kong but the cost of escalating commercial conflict is no longer negligible for China. Punitive action against Australia and Canada has been a disaster for Beijing's global credibility. Lashing out at British interests would compound the damage. Each episode accelerates the creation of a containment alliance, soon to be led with much greater statecraft by a multilateral president Biden.

"If we make China an enemy, China will become an enemy," says Liu Xiaoming, China's ambassador in London, playing on the theme of the Thucydides Trap. This historical analogy purports to show that conflict becomes inevitable when a status quo power (Sparta) tries to hold down the rise of a rival (Athens).

It is a useful notion for Beijing, inducing paralysis in the West. But it has no relevance to the current great power clash. China is not rising any longer. It is ageing more quickly than the West. The reserve army of migrant workers from the villages has dried up. The workforce is already contracting and will shrink by 200 million over the next 30 years in a spectacular demographic collapse.

The proper British response as it decides what to do about Huawei, Hong Kong and China's escalating threats is surely polite but inflexible resistance, in the knowledge that Xi's hand is weaker than he lets on.

If the democracies bide their time and hold together, China will eventually settle down and accept that it too is a greying status quo nation and perhaps even that its bid for global supremacy is going nowhere.

The Telegraph, London

@KAL-EL @Joe Shearer @T-123456 @F-22Raptor @Gomig-21 @VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Vergennes @gambit

The above is an opinion piece rather than a factual article. The author Ambrose Evans-Ritchards is a layman and doesn't have the credentials to write factual and official articles regarding international relations.
List them. I can't think of any other than North Korea and Singapore. Even Pakistan will come around to other view.


So friendless that at the UN the Western imperialists cannot find a single Islamic nation siding with them against China.

So helpless that 50+ countries voted in China's favor.

LOL the only dog in the neighborhood that the West has is Rapistan India.

The West is going to continue to beg Islamic and developing nations to ditch China. It won't happen and the white angry colonialist is going to get angrier.
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The above is an opinion piece rather than a factual article.
So friendless that at the UN the Western imperialists cannot find a single Islamic nation siding with them against China.

So helpless that 50+ countries voted in China's favor.

LOL the only dog in the neighborhood that the West has in Rapistan India.

The article in the OP is an opinion piece, not a factual or official analysis. It proves or confirms nothing, just the opinions of the author.
You talk so many ifs and buts, I only care about the reality, China is recovering and regaining strength, making more money through global trade, US is deep in crisis with no end in sight. Trust of the west is delining due to their poor performance in curbing the coronavirus, a new world order is starting to shape.
Apparently you don't understand what example means. There is no if & but. This is something that has been done before there is precedence why economic ties doesn't mean shit when china just like Germany engages in aggressive & expansionist policies.

You are either naive or a fool to believe otherwise.

article is objective, author wrote some points to ponder instead of ranting "evil China".

I only have one objection and that is blabbering about so called democracy, it matters not bcoz dictators are Western allies in Middle east, the real fear of white men is emergence of Asians once again after abnormal rise of whites.

This is war for white supremacy which is bound to fail.

Why this sudden ire against China in western media? did China invented some extra terrestrial tech or China invaded any country? Or they are just feeling presence of China in the room.. lol
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Most chinese posters here dont understand what the anti-China comments truly meant. The anti-China comments reveal the deep down fear of China: The possiblity of emerging new world order where China will play a vital role (OBOR, Digital Yuan etc). The world after the corona will not be the same again no matter how hard one try to deny. The fear of China is further strengthens by the defeat of India in recent clash by China. Imagine a country with almost the same population size of China and yet subdued so easily. What are the chances other (smaller) country has against China? In order to deny the HARD reality as it is, many resort to tough talks on internetforum (reddit etc) and refer to newspaper/online articles that suit their narratives and not reading other articles that point otherwise. Barking dog doesnt bite. Talk is cheap. It is the deed that matters and the ground reality.

Posters above kept talking about communism. Not realizing that communism in China has long been gone. It is communism in name only by lack of definition of what the current chinese state is. If one needs to know what true communism is, one needs only read Das Kapital by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. China/PRC is by far no communism state anymore. It is more like a socialist nationalist state under the current regime.

If i were you no need to responds and entertain their fear. Let them have their mental peace by reading the many western/indian articles about Big Bad China and the coming defeat of China by the coalition of democratic countries in the world. Reality wise...

Dont take their comments too serious. Instead just chill and listen to these music while reading their silly comments.

The ledger is brutally clear. Xi Jinping's regime has no allies of global economic weight or credibility.

Who needs allies or friends in international geopolitics? All China needs is sufficient commonality of national interests to get its way. After all, others are doing the same.
Some 53 countries backed China's treatment of Hong Kong in the UN Human Rights Council, a body now under the thumb of Beijing. They make up just 4 per cent of the world's GDP.

The only G20 member to have lined up on China's side was Mohammad bin Salman's Saudi Arabia, a struggling middle-income autocracy running out of places to sell its oil.

Supporting China:
China, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo-Brazzaville, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, UAE, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Supporting terrorism or bullied by U.S. to support terrorism:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K.

American and Indian fake democracy and free speech lovers:
Your voices and votes dont matter because you are poor.
And yes we are comitting crimes, warcrimes and terrorism to keep you poor.
Who needs allies or friends in international geopolitics? All China needs is sufficient commonality of national interests to get its way. After all, others are doing the same.

It would mean much more if it operationalises and gains crediblity with its own currency.

But it doesn't (and it is quite telling why).....and continues to piggyback on USD (but never paid into it institutionally)....this is a huge problem now for them.

A 4 billion dollar level gold ponzi scam has already been unearthed recently....to give some idea of the cascade now as more chips get called when you are not the final issuing authority (in cold hard terms, with established accepted norms by significant others) of your national interest.

Supporting China:
China, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo-Brazzaville, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, UAE, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Supporting terrorism or bullied by U.S. to support terrorism:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K.

American and Indian fake democracy and free speech lovers:
Your voices and votes dont matter because you are poor.
And yes we are comitting crimes, warcrimes and terrorism to keep you poor.

Autistic much?
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