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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Britain's rioters: young, poor and disillusioned
By MEERA SELVA - Associated Press,PAISLEY DODDS - Associated Press | AP – 1 hr 12 mins ago
LONDON (AP) — Each of the young rioters who clogged Britain's courthouses painted a bleak picture of a lost generation: a 15-year-old Ukrainian whose mother died, a 17-year-old who followed his cousin into the mayhem, an 11-year-old arrested for stealing a garbage can.
Britain is bitterly divided on the reasons behind the riots. Some blame the unrest on opportunistic criminality, while others say conflicting economic policies and punishing government spending cuts have deepened inequalities in the country's most deprived areas.
Many of the youths themselves struggle to find any plausible answer, but a widespread sense of alienation emerges from their tales.
"Nobody is doing nothing for us — not the politicians, not the cops, no one," a 19-year-old who lives near Tottenham, the blighted London neighborhood where the riots started. He only gave his nickname, "Freddy," because he took part in the looting and was scared of facing prosecution; he was not among the youths in court.
Britain has one of the highest violent crime rates in the EU. Roughly 18 percent of youths between 16 and 24 are jobless and nearly half of all black youths are out of work.
As the government battles colossal government debt with harsh welfare cuts that promise to make the futures of these youths even bleaker, some experts say it's narrow-minded to believe the riots have only been a random outburst of violence unrelated to the current economic crisis.
"There's a fundamental disconnect with a particular section of young Britain and sections of the political establishment," said Matthew Goodwin, a politics professor at University of Nottingham.
"The argument that this doesn't have anything to do with expenditure cuts or economics doesn't stand up to the evidence. If that's true, then what we have here are hundreds of young, crazed kids simply acting irrationally. I don't think that's the case."
Nearly 1,200 people have been arrested since the riots erupted Saturday, mostly poor youths from a broad section of Britain's many races and ethnicities.
Courts have been running nearly 24 hours a day to hear all the cases since the rioting began. Most cases are heard in a blink of an eye and only give a snapshot of some of the youngsters' lives. Many of the defendants haven't had a chance to talk at length with their attorneys, and most can't be named because they are minors.
An 11-year-old boy from Romford, Essex, was among one of the youngest to appear in court on Wednesday. Wearing a blue Adidas tracksuit, the youngster spoke only to confirm his name, age and date of birth.
The boy pleaded guilty to burglary, after stealing a waste bin worth 50 pounds. A charge of violent disorder was dropped.
Attorneys for some of the defendants said their clients were good kids who have caring families but got caught up in the violence.
Daniel Cavaglieri, one of the lawyers for a 17-year-old who appeared at Highbury Magistrates Court, said the youth was studying mechanics and trying to finish school. He was accused of following his older cousin to loot a clothing shop, and charged with intent to steal.
"His mother is furious he was out and about at that time. She genuinely thought he was at a friend's house," Cavaglieri told the court. "He's going to be grounded."
Another defendant, a 15-year-old immigrant from Ukraine, pleaded not guilty to using or threatening unlawful violence. He already has a criminal record for theft, and police said he threw stones and other missiles in the thick of Tuesday's rioting in London's Hackney area.
Prosecutors said the boy is an only child who lives with his widowed father. He came to Britain from Germany three years ago after leaving Ukraine when his mother died.
It's unclear what role racial tensions have played in the riots, if any.
In Tottenham, most residents are white but blacks from Africa or the Caribbean account for around a quarter of the ethnic mix. It's also home to Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Asian immigrants. The rage has appeared to cut across ethnic lines, with poverty as the main common denominator.
But there's a history of racial tension in many of these neighborhoods, and the riots themselves were triggered by the fatal police shooting of a black man in Tottenham.

In 1985, the neighborhood was home to the Broadwater Farm riot, an event seared in the memories of many of the rioters' parents. Back then, violence exploded area when a black woman died from a stroke during a police search. The area remains a hotbed of ethnic tension: In the past year, police have logged some 100 racist or religion based hate crimes.
Other social problems afflict the places where rioting erupted: high teen pregnancy rates, gun crime and drug trafficking.
Under the Labour-led government of Prime Minister Tony Blair, authorities tried to penalize badly behaved youth with Anti-Social Behavior Orders, or ASBOs. The orders have since become badges of honor for many of Britain's youth.
In 2008, there were more than 1 million reported cases of violent crimes in England and Wales alone. By comparison, there were 331,778 reported incidents in France and some 210,885 incidents in Germany. Violent crime carried out by children and teenagers is also among the highest in Europe.
"There's income inequality, extremely high levels of unemployment between 16 and 24-year-olds and huge parts of this population not in education or training," Goodwin said. "There's a general malaise amongst a particular generation."

Britain's Conservative-led government is implementing painful austerity measures in an attempt to get the country's finances in order. Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged 80 billion pounds ($129 billion) of spending cuts and 30 billion pounds in extra taxes to trim Britain's huge deficit, swollen after the government spent billions bailing out foundering banks.
The plans to cut services from welfare to education sparked violent protests last year, as students took to the streets to demonstrate against the tripling of university fees. The government is also cutting civil service jobs and benefits, raising the state pension age from 65 to 66, hiking the amount public sector employees contribute to pensions and reducing their retirement payouts.
The austerity measures will also slash housing benefit payments used to subsidize rents for the low-paid, threatening to price tens of thousands of poor families out of their homes and force them toward the fringes of the country's capital.
Economists at the Centre for Economic Policy Research say such cuts promise more unrest. Most of Britain's deepest cuts haven't even come yet.
"There's usually something that sparks these things off," said Hans-Joachim Voth, a research fellow at the center. "The question is why is it that in 90 percent of these cases that nothing happens? Why is it that some places just end up like a tinder box?"
Gabriele Steinhauser in Brussels and Cassandra Vinograd in London contributed to this report.
Viral videos swirl through London
By Mike Krumboltz | The Upshot
The riots that began in London following the death of Mark Duggan, continue to spread across England, sparking both fear and outrage. Fueling the strong responses are viral videos from eyewitnesses. Some show specific acts of violence. Others focus on responses to the causes of the unrest.
Perhaps the buzziest video involves an injured man on the street. A group of men approach the dazed man, and at first it looks like they are going to help him. But then the group begins going through his backpack, stealing items.
The injured man was later identified as Asyraf Haziq, a 20-year-old Malaysian student. He is currently being treated at a London hospital for a broken jaw and damaged teeth. According to the U.K. Guardian, Haziq was on his way to buy groceries when he was attacked.
You can see the video below, but please note that it may disturb some viewers.
Viral videos swirl through London | The Upshot - Yahoo! News
It looks like that White A*hole took the poor boy's IPAD or something like similar to that

Indian shops have been massively looted in London, among many Indians who were looted, Sikh Indians stood brave while other got looted and plundered all, I saw an Indian Anikta Patel a shop keeper was all crying.

Bangladeshi, Chinese, Pakistanis shops have been attacked too, and destroyed, but most of them stood bravely where these communities are strong.

Any plans to have a united "ASIAN community" stand against mostly "Black rioters" from all asian countries????

East London = Ilford, Manor Park, Green Street could be potential new targets of attacks from looter thugs, greedy and oppurtunists.

Ethnic minorities are seen as soft targets by youths..But this time their concept must have been cleared as ethnic minorities as Turkish,Pakistani and Sikh communities stood guard to their majority areas..

English Defence Leage EDL bafoons also tried to copy the same..But they ended up attacking black youths for no reason and police had to intervene and disperse them...while on the other hand ethnic monorities were not disturbed by police when they stood guard in their areas as they were well behaved compared to EDL idiots

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Sikh defence teams defending the Gudwaras and mosques.
You completely missed my point. Maybe you should read the entire conversation and you'll get what my point is.

I understand your point, but I have to disagree with one aspect. (Pockets of) EDL-gangs are actually trying to exploit these riots to further their own agenda. Trying to create more racial tensions, while race has little to do with these criminal acts.
Viral videos swirl through London
By Mike Krumboltz | The Upshot
The riots that began in London following the death of Mark Duggan, continue to spread across England, sparking both fear and outrage. Fueling the strong responses are viral videos from eyewitnesses. Some show specific acts of violence. Others focus on responses to the causes of the unrest.
Perhaps the buzziest video involves an injured man on the street. A group of men approach the dazed man, and at first it looks like they are going to help him. But then the group begins going through his backpack, stealing items.
The injured man was later identified as Asyraf Haziq, a 20-year-old Malaysian student. He is currently being treated at a London hospital for a broken jaw and damaged teeth. According to the U.K. Guardian, Haziq was on his way to buy groceries when he was attacked.
You can see the video below, but please note that it may disturb some viewers.
Viral videos swirl through London | The Upshot - Yahoo! News
It looks like that White A*hole took the poor boy's IPAD or something like similar to that

It's his PSP. They also robbed him of his bike, his wallet and mobile phone.

LONDON RIOTS 2011: Ashraf Haziq had jaw smashed then was robbed by thugs | Mail Online
Somehow the real event that triggered all sh*t is when a WHITE Policeman SHOT BLACK Mark Duggan !!!

Apart from that other real things are greed, criminality, selective job profiling for whites, unemployment, economic crisis in UK, BLACK GANGSTERSHIP and no desire to learn n educate by these thugs, looters and gangsters.

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Don't also forget that he was a known criminal, a cocaine dealer (probably poisoned some poor Pakistani youngsters with drugs as well) who carried a gun.:wave:

Then I stand corrected, this black Mark Duggun was killed for good if he had gun, a drug dealer in self-defence of the white policeman. But really why kill? Although, Black gangsters has got a hold in UK now destroying other communities, they should be send back to Africa and Caribbean, i think !!!

Social and Economic problems of UK are major problems apart race, exaggeration of immigration from Asian Countries is not a big issue anymore.

The truth is the youth in UK are failures in study, mind, intellect and completely have no desire to get qualified and become civilised, they are looters, thugs for sure, and ethnic wise Black men are the most big troublemakers (everyone now stays away from them) and then some Europeans, Asians and British youngsters. - A WARNING for things to come :mod::agree:
Then I stand corrected, this black Mark Duggun was killed for good in self-defence of the white policeman. Also Black gangsters has got a hold in UK now destroying other communities, they should be send back to Africa and Caribbean, i think !!!

Social and Economic problems of UK are major issues too, exaggeration of immigration from Asian Countries is not a big issue anymore.

The truth is the youth in UK are failures in study, mind, intellect and completely have no desire to get qualified and become civilised, they are looters, thugs for sure, and ethnic wise Black men are the most apart troublemakers and then some Europeans, Asians and British youngsters. - A WARNING for things to come :mod::agree:

People who don't think these riots have anything to do with race need to better informed. The vast majority of the looting has been carried out by black youth gangs, with attachments of youths who are part of the gang. The events were sparked off by the killing of a infamous gangster of Afro-Caribbean heritage. Retaliation was then talked about on Twitter and Facebook and as a consequence various places blew up. It is no coincidence that the areas that were hit by rioting have large black communities e.g. Tottenham, Brixton, Peckham, Hackney, Lewisham, Toxteth, Leeds Chapel town, Birmingham Handsworth.
You completely missed my point. Maybe you should read the entire conversation and you'll get what my point is.

Yes I took this from your post no. 993 because the hypocrisy is literally starring in your face. Telling people that that they missed your point when you yourself have totally miss-read my post in its fullness.

The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities the police will be labeled "racist" and their will be a media hype about it if the police were to attacks these savages! And lets not forget that the root cause of these riots is the shooting of a non-white male.

Nope thats not going to happen. Thats so silly ........

Just because the media portray and shown were blacks,doesn't mean that most of them were ethnic minorities. actually most of them were white kids from run-down families whos families that don't give a monkeys. What you have said was completly sterotypical. Just recently two asians guys were stabbed by thugs who were defending thier shops -

there heck of a lot just calling the siege as race riots. its a lot more.
1) police corruption
2) politiains don't give damn and just want more money
3) societ has broken down period.

Elaborate how its silly when the whole riot started due to the shooting of a non-white male by Police?

Erm where did I ever say anything about the shooting. Could you high light in the post that you have quoted ...excatly nowhere. The Silly part is reference of your perception of the rioters/looters as being mostly ethinic minority when the actual issue IS further than the truth. However since you have brought subject on the shooting
The shooting has noooooooooo connection to the Looters, theses are not rioters but looters and criminal –
- Tell me Slient ninja what is the connection of destroying private business in crydon when the shooting took place in Tottenham - NOTHING
- What is the connection of the shootin in Tottenham and the looting of Debnahms in clapen common – NOTHING !
- Looting in mancheter, Bristol, Birmingham – NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING
Furthermore It whites aswell as ethinic minorities are in as well

I never denied that involvement of whites, but what makes you so sure that "most" of them are white?

What makes you so sure that most of them were ethinic minorities, what because the media says it when most of the people in London say otherwise ! ie mixture of black whites and asains, mostly whites is a lot are sayin FROM THE WHITE COMMUNITY i’m hearing and seeing. NOT the great portion of ethinic minorities as you have put it in your post.

So if its about minorities then its "stereotypical" but if its against a white person then its justice and completely alright? ok. BTW, how is it stereotypical when the whole riots began after the shooting of a non-white male by the police? Doesn't that prove my "stereotypical" point that the violence will only increase if the police start taking strong measure against these rioters?

Your post make no sence whatsoever


The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities.

No it does not prove you point at all. Its you who made the stereotyping of the rioters/looters as ethinc minorities as proven.


ANd this crazed I dea that these looting are control by afro-carribean, now where does asains people come into this and BNP thugs............excatly thses are looters getting in the oppitunity like i have said.

People were attacked by violent rioters regardless of their race or ethnicity, but when a white person defends his property he is labelled "racist".

Did I say anything about white people defending their properties as being racist
Did anywhere in the media say that ..............NO
Again you are jumping into conclusions

what have heard in media is the EDL who HAVE got involve obviously to stir more trouble. Because what they do I know I have seen , read their doctrine and asked people about them, They are canifying, parasite who use victims to gain their political support of racism. If they do get into power there will be a lot of thugs brewing killing alot of people.

Only here i will agree with you, politicians don't give a damn and only want more money.

No I didn’t just mention that Ninja there a lot more to than Politicains alot more

You see Ninja you don’t read post people properly and have totally missed the aguement

Well every group has their fare share of right wing parties, a good example is of those Muslims who are setting up "shariah" areas in parts of the UK, so if the whites have a "racist" party so let it be.

Really Ninja is that what you want......
Where are SHaria established in England like the thugs you referenced ?
However some English law have taken into some SHaria Laws and the white community in England hasn’t got a problem with it.

BTW tell me if you want those thugs , the right wings to establish, when they come into your backstreet beating your family to a pulp then tell me LET IT BE.
But for all of the people in England ......NO THANKs
No thanks to Mosley, NF, BNP or EDL .

'No **** or prostitution': Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

"Islamic extremists have launched a poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where Sharia law enforcement zones have been set up.

Communities have been bombarded with the posters, which read: ‘You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’

The bright yellow messages daubed on bus stops and street lamps have already been seen across certain boroughs in London and order that in the ‘zone’ there should be ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or concerts’, ‘no **** or prostitution’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’."

Read more: Anjem Choudary and Islamic extremists set up Sharia law zones in UK cities | Mail Online

‘Sharia-Controlled Zones’ Sweep UK

"Only days after a deranged Anders Breivik claimed creeping Islamization of Norway as an excuse for cold-bloodedly murdering 76 people, the majority of which were children, a group of British Muslim extremists have seemingly mocked the tragedy by hanging bright yellow posters in several London boroughs declaring them “Sharia-controlled zones.”

One has to wonder about the timing.

Pasted on bus stops and street lamps, the posters have appeared in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham. The message they convey is that there is to be “no gambling,” “no music or concerts,” “no **** or prostitution,” “no drugs or smoking” and “no alcohol” in the areas where the posters are displayed. The warning at the top reads: “You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.” The messages are going up in both Muslim and non-Muslim-majority areas and are expected to appear country-wide.

“We now have hundreds, if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us,” said Anjem Choudary, 41, the Muslim “preacher” claiming responsibility for the poster campaign."

‘Sharia-Controlled Zones’ Sweep UK | FrontPage Magazine

How are you comparing riots to white folks protecting their communities? And like you said, EDL is in minority, so why fuss over white folks protecting their property.

You know these Sharia Controlled Zones don't even exist? First sign of somebody trying somehting like this and it'd be all over the news with the police going in. It's just some hate preachers posting some posters claiming certain zones as "sharia controlled"; I doubt any drug dealer would have any regard for them.

The thing is, the EDL are 'white folks protecting their community', their certain people with hate for non-whites (splinter from the BNP since they want a more mainstream appeal since their current one isn't doing them any favours). White people would protect their communities regardless, there's a difference between them and the EDL. Let me give you an example, B'ham City Supporters have gathered today in B'ham City Centre to protect it from looters, do they march around chanting provactive slogans? No. Do they act in a threatening manner to innocent non-whites? No. The EDL/BNP are the MQM of Britain.
Then I stand corrected, this black Mark Duggun was killed for good if he had gun, a drug dealer in self-defence of the white policeman. But really why kill? Although, Black gangsters has got a hold in UK now destroying other communities, they should be send back to Africa and Caribbean, i think !!!

Social and Economic problems of UK are major problems apart race, exaggeration of immigration from Asian Countries is not a big issue anymore.

The truth is the youth in UK are failures in study, mind, intellect and completely have no desire to get qualified and become civilised, they are looters, thugs for sure, and ethnic wise Black men are the most big troublemakers (everyone now stays away from them) and then some Europeans, Asians and British youngsters. - A WARNING for things to come :mod::agree:

It isn't only black gangsters. Who's supplying the heroine? Pakistanis and Turks.
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